| $Id: THANKS,v 1.20 2003/03/02 16:38:17 t1mpy Exp $ |
| |
| id3lib THANKS file |
| |
| See the AUTHORS file for a list of past and current project maintainers. |
| |
| Since version 3.05a, several individuals have helped further the development of |
| id3lib. They are listed below, in no particular order. Please inform the |
| current project maintainer if anyone has been missed. |
| |
| * Paul-Henri (paul-henri.ferme@noos.fr) and Christopher John Shaker <(cjshaker@shaker-net.com) |
| for pointing out where the code could have been more robust in tag_find.cpp. |
| * Bradley J. Marker for pointing out that checking for NULL in Set() can |
| prevent crashes. |
| * Todd Wilson for making a better field.cpp. |
| * Baz (thebaz@pluizig.com) for creating a patch to get vbr info. |
| * Tobias Hoppe (choppe@cs.uni-magdeburg.de) for providing a better way to |
| get the framesize. |
| * Philipp Thomas (pthomas@suse.de) for help with compiling id3lib for gcc 3.2, |
| and make it better compliant with libstdc++ |
| * John George (johngeorge_k@asianetindia.com) for donating a number of routines |
| in misc_support.cpp. |
| * Frog Prince (thefrogprince@hotmail.com) for helping with compatibility issues |
| for VB and Delphi |
| * Simon Ferrett (simon@musicmatch.com) made the id3lib.org domain point to our |
| project page. He also kindly created an email alias. |
| * Kamran (kamran@musicmatch.com) fixed several bugs in MusicMatch's internal |
| version of ID3Lib which were merged into the current public version of |
| id3lib. |
| * Alexander Voronin (av@oskarsb.ru) has submitted several patches to fix a |
| variety of bugs. |
| * John Adcock (johnadcock@hotmail.com) provided the COM wrapper and lib |
| projects for id3lib, the VB test app for id3com.dll, as well as several |
| bugfixes and improvements. |
| * Myers W. Carpenter (myers@fil.org) has submitted a patch for improving the |
| interface and functionality of the library. |
| * Justin Rogers (justin@mlstoday.com) has provided much valuable conversation |
| as to the design and implementation of id3lib. |
| * Mark B. Elrod (elrod@liquidmetal.com) has provided several patches for better |
| win32 functionality. |
| * Scott Moser (smoser@brickies.net) provided the php translation of the |
| original ID3Lib manual |
| * Robert Moon (rob@emusic.com) provided tremendous help getting the C interface |
| up to speed, as well as providing bugfixes for the Windows projects. |
| * Lothar Egger (lothar.egger@chello.at) also assisted in fixing the Windows |
| projects, as well as providing assistance for testing the dlls under Windows |
| * Severino Delaurenti (id3lib@castlems.com) added functionality for parsing |
| Lyrics3 v1.0 and v2.0 tags, as well as improving synchronized lyric frame |
| (SYLT) dramatically. |
| * Michael Little (mike@netlinear.com) provided the delphi code for use with |
| id3com. |
| * Peter Luijer (videoripper@hotmail.com) provided much useful documentation |
| on the MusicMatch tagging format. |
| * Steven Frank (stevenf@users.sourceforge.net) provided invaluable help in |
| tracking down runtime bugs for the Macintosh port. |
| * The following individuals have assisted by providing bug reports and (often) |
| suggestions for fixes: |
| - Ben Noblet (Ben.Noblet@xt3.com.au) |
| - Benedikt Roth (Benedikt.Roth@gmx.net) |
| - Christian Becker (chris@craze.de) |
| - Daryl Pawluk (dpawluk@home.com) |
| - John Firebaugh (jfirebaugh@mac.com) |
| - John Southerland (jbsouthe@home.com) |
| - Luca Leonardo Scorcia (scrlln@tin.it) |
| - Peter Thorstenson (swede@openlink.com.br) |
| - Sasa Ðolic (sasad@moderngroove.com) |
| - Steven Frank (stevenf@users.sourceforge.net) |
| - Tim Newsome (nuisance@cmu.edu) |
| |
| Dirk Mahoney included the following at the end of his documentation on ID3Lib |
| 3.05a. It is included in verbatim here. |
| |
| Special Thanks and Credits |
| |
| I would like to extend my many thanks to the people who have contributed to |
| the ID3Lib project. The show of support has been tremendous. I consider |
| ID3Lib to be a very 'international' product, as contributions have come from |
| almost literally every corner of the globe. If I have missed you, please |
| forgive my lapse of memory. |
| |
| * Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler - for their great zlib compression library |
| and for making it free. |
| * Tord Jansson - for much help with teaching me how to make and use DLLs. |
| * Slava Karpenko for creating the MacOS static link libraries for the PowerPC |
| and CodeWarrior. |
| * Bob Kohn - for his advice, input, and generally creating the ID3Lib license |
| agreement. |
| * Eng-Keong Lee - for finding a few bugs and for extensively testing ID3Lib |
| 2.xx. |
| * James Lin - for his 'ID3v2 Programming Guidelines', and many helpful |
| suggestions |
| * Michael Mutschler - for prompting me to write the Unicode support and for |
| his input on the ID3Lib calling convention. |
| * Martin Nilsson - for ID3v2, his support of the ID3Lib web page, for many, |
| many suggestions, debates, pointers, URLs, documents, and brightly coloured |
| fish. |
| * Chris Nunn - for the 3D animated ID3v2 logos which appear in the ID3Lib web |
| page and in the distribution. |
| * Lachlan Pitts - for general implementation ideas and his brief but helpful |
| work on the up-coming genre tree. |
| * Jukka Poikolainen - for prompting to implement error handling via the C++ |
| exception handling mechanism instead of the old 2.xx-style of using an |
| error handling function. |
| * Carson Puchol - for his help with some minor Linux compilation hassles. |
| * Andreas Sigfridsson - for his initial code for the unsync/resync support |
| and for his very valuable input in long brainstorming sessions. |
| * Michael Robertson - for helping support ID3Lib by posting announcements on |
| MP3.com. |
| * Ilana Rudnik - for bug finding and suggestions. |
| * Chuck Zenkus - for his support of ID3v2 and ID3Lib by providing us with a |
| mirror in the United States and for his bug finding and suggestions. |
| * And last but by no means least, all the others who support ID3Lib by |
| subscribing to the mailing list and to the contributors to the discussions |
| and debates in the ID3v2 discussion group. |
| |
| Without the help of all these people, ID3Lib would not be as good as it is, |
| and I dare say might not even exist if they all weren't around to provide |
| motivation to continue to write the thing! |
| |
| - Dirk Mahoney |
| 22 November 1998 |
| Brisbane, Australia |