AndroidBusyBox: deprecate path-list-type flags

This commit:
- deprecates PathListConverter
- removes ExistingPathListConverter because it was
  not used in production, only tests
- deprecated List<Path> type flags that use
- introduces new List<Path> type flags next to the
  deprecated ones that use @Options.allowMultiple
  and convert with PathConverter; the new and old
  lists are concatenated, yielding the flag value

PathListConverter and all of its occurrences
should be removed after 2018-01-31 (about 6 months
from now, which is a safe enough timeframe for
everyone to upgrade Bazel so it uses the new-style

Reason for deprecation is that colon-separated
path lists don't work on Windows because paths
have colons in them.

Since the Android BusyBox is not intended to be
executed by users but by Bazel only, there's no
release notes necessary.


PiperOrigin-RevId: 162193998
GitOrigin-RevId: 5752463ece84ebb4fb074888cba57412ab8d86b3
Change-Id: I10dd387d28c5462c27f63e12d3a3a87a202270ff
1 file changed
tree: d583b63fa09f0df6fe560cb7a94281768388ae7f
  1. java/