blob: 3b297a4c70f962608cad7c7d0849f0fb7e6b855c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_memory_stream.h#2 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/07/31 22:04:34 $ */
/* $Change: 840853 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */
/** \file
* Stream abstraction to/from in-memory data.
#ifndef __dng_memory_stream__
#define __dng_memory_stream__
#include "dng_stream.h"
/// \brief A dng_stream which can be read from or written to memory.
/// Stream is populated via writing and either read or accessed by asking for contents as a pointer.
class dng_memory_stream: public dng_stream
dng_memory_allocator &fAllocator;
uint32 fPageSize;
uint32 fPageCount;
uint32 fPagesAllocated;
dng_memory_block **fPageList;
uint64 fMemoryStreamLength;
/// Construct a new memory-based stream.
/// \param allocator Allocator to use to allocate memory in stream as needed.
/// \param sniffer If non-NULL used to check for user cancellation.
/// \param pageSize Unit of allocation for data stored in stream.
dng_memory_stream (dng_memory_allocator &allocator,
dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer = NULL,
uint32 pageSize = 64 * 1024);
virtual ~dng_memory_stream ();
/// Copy a specified number of bytes to a target stream.
/// \param dstStream The target stream.
/// \param count The number of bytes to copy.
virtual void CopyToStream (dng_stream &dstStream,
uint64 count);
virtual uint64 DoGetLength ();
virtual void DoRead (void *data,
uint32 count,
uint64 offset);
virtual void DoSetLength (uint64 length);
virtual void DoWrite (const void *data,
uint32 count,
uint64 offset);
// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
dng_memory_stream (const dng_memory_stream &stream);
dng_memory_stream & operator= (const dng_memory_stream &stream);