| /* Run external/icu/tools/icu4c_srcgen/generate_libandroidicu.py to regenerate */ |
| // © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. |
| // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| |
| #include <unicode/icudataver.h> |
| #include <unicode/putil.h> |
| #include <unicode/ubidi.h> |
| #include <unicode/ubiditransform.h> |
| #include <unicode/ubrk.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucal.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucasemap.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucat.h> |
| #include <unicode/uchar.h> |
| #include <unicode/uclean.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucnv.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucnv_cb.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucnv_err.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucnvsel.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucol.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucoleitr.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucpmap.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucptrie.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucsdet.h> |
| #include <unicode/ucurr.h> |
| #include <unicode/udat.h> |
| #include <unicode/udata.h> |
| #include <unicode/udateintervalformat.h> |
| #include <unicode/udatpg.h> |
| #include <unicode/uenum.h> |
| #include <unicode/ufieldpositer.h> |
| #include <unicode/uformattable.h> |
| #include <unicode/uformattedvalue.h> |
| #include <unicode/ugender.h> |
| #include <unicode/uidna.h> |
| #include <unicode/uiter.h> |
| #include <unicode/uldnames.h> |
| #include <unicode/ulistformatter.h> |
| #include <unicode/uloc.h> |
| #include <unicode/ulocdata.h> |
| #include <unicode/umsg.h> |
| #include <unicode/umutablecptrie.h> |
| #include <unicode/unorm2.h> |
| #include <unicode/unum.h> |
| #include <unicode/unumberformatter.h> |
| #include <unicode/unumberrangeformatter.h> |
| #include <unicode/unumsys.h> |
| #include <unicode/upluralrules.h> |
| #include <unicode/uregex.h> |
| #include <unicode/uregion.h> |
| #include <unicode/ureldatefmt.h> |
| #include <unicode/ures.h> |
| #include <unicode/uscript.h> |
| #include <unicode/usearch.h> |
| #include <unicode/uset.h> |
| #include <unicode/ushape.h> |
| #include <unicode/uspoof.h> |
| #include <unicode/usprep.h> |
| #include <unicode/ustring.h> |
| #include <unicode/utext.h> |
| #include <unicode/utmscale.h> |
| #include <unicode/utrace.h> |
| #include <unicode/utrans.h> |
| #include <unicode/utypes.h> |
| #include <unicode/uversion.h> |
| |
| extern "C" { |
| void UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP_android(const void * context, UConverterFromUnicodeArgs * fromUArgs, const UChar * codeUnits, int32_t length, UChar32 codePoint, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode * err) { |
| UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP(context, fromUArgs, codeUnits, length, codePoint, reason, err); |
| } |
| void UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP_android(const void * context, UConverterToUnicodeArgs * toUArgs, const char * codeUnits, int32_t length, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode * err) { |
| UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP(context, toUArgs, codeUnits, length, reason, err); |
| } |
| UCharDirection u_charDirection_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_charDirection(c); |
| } |
| UChar32 u_charMirror_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_charMirror(c); |
| } |
| int32_t u_charName_android(UChar32 code, UCharNameChoice nameChoice, char * buffer, int32_t bufferLength, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return u_charName(code, nameChoice, buffer, bufferLength, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| int8_t u_charType_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_charType(c); |
| } |
| int32_t u_countChar32_android(const UChar * s, int32_t length) { |
| return u_countChar32(s, length); |
| } |
| int32_t u_digit_android(UChar32 ch, int8_t radix) { |
| return u_digit(ch, radix); |
| } |
| const char * u_errorName_android(UErrorCode code) { |
| return u_errorName(code); |
| } |
| UChar32 u_foldCase_android(UChar32 c, uint32_t options) { |
| return u_foldCase(c, options); |
| } |
| uint8_t u_getCombiningClass_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_getCombiningClass(c); |
| } |
| int32_t u_getIntPropertyMaxValue_android(UProperty which) { |
| return u_getIntPropertyMaxValue(which); |
| } |
| int32_t u_getIntPropertyValue_android(UChar32 c, UProperty which) { |
| return u_getIntPropertyValue(c, which); |
| } |
