blob: 6c5aad36f316b10bd8fadaf805e1697b9fe7d830 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public abstract class MemberInfo extends DocInfo implements Comparable, Scoped {
public MemberInfo(String rawCommentText, String name, String signature,
ClassInfo containingClass, ClassInfo realContainingClass, boolean isPublic,
boolean isProtected, boolean isPackagePrivate, boolean isPrivate, boolean isFinal,
boolean isStatic, boolean isSynthetic, String kind, SourcePositionInfo position,
ArrayList<AnnotationInstanceInfo> annotations) {
super(rawCommentText, position);
mName = name;
mSignature = signature;
mContainingClass = containingClass;
mRealContainingClass = realContainingClass;
mIsPublic = isPublic;
mIsProtected = isProtected;
mIsPackagePrivate = isPackagePrivate;
mIsPrivate = isPrivate;
mIsFinal = isFinal;
mIsStatic = isStatic;
mIsSynthetic = isSynthetic;
mKind = kind;
mAnnotations = annotations;
mShowAnnotations = AnnotationInstanceInfo.getShowAnnotationsIntersection(annotations);
public abstract boolean isExecutable();
public boolean isHidden() {
if (mShowAnnotations.size() > 0) {
return false;
return super.isHidden();
public boolean isRemoved() {
if (mShowAnnotations.size() > 0) {
return false;
return super.isRemoved();
public boolean isHiddenOrRemoved() {
return isHidden() || isRemoved();
public String anchor() {
if (mSignature != null) {
return mName + mSignature;
} else {
return mName;
public String htmlPage() {
return mContainingClass.htmlPage() + "#" + anchor();
public int compareTo(Object that) {
return this.htmlPage().compareTo(((MemberInfo) that).htmlPage());
public String name() {
return mName;
public String signature() {
return mSignature;
public ClassInfo realContainingClass() {
return mRealContainingClass;
public ClassInfo containingClass() {
return mContainingClass;
public boolean isPublic() {
return mIsPublic;
public boolean isProtected() {
return mIsProtected;
public boolean isPackagePrivate() {
return mIsPackagePrivate;
public boolean isPrivate() {
return mIsPrivate;
public String scope() {
if (isPublic()) {
return "public";
} else if (isProtected()) {
return "protected";
} else if (isPackagePrivate()) {
return "";
} else if (isPrivate()) {
return "private";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("invalid scope for object " + this);
public boolean isStatic() {
return mIsStatic;
public boolean isFinal() {
return mIsFinal;
public boolean isSynthetic() {
return mIsSynthetic;
public ContainerInfo parent() {
return mContainingClass;
* Returns {@code true} if the member's scope is above the minimum requested scope passed to
* Doclava. Provided that the {@code -showAnnotationOverridesVisibility} argument was passed to
* Doclava, this will <emph>also</emph> return {@code true} if the member is tagged with an
* annotation which was specified in a {@code -showAnnotation} argument to Doclava
public boolean checkLevel() {
if (Doclava.checkLevel(mIsPublic, mIsProtected, mIsPackagePrivate, mIsPrivate,
isHiddenOrRemoved())) {
return true;
} else if (Doclava.showAnnotationOverridesVisibility &&
mShowAnnotations != null && !mShowAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
return true;
return false;
public String kind() {
return mKind;
public ArrayList<AnnotationInstanceInfo> annotations() {
return mAnnotations;
public boolean hasShowAnnotation() {
return mShowAnnotations != null && mShowAnnotations.size() > 0;
public ArrayList<AnnotationInstanceInfo> showAnnotations() {
return mShowAnnotations;
ClassInfo mContainingClass;
ClassInfo mRealContainingClass;
String mName;
String mSignature;
boolean mIsPublic;
boolean mIsProtected;
boolean mIsPackagePrivate;
boolean mIsPrivate;
boolean mIsFinal;
boolean mIsStatic;
boolean mIsSynthetic;
String mKind;
private ArrayList<AnnotationInstanceInfo> mAnnotations;
private ArrayList<AnnotationInstanceInfo> mShowAnnotations;