xDS Federation: bootstrap and xds_resolver changes (#27938)

* xDS Federation: bootstrap and xds_resolver changes

* code review fixes

* fixing code review comments

* fixing code review comments

* fixing code review comments

* code review comments

* fixing code review comments

* First very basic test to make sure parsing and reconstruction work as

* clean up

* fixing logic error about authority

* fixing resource type parsing

* fixing code review comments

* simplify parsing!

* Parsing method signature update

* fixing code review comments

* clean up

* working progress for the test with generated bootstrap

* reorg the bootstrap file

* fixing tests

* Adding more to test authorities

* Added a test and it passes

* addressing code review comments

* code review comments to make parser cleaner and more efficient

* Merge in authority prefixes

* fixing sanity error and xds boostrap test error

* small fix

* Release all tests that pass; reduce scope for DeadUpdate

* Updated test strcuture and how to pass in the index for balancers to be
used as xds server uri and authority xds server uri

* code review comments

* code review fixes

* code review comment

* Making test structure changes

* fixing code review comments

* fixing code review comments

* Fixing test regression

* fixing bootstrap tests

* cleanup files

* enabling localhost:xxx for xds server; updated server tests and will fix
one more NameExpected test with testsetup.

* Finally removing fake reolsver for xds server

* Fixing bootstrap tests

* Rewrite builder

* Fixing code review comments

* fixing code review comments

* Fixing all tests to use Setup again

* fixing small sanity error

* Found the source of xds server nack test faiure and fix added

* small code review fixes

* Remove fake resolver! YAY!

* Fixing according to code review comments

* Setup plugin in bootfile

* Added more tests.

* Adding server test

* fixing a regression

* regression

* sanity fix

* fixing code review

* fixing code review comments

* Re-combine SecurityNaming tests.

* Add Rds new resource type and new tests

* Added PercentEncode test

* fixing code review comments

* refactor test a bit more

* fixing code review comments

* fixing according to code review comments

* fixing code review comments

* fixing code review comments
9 files changed
tree: 69ff4e18d9a980c823f33c986564c2da2c954981
  1. .bazelci/
  2. .github/
  3. bazel/
  4. cmake/
  5. doc/
  6. etc/
  7. examples/
  8. include/
  9. spm-core-include/
  10. spm-cpp-include/
  11. src/
  12. summerofcode/
  13. templates/
  14. test/
  15. third_party/
  16. tools/
  17. .bazelignore
  18. .bazelrc
  19. .clang-format
  20. .clang-tidy
  21. .editorconfig
  22. .gitallowed
  23. .gitattributes
  24. .gitignore
  25. .gitmodules
  26. .istanbul.yml
  27. .pylintrc
  28. .pylintrc-examples
  29. .pylintrc-tests
  30. .rspec
  31. .travis.yml
  32. .yapfignore
  33. .yardopts
  34. _metadata.py
  36. BUILD
  37. BUILD.gn
  38. build_autogenerated.yaml
  39. build_config.rb
  40. build_handwritten.yaml
  41. BUILDING.md
  42. CMakeLists.txt
  44. composer.json
  45. CONCEPTS.md
  46. config.m4
  47. config.w32
  49. Gemfile
  51. gRPC-C++.podspec
  52. gRPC-Core.podspec
  53. gRPC-ProtoRPC.podspec
  54. gRPC-RxLibrary.podspec
  55. grpc.bzl
  56. grpc.def
  57. grpc.gemspec
  58. grpc.gyp
  59. gRPC.podspec
  62. Makefile
  63. MANIFEST.md
  64. NOTICE.txt
  65. OWNERS
  66. Package.swift
  67. package.xml
  69. Rakefile
  70. README.md
  71. requirements.bazel.txt
  72. requirements.txt
  73. SECURITY.md
  74. setup.cfg
  75. setup.py

gRPC - An RPC library and framework

gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/grpc/grpc

To start using gRPC

To maximize usability, gRPC supports the standard method for adding dependencies to a user‘s chosen language (if there is one). In most languages, the gRPC runtime comes as a package available in a user’s language package manager.

For instructions on how to use the language-specific gRPC runtime for a project, please refer to these documents

  • C++: follow the instructions under the src/cpp directory
  • C#: NuGet package Grpc
  • Dart: pub package grpc
  • Go: go get google.golang.org/grpc
  • Java: Use JARs from Maven Central Repository
  • Kotlin: Use JARs from Maven Central Repository
  • Node: npm install grpc
  • Objective-C: Add gRPC-ProtoRPC dependency to podspec
  • PHP: pecl install grpc
  • Python: pip install grpcio
  • Ruby: gem install grpc
  • WebJS: follow the grpc-web instructions

Per-language quickstart guides and tutorials can be found in the documentation section on the grpc.io website. Code examples are available in the examples directory.

Precompiled bleeding-edge package builds of gRPC master branch's HEAD are uploaded daily to packages.grpc.io.

To start developing gRPC

Contributions are welcome!

Please read How to contribute which will guide you through the entire workflow of how to build the source code, how to run the tests, and how to contribute changes to the gRPC codebase. The “How to contribute” document also contains info on how the contribution process works and contains best practices for creating contributions.


Sometimes things go wrong. Please check out the Troubleshooting guide if you are experiencing issues with gRPC.


See the Performance dashboard for performance numbers of master branch daily builds.


See gRPC Concepts

About This Repository

This repository contains source code for gRPC libraries implemented in multiple languages written on top of a shared C core library src/core.

Libraries in different languages may be in various states of development. We are seeking contributions for all of these libraries:

Shared C [core library]src/core
C# (core library based)src/csharp
LanguageSource repo
.NET (pure C# impl.)grpc-dotnet