blob: 8edddc9b60f49a119e03050a80e66e171976a8e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
* ----------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Reference Texture Implementation.
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "tcuVector.hpp"
#include "rrGenericVector.hpp"
#include "deArrayBuffer.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
namespace tcu
* \brief Texture format
class TextureFormat
enum ChannelOrder
R = 0,
enum ChannelType
ChannelOrder order;
ChannelType type;
TextureFormat(ChannelOrder order_, ChannelType type_) : order(order_), type(type_)
TextureFormat(void) : order(CHANNELORDER_LAST), type(CHANNELTYPE_LAST)
int getPixelSize(void) const; //!< Deprecated, use tcu::getPixelSize(fmt)
bool operator==(const TextureFormat &other) const
return !(*this != other);
bool operator!=(const TextureFormat &other) const
return (order != other.order || type != other.type);
bool isValid(TextureFormat format);
int getPixelSize(TextureFormat format);
int getNumUsedChannels(TextureFormat::ChannelOrder order);
bool hasAlphaChannel(TextureFormat::ChannelOrder order);
int getChannelSize(TextureFormat::ChannelType type);
* \brief Texture swizzle
struct TextureSwizzle
enum Channel
// \note CHANNEL_N must equal int N
CHANNEL_0 = 0,
Channel components[4];
//! get the swizzle used to expand texture data with a given channel order to RGBA form
const TextureSwizzle &getChannelReadSwizzle(TextureFormat::ChannelOrder order);
//! get the swizzle used to narrow RGBA form data to native texture data with a given channel order
const TextureSwizzle &getChannelWriteSwizzle(TextureFormat::ChannelOrder order);
* \brief Sampling parameters
class Sampler
enum WrapMode
CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 0, //! Clamp to edge
CLAMP_TO_BORDER, //! Use border color at edge
REPEAT_GL, //! Repeat with OpenGL semantics
REPEAT_CL, //! Repeat with OpenCL semantics
MIRRORED_REPEAT_GL, //! Mirrored repeat with OpenGL semantics
MIRRORED_REPEAT_CL, //! Mirrored repeat with OpenCL semantics
MIRRORED_ONCE, //! Mirrored once in negative directions
enum FilterMode
enum ReductionMode
enum CompareMode
enum DepthStencilMode
// Wrap control
WrapMode wrapS;
WrapMode wrapT;
WrapMode wrapR;
// Minifcation & magnification
FilterMode minFilter;
FilterMode magFilter;
// min/max filtering reduction
ReductionMode reductionMode;
float lodThreshold; // lod <= lodThreshold ? magnified : minified
// Coordinate normalization
bool normalizedCoords;
// Shadow comparison
CompareMode compare;
int compareChannel;
// Border color.
// \note It is setter's responsibility to guarantee that the values are representable
// in sampled texture's internal format.
// \note It is setter's responsibility to guarantee that the format is compatible with the
// sampled texture's internal format. Otherwise results are undefined.
rr::GenericVec4 borderColor;
// Seamless cube map filtering
bool seamlessCubeMap;
// Depth stencil mode
DepthStencilMode depthStencilMode;
Sampler(WrapMode wrapS_, WrapMode wrapT_, WrapMode wrapR_, FilterMode minFilter_, FilterMode magFilter_,
float lodThreshold_ = 0.0f, bool normalizedCoords_ = true, CompareMode compare_ = COMPAREMODE_NONE,
int compareChannel_ = 0, const Vec4 &borderColor_ = Vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
bool seamlessCubeMap_ = false, DepthStencilMode depthStencilMode_ = MODE_DEPTH,
ReductionMode reductionMode_ = WEIGHTED_AVERAGE)
: wrapS(wrapS_)
, wrapT(wrapT_)
, wrapR(wrapR_)
, minFilter(minFilter_)
, magFilter(magFilter_)
, reductionMode(reductionMode_)
, lodThreshold(lodThreshold_)
, normalizedCoords(normalizedCoords_)
, compare(compare_)
, compareChannel(compareChannel_)
, borderColor(borderColor_)
, seamlessCubeMap(seamlessCubeMap_)
, depthStencilMode(depthStencilMode_)
, lodThreshold(0.0f)
, normalizedCoords(true)
, compareChannel(0)
, borderColor(Vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
, seamlessCubeMap(false)
, depthStencilMode(MODE_DEPTH)
// Calculate pitches for pixel data with no padding.