| double u_getNumericValue_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_getNumericValue(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_hasBinaryProperty_android(UChar32 c, UProperty which) { |
| return u_hasBinaryProperty(c, which); |
| } |
| UBool u_isIDIgnorable_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isIDIgnorable(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isIDPart_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isIDPart(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isIDStart_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isIDStart(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isJavaSpaceChar_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isJavaSpaceChar(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isMirrored_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isMirrored(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isUAlphabetic_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isUAlphabetic(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isUWhiteSpace_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isUWhiteSpace(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isWhitespace_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isWhitespace(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isalnum_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isalnum(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isalpha_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isalpha(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_iscntrl_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_iscntrl(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isdefined_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isdefined(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isdigit_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isdigit(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_islower_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_islower(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_ispunct_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_ispunct(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isspace_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isspace(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_istitle_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_istitle(c); |
| } |
| UBool u_isupper_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_isupper(c); |
| } |
| UChar * u_strFromUTF8_android(UChar * dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t * pDestLength, const char * src, int32_t srcLength, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return u_strFromUTF8(dest, destCapacity, pDestLength, src, srcLength, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| UChar * u_strFromUTF8WithSub_android(UChar * dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t * pDestLength, const char * src, int32_t srcLength, UChar32 subchar, int32_t * pNumSubstitutions, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return u_strFromUTF8WithSub(dest, destCapacity, pDestLength, src, srcLength, subchar, pNumSubstitutions, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| int32_t u_strToLower_android(UChar * dest, int32_t destCapacity, const UChar * src, int32_t srcLength, const char * locale, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return u_strToLower(dest, destCapacity, src, srcLength, locale, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| char * u_strToUTF8_android(char * dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t * pDestLength, const UChar * src, int32_t srcLength, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return u_strToUTF8(dest, destCapacity, pDestLength, src, srcLength, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| int32_t u_strToUpper_android(UChar * dest, int32_t destCapacity, const UChar * src, int32_t srcLength, const char * locale, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return u_strToUpper(dest, destCapacity, src, srcLength, locale, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| UChar32 u_tolower_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_tolower(c); |
| } |
| UChar32 u_totitle_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_totitle(c); |
| } |
| UChar32 u_toupper_android(UChar32 c) { |
| return u_toupper(c); |
| } |
| void ubidi_close_android(UBiDi * pBiDi) { |
| ubidi_close(pBiDi); |
| } |
| int32_t ubidi_countRuns_android(UBiDi * pBiDi, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return ubidi_countRuns(pBiDi, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| UBiDiDirection ubidi_getDirection_android(const UBiDi * pBiDi) { |
| return ubidi_getDirection(pBiDi); |
| } |
| int32_t ubidi_getLength_android(const UBiDi * pBiDi) { |
