blob: 756e434dd8ab9ba3a1fc2c7c807815e6f5ff0b92 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "soapQuoteProxy.h" // get proxy
#include "Quote.nsmap" // get namespace bindings
using namespace std;
class Stock : public Quote // Quote is the name of the service (see quote3.h and Quote.wsdl)
{ public:
char *symbol; // Stock ticker
Stock() : Quote() { symbol = NULL; };
Stock(char *ticker) { symbol = ticker; };
void ticker(char *ticker) { symbol = ticker; };
float quote() { float q; ns__getQuote(symbol, q); return q; };
int main()
{ Quote q;
float r;
// Example using the Quote proxy class directly:
if (q.ns__getQuote("IBM", r) == SOAP_OK)
cout << r << endl;
soap_print_fault(q.soap, stderr);
// Example using the derived Stock proxy class:
Stock IBM("IBM");
cout << IBM.quote() << endl;
return 0;