IVec3 calculatePackedPitch(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size);
bool isSamplerMipmapModeLinear(tcu::Sampler::FilterMode filterMode);
class TextureLevel;
* \brief Read-only pixel data access
* ConstPixelBufferAccess encapsulates pixel data pointer along with
* format and layout information. It can be used for read-only access
* to arbitrary pixel buffers.
* Access objects are like iterators or pointers. They can be passed around
* as values and are valid as long as the storage doesn't change.
class ConstPixelBufferAccess
ConstPixelBufferAccess(const TextureLevel &level);
ConstPixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int depth, const void *data);
ConstPixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size, const void *data);
ConstPixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int depth, int rowPitch, int slicePitch,
const void *data);
ConstPixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size, const IVec3 &pitch, const void *data);
ConstPixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size, const IVec3 &pitch, const IVec3 &divider,
const void *data);
const TextureFormat &getFormat(void) const
return m_format;
const IVec3 &getSize(void) const
return m_size;
int getWidth(void) const
return m_size.x();
int getHeight(void) const
return m_size.y();
int getDepth(void) const
return m_size.z();
int getPixelPitch(void) const
return m_pitch.x();
int getRowPitch(void) const
return m_pitch.y();
int getSlicePitch(void) const
return m_pitch.z();
const IVec3 &getPitch(void) const
return m_pitch;
const IVec3 &getDivider(void) const
return m_divider;
const void *getDataPtr(void) const
return m_data;
const void *getPixelPtr(int x, int y, int z = 0) const
return (const uint8_t *)m_data + (x / m_divider.x()) * m_pitch.x() + (y / m_divider.y()) * m_pitch.y() +
(z / m_divider.z()) * m_pitch.z();
Vec4 getPixel(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
IVec4 getPixelInt(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
UVec4 getPixelUint(int x, int y, int z = 0) const
return getPixelInt(x, y, z).cast<uint32_t>();
I64Vec4 getPixelInt64(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
U64Vec4 getPixelUint64(int x, int y, int z = 0) const
return getPixelInt64(x, y, z).cast<uint64_t>();
U64Vec4 getPixelBitsAsUint64(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
template <typename T>
Vector<T, 4> getPixelT(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
float getPixDepth(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
int getPixStencil(int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
Vec4 sample1D(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float s, int level) const;
Vec4 sample2D(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float s, float t, int depth) const;
Vec4 sample3D(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float s, float t, float r) const;
Vec4 sample1DOffset(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float s, const IVec2 &offset) const;
Vec4 sample2DOffset(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float s, float t,
const IVec3 &offset) const;
Vec4 sample3DOffset(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float s, float t, float r,
const IVec3 &offset) const;
float sample1DCompare(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float ref, float s,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sample2DCompare(const Sampler &sampler, Sampler::FilterMode filter, float ref, float s, float t,
const IVec3 &offset) const;
TextureFormat m_format;
IVec3 m_size;
IVec3 m_pitch; //!< (pixelPitch, rowPitch, slicePitch)
IVec3 m_divider;
mutable void *m_data;
* \brief Read-write pixel data access
* This class extends read-only access object by providing write functionality.