| return ubidi_getLength(pBiDi); |
| } |
| UBiDiLevel ubidi_getLevelAt_android(const UBiDi * pBiDi, int32_t charIndex) { |
| return ubidi_getLevelAt(pBiDi, charIndex); |
| } |
| UBiDiLevel ubidi_getParaLevel_android(const UBiDi * pBiDi) { |
| return ubidi_getParaLevel(pBiDi); |
| } |
| UBiDiDirection ubidi_getVisualRun_android(UBiDi * pBiDi, int32_t runIndex, int32_t * pLogicalStart, int32_t * pLength) { |
| return ubidi_getVisualRun(pBiDi, runIndex, pLogicalStart, pLength); |
| } |
| UBiDi * ubidi_open_android() { |
| return ubidi_open(); |
| } |
| UBiDi * ubidi_openSized_android(int32_t maxLength, int32_t maxRunCount, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return ubidi_openSized(maxLength, maxRunCount, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| void ubidi_reorderVisual_android(const UBiDiLevel * levels, int32_t length, int32_t * indexMap) { |
| ubidi_reorderVisual(levels, length, indexMap); |
| } |
| void ubidi_setClassCallback_android(UBiDi * pBiDi, UBiDiClassCallback * newFn, const void * newContext, UBiDiClassCallback ** oldFn, const void ** oldContext, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| ubidi_setClassCallback(pBiDi, newFn, newContext, oldFn, oldContext, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| void ubidi_setPara_android(UBiDi * pBiDi, const UChar * text, int32_t length, UBiDiLevel paraLevel, UBiDiLevel * embeddingLevels, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| ubidi_setPara(pBiDi, text, length, paraLevel, embeddingLevels, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| UBreakIterator * ubrk_clone_android(const UBreakIterator * bi, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ubrk_clone(bi, status); |
| } |
| void ubrk_close_android(UBreakIterator * bi) { |
| ubrk_close(bi); |
| } |
| int32_t ubrk_current_android(const UBreakIterator * bi) { |
| return ubrk_current(bi); |
| } |
| int32_t ubrk_first_android(UBreakIterator * bi) { |
| return ubrk_first(bi); |
| } |
| int32_t ubrk_following_android(UBreakIterator * bi, int32_t offset) { |
| return ubrk_following(bi, offset); |
| } |
| int32_t ubrk_getRuleStatus_android(UBreakIterator * bi) { |
| return ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi); |
| } |
| UBool ubrk_isBoundary_android(UBreakIterator * bi, int32_t offset) { |
| return ubrk_isBoundary(bi, offset); |
| } |
| int32_t ubrk_next_android(UBreakIterator * bi) { |
| return ubrk_next(bi); |
| } |
| UBreakIterator * ubrk_open_android(UBreakIteratorType type, const char * locale, const UChar * text, int32_t textLength, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ubrk_open(type, locale, text, textLength, status); |
| } |
| int32_t ubrk_preceding_android(UBreakIterator * bi, int32_t offset) { |
| return ubrk_preceding(bi, offset); |
| } |
| void ubrk_setText_android(UBreakIterator * bi, const UChar * text, int32_t textLength, UErrorCode * status) { |
| ubrk_setText(bi, text, textLength, status); |
| } |
| void ubrk_setUText_android(UBreakIterator * bi, UText * text, UErrorCode * status) { |
| ubrk_setUText(bi, text, status); |
| } |
| void ucnv_close_android(UConverter * converter) { |
| ucnv_close(converter); |
| } |
| int32_t ucnv_convert_android(const char * toConverterName, const char * fromConverterName, char * target, int32_t targetCapacity, const char * source, int32_t sourceLength, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return ucnv_convert(toConverterName, fromConverterName, target, targetCapacity, source, sourceLength, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| void ucnv_convertEx_android(UConverter * targetCnv, UConverter * sourceCnv, char ** target, const char * targetLimit, const char ** source, const char * sourceLimit, UChar * pivotStart, UChar ** pivotSource, UChar ** pivotTarget, const UChar * pivotLimit, UBool reset, UBool flush, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| ucnv_convertEx(targetCnv, sourceCnv, target, targetLimit, source, sourceLimit, pivotStart, pivotSource, pivotTarget, pivotLimit, reset, flush, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| UChar32 ucnv_getNextUChar_android(UConverter * converter, const char ** source, const char * sourceLimit, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return ucnv_getNextUChar(converter, source, sourceLimit, err); |
| } |
| UConverter * ucnv_open_android(const char * converterName, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return ucnv_open(converterName, err); |
| } |
| void ucnv_setFromUCallBack_android(UConverter * converter, UConverterFromUCallback newAction, const void * newContext, UConverterFromUCallback * oldAction, const void ** oldContext, UErrorCode * err) { |
