drm_hwcomposer: Move hwcomposer.drm_hikey and hwcomposer.drm_hikey960

Prevent external/drm_hwcomposer from referencing device/linaro/hikey,
which may not exist in all trees, by compiling most of drm_hwcomposer
as a static library and then compiling just the source files that
are affected by device-specific #defines and #includes in

Fixes: 129543119
Test: m hwcomposer.drm_hikey hwcomposer.drm_hikey960 MODULES-IN-external-drm_hwcomposer
Change-Id: I800b147a40c4e368ce1a74273728f5941f6b63c4
Signed-off-by: Colin Cross <ccross@android.com>
Signed-off-by: John Stultz <john.stultz@linaro.org>
1 file changed
tree: 7d2f37cf495460bf3f741c8d37061964a8cd711f
  1. tests/
  2. .clang-format
  3. .gitlab-ci-checkcommit.sh
  4. .gitlab-ci.yml
  5. Android.bp
  6. autofd.h
  7. autolock.cpp
  8. autolock.h
  9. drmconnector.cpp
  10. drmconnector.h
  11. drmcrtc.cpp
  12. drmcrtc.h
  13. drmdevice.cpp
  14. drmdevice.h
  15. drmdisplaycomposition.cpp
  16. drmdisplaycomposition.h
  17. drmdisplaycompositor.cpp
  18. drmdisplaycompositor.h
  19. drmencoder.cpp
  20. drmencoder.h
  21. drmeventlistener.cpp
  22. drmeventlistener.h
  23. drmframebuffer.h
  24. drmhwcgralloc.h
  25. drmhwcomposer.h
  26. drmhwctwo.cpp
  27. drmhwctwo.h
  28. drmmode.cpp
  29. drmmode.h
  30. drmplane.cpp
  31. drmplane.h
  32. drmproperty.cpp
  33. drmproperty.h
  34. hwcutils.cpp
  36. NOTICE
  37. platform.cpp
  38. platform.h
  39. platformdrmgeneric.cpp
  40. platformdrmgeneric.h
  41. platformhisi.cpp
  42. platformhisi.h
  43. platformminigbm.cpp
  44. platformminigbm.h
  45. README.md
  46. resourcemanager.cpp
  47. resourcemanager.h
  48. vsyncworker.cpp
  49. vsyncworker.h
  50. worker.cpp
  51. worker.h


Patches to drm_hwcomposer are very much welcome, we really want this to be the universal HW composer implementation for Android and similar platforms So please bring on porting patches, bugfixes, improvements for documentation and new features.

A short list of contribution guidelines:

  • Submit changes via gitlab merge requests on gitlab.freedesktop.org

  • drm_hwcomposer is Apache 2.0 Licensed and we require contributions to follow the developer's certificate of origin: http://developercertificate.org/

  • When submitting new code please follow the naming conventions documented in the generated documentation. Also please make full use of all the helpers and convenience macros provided by drm_hwcomposer. The below command can help you with formatting of your patches:

    `git diff | clang-format-diff-5.0 -p 1 -style=file`
  • Hardware specific changes should be tested on relevant platforms before committing.

If you need inspiration, please checkout our TODO issues

Happy hacking!