* \note PixelBufferAccess may not have any data members nor add any
* virtual functions. It must be possible to reinterpret_cast<>
* PixelBufferAccess to ConstPixelBufferAccess.
class PixelBufferAccess : public ConstPixelBufferAccess
PixelBufferAccess(TextureLevel &level);
PixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int depth, void *data);
PixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size, void *data);
PixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int depth, int rowPitch, int slicePitch,
void *data);
PixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size, const IVec3 &pitch, void *data);
PixelBufferAccess(const TextureFormat &format, const IVec3 &size, const IVec3 &pitch, const IVec3 &block,
void *data);
void *getDataPtr(void) const
return m_data;
void *getPixelPtr(int x, int y, int z = 0) const
return (uint8_t *)m_data + (x / m_divider.x()) * m_pitch.x() + (y / m_divider.y()) * m_pitch.y() +
(z / m_divider.z()) * m_pitch.z();
void setPixel(const tcu::Vec4 &color, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
void setPixel(const tcu::IVec4 &color, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
void setPixel(const tcu::UVec4 &color, int x, int y, int z = 0) const
setPixel(color.cast<int>(), x, y, z);
void setPixDepth(float depth, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
void setPixStencil(int stencil, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
* \brief Generic pixel data container
* This container supports all valid TextureFormat combinations and
* both 2D and 3D textures. To read or manipulate data access object must
* be queried using getAccess().
class TextureLevel
TextureLevel(const TextureFormat &format);
TextureLevel(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int depth = 1);
const IVec3 &getSize(void) const
return m_size;
int getWidth(void) const
return m_size.x();
int getHeight(void) const
return m_size.y();
int getDepth(void) const
return m_size.z();
bool isEmpty(void) const
return m_size.x() * m_size.y() * m_size.z() == 0;
const TextureFormat getFormat(void) const
return m_format;
void setStorage(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int heigth, int depth = 1);
void setSize(int width, int height, int depth = 1);
PixelBufferAccess getAccess(void)
return isEmpty() ? PixelBufferAccess() :
PixelBufferAccess(m_format, m_size, calculatePackedPitch(m_format, m_size), getPtr());
ConstPixelBufferAccess getAccess(void) const
return isEmpty() ? ConstPixelBufferAccess() :
ConstPixelBufferAccess(m_format, m_size, calculatePackedPitch(m_format, m_size), getPtr());
void *getPtr(void)
return m_data.getPtr();
const void *getPtr(void) const
return m_data.getPtr();
TextureFormat m_format;
IVec3 m_size;
de::ArrayBuffer<uint8_t> m_data;
friend class ConstPixelBufferAccess;
* \brief VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod
enum ImageViewMinLodMode
IMAGEVIEWMINLODMODE_PREFERRED, //!< use image view min lod as-is
IMAGEVIEWMINLODMODE_ALTERNATIVE, //!< use floor of image view min lod, as in 'Image Level(s) Selection' in VK spec (v 1.3.206)
struct ImageViewMinLod
float value;
ImageViewMinLodMode mode;
struct ImageViewMinLodParams
int baseLevel;
ImageViewMinLod minLod;
bool intTexCoord;
Vec4 sampleLevelArray1D(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float s, int level,
float lod);
Vec4 sampleLevelArray2D(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t,
int depth, float lod, bool es2 = false, ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
Vec4 sampleLevelArray3D(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t,
float r, float lod, ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
Vec4 sampleLevelArray1DOffset(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float s,
float lod, const IVec2 &offset);
Vec4 sampleLevelArray2DOffset(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float s,
float t, float lod, const IVec3 &offset, bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
Vec4 sampleLevelArray3DOffset(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float s,
float t, float r, float lod, const IVec3 &offset,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
float sampleLevelArray1DCompare(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float ref,
float s, float lod, const IVec2 &offset);
float sampleLevelArray2DCompare(const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, int numLevels, const Sampler &sampler, float ref,
float s, float t, float lod, const IVec3 &offset);
Vec4 gatherArray2DOffsets(const ConstPixelBufferAccess &src, const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, int depth,
int componentNdx, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]);
Vec4 gatherArray2DOffsetsCompare(const ConstPixelBufferAccess &src, const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t,
int depth, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]);
enum CubeFace
* \brief Coordinates projected onto cube face.