| ucnv_setFromUCallBack(converter, newAction, newContext, oldAction, oldContext, err); |
| } |
| void ucnv_setToUCallBack_android(UConverter * converter, UConverterToUCallback newAction, const void * newContext, UConverterToUCallback * oldAction, const void ** oldContext, UErrorCode * err) { |
| ucnv_setToUCallBack(converter, newAction, newContext, oldAction, oldContext, err); |
| } |
| void ucol_close_android(UCollator * coll) { |
| ucol_close(coll); |
| } |
| UCollator * ucol_open_android(const char * loc, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucol_open(loc, status); |
| } |
| void ucol_setAttribute_android(UCollator * coll, UColAttribute attr, UColAttributeValue value, UErrorCode * status) { |
| ucol_setAttribute(coll, attr, value, status); |
| } |
| UCollationResult ucol_strcoll_android(const UCollator * coll, const UChar * source, int32_t sourceLength, const UChar * target, int32_t targetLength) { |
| return ucol_strcoll(coll, source, sourceLength, target, targetLength); |
| } |
| UCollationResult ucol_strcollIter_android(const UCollator * coll, UCharIterator * sIter, UCharIterator * tIter, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucol_strcollIter(coll, sIter, tIter, status); |
| } |
| void ucsdet_close_android(UCharsetDetector * ucsd) { |
| ucsdet_close(ucsd); |
| } |
| const UCharsetMatch * ucsdet_detect_android(UCharsetDetector * ucsd, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucsdet_detect(ucsd, status); |
| } |
| const UCharsetMatch ** ucsdet_detectAll_android(UCharsetDetector * ucsd, int32_t * matchesFound, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucsdet_detectAll(ucsd, matchesFound, status); |
| } |
| int32_t ucsdet_getConfidence_android(const UCharsetMatch * ucsm, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucsdet_getConfidence(ucsm, status); |
| } |
| const char * ucsdet_getName_android(const UCharsetMatch * ucsm, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucsdet_getName(ucsm, status); |
| } |
| UCharsetDetector * ucsdet_open_android(UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ucsdet_open(status); |
| } |
| void ucsdet_setText_android(UCharsetDetector * ucsd, const char * textIn, int32_t len, UErrorCode * status) { |
| ucsdet_setText(ucsd, textIn, len, status); |
| } |
| void udatpg_close_android(UDateTimePatternGenerator * dtpg) { |
| udatpg_close(dtpg); |
| } |
| int32_t udatpg_getBestPattern_android(UDateTimePatternGenerator * dtpg, const UChar * skeleton, int32_t length, UChar * bestPattern, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return udatpg_getBestPattern(dtpg, skeleton, length, bestPattern, capacity, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| UDateTimePatternGenerator * udatpg_open_android(const char * locale, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return udatpg_open(locale, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| void uiter_setUTF8_android(UCharIterator * iter, const char * s, int32_t length) { |
| uiter_setUTF8(iter, s, length); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_addLikelySubtags_android(const char * localeID, char * maximizedLocaleID, int32_t maximizedLocaleIDCapacity, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uloc_addLikelySubtags(localeID, maximizedLocaleID, maximizedLocaleIDCapacity, err); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_canonicalize_android(const char * localeID, char * name, int32_t nameCapacity, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uloc_canonicalize(localeID, name, nameCapacity, err); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_countAvailable_android() { |
| return uloc_countAvailable(); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_forLanguageTag_android(const char * langtag, char * localeID, int32_t localeIDCapacity, int32_t * parsedLength, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uloc_forLanguageTag(langtag, localeID, localeIDCapacity, parsedLength, err); |
| } |
| const char * uloc_getAvailable_android(int32_t n) { |
| return uloc_getAvailable(n); |
| } |
| const char * uloc_getDefault_android() { |
| return uloc_getDefault(); |
| } |
| const char * uloc_getISO3Country_android(const char * localeID) { |
| return uloc_getISO3Country(localeID); |
| } |
| const char * uloc_getISO3Language_android(const char * localeID) { |
| return uloc_getISO3Language(localeID); |
| } |
| const char *const * uloc_getISOCountries_android() { |
| return uloc_getISOCountries(); |
| } |
| const char *const * uloc_getISOLanguages_android() { |
