
exfatprogs is userspace utilities for exfat filesystem under GNU GPL version 2.


Building exfatprogs

Install prerequisite packages:

For Ubuntu:
    sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool pkg-config

For Fedora, RHEL:
    sudo yum install autoconf automake libtool

Build steps:

    cd into the exfatprogs directory:
    make install

Using exfatprogs

- mkfs.exfat:
    Build a exfat filesystem on a device or partition(e.g. /dev/hda1, dev/sda1).

Usage example:
    1. No option(default) : cluster size adjustment as per device size, quick format.
        mkfs.exfat /dev/sda1
    2. To change cluster size(KB or MB or Byte) user want
        mkfs.exfat -c 1048576 /dev/sda1
        mkfs.exfat -c 1024K /dev/sda1
        mkfs.exfat -c 1M /dev/sda1
    3. For full format(zero out)
        mkfs.exfat -f /dev/sda1
    4. For set volume label, use -l option with string user want.
        mkfs.exfat -l "my usb" /dev/sda1

- fsck.exfat:
    Check the consistency of your exfat filesystem and optionally repair a corrupted device formatted by exfat.

Usage example:
    1. check the consistency.
        fsck.exfat /dev/sda1
    2. repair and fix.(preparing)