template <typename T>
struct CubeFaceCoords
CubeFace face;
T s;
T t;
CubeFaceCoords(CubeFace face_, T s_, T t_) : face(face_), s(s_), t(t_)
CubeFaceCoords(CubeFace face_, const Vector<T, 2> &c) : face(face_), s(c.x()), t(c.y())
typedef CubeFaceCoords<float> CubeFaceFloatCoords;
typedef CubeFaceCoords<int> CubeFaceIntCoords;
CubeFace selectCubeFace(const Vec3 &coords);
Vec2 projectToFace(CubeFace face, const Vec3 &coords);
CubeFaceFloatCoords getCubeFaceCoords(const Vec3 &coords);
CubeFaceIntCoords remapCubeEdgeCoords(const CubeFaceIntCoords &coords, int size);
* \brief 2D Texture View
class Texture2DView
Texture2DView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
int getWidth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0;
int getHeight(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int ndx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return m_levels;
bool isES2(void) const
return m_es2;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, int componentNdx, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return m_minLodParams;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels;
bool m_es2;
struct ImageViewMinLodParams *m_minLodParams;
inline Texture2DView::Texture2DView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams)
: m_numLevels(numLevels)
, m_levels(levels)
, m_es2(es2)
, m_minLodParams(minLodParams)
DE_ASSERT(m_numLevels >= 0 && ((m_numLevels == 0) == !m_levels));
inline Vec4 Texture2DView::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const
return sampleLevelArray2D(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, s, t, 0 /* depth */, lod, m_es2, m_minLodParams);
inline Vec4 Texture2DView::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const
return sampleLevelArray2DOffset(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, s, t, lod, IVec3(offset.x(), offset.y(), 0));
inline float Texture2DView::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const
return sampleLevelArray2DCompare(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, ref, s, t, lod, IVec3(0, 0, 0));
inline float Texture2DView::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const
return sampleLevelArray2DCompare(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, ref, s, t, lod, IVec3(offset.x(), offset.y(), 0));
inline Vec4 Texture2DView::gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, int componentNdx,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const
return gatherArray2DOffsets(m_levels[0], sampler, s, t, 0, componentNdx, offsets);
inline Vec4 Texture2DView::gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const
return gatherArray2DOffsetsCompare(m_levels[0], sampler, ref, s, t, 0, offsets);
* \brief Base class for textures that have single mip-map pyramid
class TextureLevelPyramid
TextureLevelPyramid(const TextureFormat &format, int numLevels);
TextureLevelPyramid(const TextureLevelPyramid &other);
const TextureFormat &getFormat(void) const
return m_format;
int getNumLevels(void) const
return (int)m_access.size();
bool isLevelEmpty(int levelNdx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(levelNdx, 0, getNumLevels()));
return m_data[(size_t)levelNdx].empty();
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int levelNdx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(levelNdx, 0, getNumLevels()));
return m_access[(size_t)levelNdx];
const PixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int levelNdx)
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(levelNdx, 0, getNumLevels()));
return m_access[(size_t)levelNdx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return &m_access[0];
const PixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void)
return &m_access[0];
void allocLevel(int levelNdx, int width, int height, int depth);
void clearLevel(int levelNdx);
TextureLevelPyramid &operator=(const TextureLevelPyramid &other);
typedef de::ArrayBuffer<uint8_t> LevelData;
TextureFormat m_format;
std::vector<LevelData> m_data;
std::vector<PixelBufferAccess> m_access;
* \brief 2D Texture reference implementation
class Texture2D : private TextureLevelPyramid
Texture2D(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, bool es2 = false);
Texture2D(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int mipmaps);
Texture2D(const Texture2D &other);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_width;
int getHeight(void) const
return m_height;
const Texture2DView &getView(void) const
return m_view;
bool isYUVTextureUsed(void) const
return m_yuvTextureUsed;
void allocLevel(int levelNdx);
// Sampling
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, int componentNdx, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
using TextureLevelPyramid::clearLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getFormat;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getNumLevels;
using TextureLevelPyramid::isLevelEmpty;
Texture2D &operator=(const Texture2D &other);
//whether this is a yuv format texture tests
bool m_yuvTextureUsed;
operator Texture2DView(void) const
return m_view;
int m_width;
int m_height;
Texture2DView m_view;
inline Vec4 Texture2D::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, t, lod);
inline Vec4 Texture2D::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleOffset(sampler, s, t, lod, offset);
inline float Texture2D::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const
return m_view.sampleCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, lod);
inline float Texture2D::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleCompareOffset(sampler, ref, s, t, lod, offset);