| return uloc_getISOLanguages(); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_getName_android(const char * localeID, char * name, int32_t nameCapacity, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uloc_getName(localeID, name, nameCapacity, err); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_getScript_android(const char * localeID, char * script, int32_t scriptCapacity, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uloc_getScript(localeID, script, scriptCapacity, err); |
| } |
| void uloc_setDefault_android(const char * localeID, UErrorCode * status) { |
| uloc_setDefault(localeID, status); |
| } |
| int32_t uloc_toLanguageTag_android(const char * localeID, char * langtag, int32_t langtagCapacity, UBool strict, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uloc_toLanguageTag(localeID, langtag, langtagCapacity, strict, err); |
| } |
| UChar32 unorm2_composePair_android(const UNormalizer2 * norm2, UChar32 a, UChar32 b) { |
| return unorm2_composePair(norm2, a, b); |
| } |
| int32_t unorm2_getDecomposition_android(const UNormalizer2 * norm2, UChar32 c, UChar * decomposition, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return unorm2_getDecomposition(norm2, c, decomposition, capacity, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| const UNormalizer2 * unorm2_getNFCInstance_android(UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return unorm2_getNFCInstance(pErrorCode); |
| } |
| const UNormalizer2 * unorm2_getNFDInstance_android(UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return unorm2_getNFDInstance(pErrorCode); |
| } |
| int32_t unorm2_getRawDecomposition_android(const UNormalizer2 * norm2, UChar32 c, UChar * decomposition, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return unorm2_getRawDecomposition(norm2, c, decomposition, capacity, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| void uregex_close_android(URegularExpression * regexp) { |
| uregex_close(regexp); |
| } |
| UBool uregex_matches_android(URegularExpression * regexp, int32_t startIndex, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return uregex_matches(regexp, startIndex, status); |
| } |
| URegularExpression * uregex_open_android(const UChar * pattern, int32_t patternLength, uint32_t flags, UParseError * pe, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return uregex_open(pattern, patternLength, flags, pe, status); |
| } |
| void uregex_setText_android(URegularExpression * regexp, const UChar * text, int32_t textLength, UErrorCode * status) { |
| uregex_setText(regexp, text, textLength, status); |
| } |
| void ures_close_android(UResourceBundle * resourceBundle) { |
| ures_close(resourceBundle); |
| } |
| UResourceBundle * ures_getByIndex_android(const UResourceBundle * resourceBundle, int32_t indexR, UResourceBundle * fillIn, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ures_getByIndex(resourceBundle, indexR, fillIn, status); |
| } |
| UResourceBundle * ures_getByKey_android(const UResourceBundle * resourceBundle, const char * key, UResourceBundle * fillIn, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ures_getByKey(resourceBundle, key, fillIn, status); |
| } |
| const UChar * ures_getString_android(const UResourceBundle * resourceBundle, int32_t * len, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ures_getString(resourceBundle, len, status); |
| } |
| UResourceBundle * ures_openDirect_android(const char * packageName, const char * locale, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return ures_openDirect(packageName, locale, status); |
| } |
| UScriptCode uscript_getScript_android(UChar32 codepoint, UErrorCode * err) { |
| return uscript_getScript(codepoint, err); |
| } |
| const char * uscript_getShortName_android(UScriptCode scriptCode) { |
| return uscript_getShortName(scriptCode); |
| } |
| UText * utext_close_android(UText * ut) { |
| return utext_close(ut); |
| } |
| UText * utext_openUChars_android(UText * ut, const UChar * s, int64_t length, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return utext_openUChars(ut, s, length, status); |
| } |
| UText * utext_openUTF8_android(UText * ut, const char * s, int64_t length, UErrorCode * status) { |
| return utext_openUTF8(ut, s, length, status); |
| } |
| void utrans_close_android(UTransliterator * trans) { |
| utrans_close(trans); |
| } |
| UTransliterator * utrans_openU_android(const UChar * id, int32_t idLength, UTransDirection dir, const UChar * rules, int32_t rulesLength, UParseError * parseError, UErrorCode * pErrorCode) { |
| return utrans_openU(id, idLength, dir, rules, rulesLength, parseError, pErrorCode); |
| } |
| void utrans_transUChars_android(const UTransliterator * trans, UChar * text, int32_t * textLength, int32_t textCapacity, int32_t start, int32_t * limit, UErrorCode * status) { |
| utrans_transUChars(trans, text, textLength, textCapacity, start, limit, status); |
| } |
| } |