Android Wear 8.0.0 Release 1
Fix android-icu4j-tests compilation for javac -target 1.9

This make target includes ojluni/src/test/java/util/stream/{bootlib,boottest}
tests that are in libcore packages; this fails when compiling with a
javac that implements the module system (such as when

After this CL, --patch-module=java.base=[...] is used to patch this
target's sources and classpath .jars into java.base at compile time.
No run-time change is currently needed because these tests are run
on the device (dalvikvm), which currently doesn't implement the
OpenJDK 9 module system.

Bug: 71699916
Test: CtsIcuTestCases
Change-Id: Id486046eb388c61fa0db5b174de31f6bcaac13bc
1 file changed