inline Vec4 Texture2D::gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, int componentNdx,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const
return m_view.gatherOffsets(sampler, s, t, componentNdx, offsets);
inline Vec4 Texture2D::gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const
return m_view.gatherOffsetsCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, offsets);
* \brief Cube Map Texture View
class TextureCubeView
TextureCubeView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *const (&levels)[CUBEFACE_LAST], bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
bool isES2(void) const
return m_es2;
int getSize(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0][0].getWidth() : 0;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevelFace(int ndx, CubeFace face) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[face][ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getFaceLevels(CubeFace face) const
return m_levels[face];
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float p, float lod) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
Vec4 gather(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, int componentNdx) const;
Vec4 gatherCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return m_minLodParams;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels[CUBEFACE_LAST];
bool m_es2;
ImageViewMinLodParams *m_minLodParams;
* \brief Cube Map Texture reference implementation
class TextureCube
TextureCube(const TextureFormat &format, int size, bool es2 = false);
TextureCube(const TextureCube &other);
const TextureFormat &getFormat(void) const
return m_format;
int getSize(void) const
return m_size;
const TextureCubeView &getView(void) const
return m_view;
int getNumLevels(void) const
return (int)m_access[0].size();
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevelFace(int ndx, CubeFace face) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, getNumLevels()));
return m_access[face][(size_t)ndx];
const PixelBufferAccess &getLevelFace(int ndx, CubeFace face)
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, getNumLevels()));
return m_access[face][(size_t)ndx];
void allocLevel(CubeFace face, int levelNdx);
void clearLevel(CubeFace face, int levelNdx);
bool isLevelEmpty(CubeFace face, int levelNdx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(levelNdx, 0, getNumLevels()));
return m_data[face][(size_t)levelNdx].empty();
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float p, float lod) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
Vec4 gather(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, int componentNdx) const;
Vec4 gatherCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r) const;
TextureCube &operator=(const TextureCube &other);
operator TextureCubeView(void) const
return m_view;
typedef de::ArrayBuffer<uint8_t> LevelData;
TextureFormat m_format;
int m_size;
std::vector<LevelData> m_data[CUBEFACE_LAST];
std::vector<PixelBufferAccess> m_access[CUBEFACE_LAST];
TextureCubeView m_view;
inline Vec4 TextureCube::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float p, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, t, p, lod);
inline float TextureCube::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const
return m_view.sampleCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, r, lod);
inline Vec4 TextureCube::gather(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, int componentNdx) const
return m_view.gather(sampler, s, t, r, componentNdx);
inline Vec4 TextureCube::gatherCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r) const
return m_view.gatherCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, r);
* \brief 1D Texture View
class Texture1DView
Texture1DView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2, ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams);
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
int getWidth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int ndx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return m_levels;
bool isES2(void) const
return false;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return DE_NULL;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels;
inline Texture1DView::Texture1DView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels,
bool es2 DE_UNUSED_ATTR = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams DE_UNUSED_ATTR = DE_NULL)
: m_numLevels(numLevels)
, m_levels(levels)
DE_ASSERT(m_numLevels >= 0 && ((m_numLevels == 0) == !m_levels));
inline Vec4 Texture1DView::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod) const
return sampleLevelArray1D(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, s, 0 /* depth */, lod);
inline Vec4 Texture1DView::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const
return sampleLevelArray1DOffset(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, s, lod, IVec2(offset, 0));
inline float Texture1DView::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod) const
return sampleLevelArray1DCompare(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, ref, s, lod, IVec2(0, 0));
inline float Texture1DView::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod,
int32_t offset) const
return sampleLevelArray1DCompare(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, ref, s, lod, IVec2(offset, 0));
* \brief 1D Texture reference implementation
class Texture1D : private TextureLevelPyramid
Texture1D(const TextureFormat &format, int width);
