Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into master

* aosp/upstream-master:
  Desugar try-with-resources statements for Android. Any call to Throwable.addSuppressed(Throwable), getSuppressed(), printStackTrace() printStackTrace(PrintStream), printStackTrace(PrintWriter) is directed to the ThrowableExtension class.
  Make companion classes public when desugaring default methods for android RELNOTES: none
  Desugar default and static interface methods by default. RELNOTES: none
  Add a way for options classes to mark that they are skyframe-friendly
  Default and static interface desugaring RELNOTES: n/a
  Make desugaring of lambdas in interface initializers idempotent RELNOTES: fix idempotency issue with desugaring lambdas in interface initializers for android
  Don't hard remove --no_, give a warning first.
  Add a way of constructing OptionsBase subclass instances from maps
  Deprecate use of option category to describe documentation level / usage restrictions.

Test: treehugger
Change-Id: I88ce320b13ed06999539f95fc2f3e8bd0b7b1d12
tree: 03534af441228307207a8cdd82e4af966e930be5
  1. java/
  4. manifest.txt