blob: 8cdb51392ccff5ba35e784a139c4bc67de23fbc0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_string_list.h#1 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
/* $Change: 832332 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */
#ifndef __dng_string_list__
#define __dng_string_list__
#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_types.h"
class dng_string_list
uint32 fCount;
uint32 fAllocated;
dng_string **fList;
dng_string_list ();
~dng_string_list ();
uint32 Count () const
return fCount;
dng_string & operator[] (uint32 index)
return *(fList [index]);
const dng_string & operator[] (uint32 index) const
return *(fList [index]);
void Allocate (uint32 minSize);
void Insert (uint32 index,
const dng_string &s);
void Append (const dng_string &s)
Insert (Count (), s);
bool Contains (const dng_string &s) const;
void Clear ();
// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
dng_string_list (const dng_string_list &list);
dng_string_list & operator= (const dng_string_list &list);