Texture1D(const Texture1D &other);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_width;
const Texture1DView &getView(void) const
return m_view;
void allocLevel(int levelNdx);
// Sampling
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
using TextureLevelPyramid::clearLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getFormat;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getNumLevels;
using TextureLevelPyramid::isLevelEmpty;
Texture1D &operator=(const Texture1D &other);
operator Texture1DView(void) const
return m_view;
int m_width;
Texture1DView m_view;
inline Vec4 Texture1D::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, lod);
inline Vec4 Texture1D::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const
return m_view.sampleOffset(sampler, s, lod, offset);
inline float Texture1D::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod) const
return m_view.sampleCompare(sampler, ref, s, lod);
inline float Texture1D::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float lod, int32_t offset) const
return m_view.sampleCompareOffset(sampler, ref, s, lod, offset);
* \brief 1D Array Texture View
class Texture1DArrayView
Texture1DArrayView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0;
int getNumLayers(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0;
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int ndx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return m_levels;
bool isES2(void) const
return false;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return DE_NULL;
int selectLayer(float r) const;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels;
* \brief 1D Array Texture reference implementation
class Texture1DArray : private TextureLevelPyramid
Texture1DArray(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int numLayers);
Texture1DArray(const Texture1DArray &other);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_width;
int getNumLayers(void) const
return m_numLayers;
void allocLevel(int levelNdx);
using TextureLevelPyramid::clearLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getFormat;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getNumLevels;
using TextureLevelPyramid::isLevelEmpty;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod, int32_t offset) const;
Texture1DArray &operator=(const Texture1DArray &other);
operator Texture1DArrayView(void) const
return m_view;
int m_width;
int m_numLayers;
Texture1DArrayView m_view;
inline Vec4 Texture1DArray::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, t, lod);
inline Vec4 Texture1DArray::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float lod, int32_t offset) const
return m_view.sampleOffset(sampler, s, t, lod, offset);
inline float Texture1DArray::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const
return m_view.sampleCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, lod);
inline float Texture1DArray::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod,
int32_t offset) const
return m_view.sampleCompareOffset(sampler, ref, s, t, lod, offset);
* \brief 2D Array Texture View
class Texture2DArrayView
Texture2DArrayView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0;
int getHeight(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0;
int getNumLayers(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getDepth() : 0;
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int ndx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return m_levels;
bool isES2(void) const
return false;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, int componentNdx,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return DE_NULL;
int selectLayer(float r) const;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels;
* \brief 2D Array Texture reference implementation
class Texture2DArray : private TextureLevelPyramid
Texture2DArray(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int numLayers);
Texture2DArray(const Texture2DArray &other);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_width;
int getHeight(void) const
return m_height;
int getNumLayers(void) const
return m_numLayers;
void allocLevel(int levelNdx);
using TextureLevelPyramid::clearLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getFormat;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getNumLevels;
using TextureLevelPyramid::isLevelEmpty;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, int componentNdx,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
Texture2DArray &operator=(const Texture2DArray &other);
operator Texture2DArrayView(void) const
return m_view;
int m_width;
int m_height;
int m_numLayers;
Texture2DArrayView m_view;
inline Vec4 Texture2DArray::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, t, r, lod);
inline Vec4 Texture2DArray::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleOffset(sampler, s, t, r, lod, offset);
inline float Texture2DArray::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r,
float lod) const
return m_view.sampleCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, r, lod);
inline float Texture2DArray::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r,
float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleCompareOffset(sampler, ref, s, t, r, lod, offset);
inline Vec4 Texture2DArray::gatherOffsets(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, int componentNdx,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const
return m_view.gatherOffsets(sampler, s, t, r, componentNdx, offsets);
