e2fsdroid: Correctly process the root inode

This change ensures that the root inode has the correct uid/gid by
calling androidify_inode() on it. It also sets android_configure = 1
when the u/gid mapping is provided.

Bug: 78561186
Bug: 110415537
Test: $ m  # With BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_UID_MAP=655360 0 5000
      $ simg2img ${OUT}/{system.img,system.raw.img}
      $ mkdir tmp
      $ sudo mount -o loop ${OUT}/system.raw.img tmp
      $ stat --format="%u %g" tmp
      655360 655360
Change-Id: I842a32b6d64439f9f16b9c6b66de20d4e4418aa8
2 files changed