inline Vec4 Texture2DArray::gatherOffsetsCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r,
const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const
return m_view.gatherOffsetsCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, r, offsets);
* \brief 3D Texture View
class Texture3DView
Texture3DView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0;
int getHeight(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0;
int getDepth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getDepth() : 0;
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int ndx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return m_levels;
bool isES2(void) const
return m_es2;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod, const IVec3 &offset) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return m_minLodParams;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels;
bool m_es2;
ImageViewMinLodParams *m_minLodParams;
inline Vec4 Texture3DView::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const
return sampleLevelArray3D(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, s, t, r, lod, m_minLodParams);
inline Vec4 Texture3DView::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod,
const IVec3 &offset) const
return sampleLevelArray3DOffset(m_levels, m_numLevels, sampler, s, t, r, lod, offset, m_minLodParams);
* \brief 3D Texture reference implementation
class Texture3D : private TextureLevelPyramid
Texture3D(const TextureFormat &format, int width, int height, int depth);
Texture3D(const Texture3D &other);
int getWidth(void) const
return m_width;
int getHeight(void) const
return m_height;
int getDepth(void) const
return m_depth;
void allocLevel(int levelNdx);
using TextureLevelPyramid::clearLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getFormat;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getNumLevels;
using TextureLevelPyramid::isLevelEmpty;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod, const IVec3 &offset) const;
Texture3D &operator=(const Texture3D &other);
operator Texture3DView(void) const
return m_view;
int m_width;
int m_height;
int m_depth;
Texture3DView m_view;
inline Vec4 Texture3D::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, t, r, lod);
inline Vec4 Texture3D::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float lod,
const IVec3 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleOffset(sampler, s, t, r, lod, offset);
* \brief Cube Map Array Texture View
class TextureCubeArrayView
TextureCubeArrayView(int numLevels, const ConstPixelBufferAccess *levels, bool es2 = false,
ImageViewMinLodParams *minLodParams = DE_NULL);
int getSize(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0;
int getDepth(void) const
return m_numLevels > 0 ? m_levels[0].getDepth() : 0;
int getNumLayers(void) const
return getDepth() / 6;
int getNumLevels(void) const
return m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess &getLevel(int ndx) const
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0, m_numLevels));
return m_levels[ndx];
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *getLevels(void) const
return m_levels;
bool isES2(void) const
return false;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
ImageViewMinLodParams *getImageViewMinLodParams(void) const
return DE_NULL;
int selectLayer(float q) const;
int m_numLevels;
const ConstPixelBufferAccess *m_levels;
* \brief Cube Map Array Texture reference implementation
class TextureCubeArray : private TextureLevelPyramid
TextureCubeArray(const TextureFormat &format, int size, int depth);
TextureCubeArray(const TextureCubeArray &other);
int getSize(void) const
return m_size;
int getDepth(void) const
return m_depth;
void allocLevel(int levelNdx);
using TextureLevelPyramid::clearLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getFormat;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getLevel;
using TextureLevelPyramid::getNumLevels;
using TextureLevelPyramid::isLevelEmpty;
Vec4 sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const;
float sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const;
TextureCubeArray &operator=(const TextureCubeArray &other);
operator TextureCubeArrayView(void) const
return m_view;
int m_size;
int m_depth;
TextureCubeArrayView m_view;
inline Vec4 TextureCubeArray::sample(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod) const
return m_view.sample(sampler, s, t, r, q, lod);
inline Vec4 TextureCubeArray::sampleOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float s, float t, float r, float q, float lod,
const IVec2 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleOffset(sampler, s, t, r, q, lod, offset);
inline float TextureCubeArray::sampleCompare(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r, float q,
float lod) const
return m_view.sampleCompare(sampler, ref, s, t, r, q, lod);
inline float TextureCubeArray::sampleCompareOffset(const Sampler &sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float r,
float q, float lod, const IVec2 &offset) const
return m_view.sampleCompareOffset(sampler, ref, s, t, r, q, lod, offset);
// Stream operators.
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &str, TextureFormat::ChannelOrder order);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &str, TextureFormat::ChannelType type);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &str, TextureFormat format);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &str, CubeFace face);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &str, const ConstPixelBufferAccess &access);
} // namespace tcu