tree: 74b134dccffe3e2abec92bd88bfdbf13ba4d279d [path history] [tgz]
  1. data/
  2. framework/
  3. modules/
  4. mustpass/


This document describes how to build and run Vulkan Conformance Test suite.

Vulkan CTS is built on dEQP framework. dEQP documentation is available at



  • Git (for checking out sources)
  • Python 2.7.x (all recent versions in 2.x should work, 3.x is not supported)
  • CMake 2.8 or newer


  • Visual Studio 2013 or newer (glslang uses several C++11 features)


  • Standard toolchain (make, gcc/clang)


  • Android NDK r10e
  • Android SDK with following packages:
    • SDK Tools
    • SDK Platform-tools
    • SDK Build-tools
    • API 22
  • Apache Ant
  • Windows: either NMake or JOM in PATH

Building CTS

To build dEQP, you need first to download sources for zlib, libpng, glslang, and spirv-tools.

To download sources, run:

$ python external/

You may need to re-run to update to the latest glslang and spirv-tools revisions occasionally.

NOTE: glslang integration is not yet available on Android due to a toolchain bug, so pre-compiled SPIR-V binaries must be used. See instructions below.

With CMake out-of-source builds are always recommended. Create a build directory of your choosing, and in that directory generate Makefiles or IDE project using cmake.

Windows x86-32:

> cmake <path to vulkancts> -G"Visual Studio 12"
> start dEQP-Core-default.sln

Windows x86-64:

> cmake <path to vulkancts> -G"Visual Studio 12 Win64"
> start dEQP-Core-default.sln

Linux 32-bit Debug:

$ cmake <path to vulkancts> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32
$ make -j

Release build can be done by using -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Linux 64-bit Debug:

$ cmake <path to vulkancts> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64
$ make -j


$ python android/scripts/
$ python android/scripts/

Building Mustpass

Current mustpass is checked into repository and can be found at:


Vulkan CTS mustpass can be re-generated by running:

$ python <vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/

Pre-compiling SPIR-V binaries

For distribution, and platforms that don't support GLSL to SPIR-V compilation, SPIR-V binaries must be pre-built with following command:

$ python external/vulkancts/

Binaries will be written to external/vulkancts/data/vulkan/prebuilt/.

Test modules (or in case of Android, the APK) must be re-built after building SPIR-V programs in order for the binaries to be available.

Running CTS

Following command line options MUST be used when running CTS:


In addition on multi-device systems the device for which conformance is claimed can be selected with:


No other command line options are allowed.


> cd <builddir>/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan
> Debug/deqp-vk.exe --deqp-caselist-file=...

Test log will be written into TestResults.qpa


$ cd <builddir>/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan
$ ./deqp-vk --deqp-vk-caselist-file=...


$ adb push <vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/mustpass/1.0.0/vk-default.txt /sdcard/vk-default.txt
$ adb shell

In device shell:

$ am start -n com.drawelements.deqp/ -e cmdLine "deqp --deqp-caselist-file=/sdcard/vk-default.txt --deqp-log-images=disable --deqp-log-shader-sources=disable --deqp-log-filename=/sdcard/TestResults.qpa"

Process can be followed by running:

$ adb logcat -s dEQP

Test log will be written into /sdcard/TestResults.qpa

Conformance Submission Package Requirements

Conformance submission package must contain following:

  1. Full test logs (TestResults.qpa) from CTS runs against all driver builds
  2. Result of “git status” and “git log” from CTS source directory
  3. Any patches used on top of release tag
  4. Conformance statement

Test logs (1) should be named TestResults-.qpa, for example TestResults-armeabi-v7a.qpa. On platforms where multiple different driver builds (for example 64-bit and 32-bit) are present, CTS must be ran against all of them.

CTS build must always be done from clean git repository that doesn't have any uncommitted changes. Thus it is necessary to run and capture output of “git status” and “git log” (2) in the source directory:

git status > <submission pkg dir>/git-status.txt
git log <release tag>..HEAD > <submission pkg dir>/git-log.txt

Any changes made to CTS must be committed to the repository, and provided as part of the submission package (3). This can be done by running:

git format-patch -o <submission pkg dir> <release tag>..HEAD

In general bugfixes and changes to platform-specific code (mostly under framework/platform) are allowed.

Conformance statement (4) must be included in a file called STATEMENT- and must contain following:

CONFORM_VERSION:         <git tag of CTS release>
PRODUCT:                 <string-value>
CPU:                     <string-value>
OS:                      <string-value>

Note that product/cpu/os information is also captured in* tests if vk::Platform::describePlatform() is implemented.

Vulkan platform port

Vulkan support from Platform implementation requires providing getVulkanPlatform() method in tcu::Platform class implementation.

See framework/common/tcuPlatform.hpp and examples in framework/platform/win32/tcuWin32Platform.cpp and framework/platform/android/tcuAndroidPlatform.cpp.

Null (dummy) driver

For testing and development purposes it might be useful to be able to run tests on dummy Vulkan implementation. One such implementation is provided in vkNullDriver.cpp. To use that, implement vk::Platform::createLibrary() with vk::createNullDriver().

Cherry GUI

Vulkan test module can be used with Cherry (GUI for test execution and analysis). Cherry is available at Please follow instructions in README to get started.

To enable support for Vulkan tests, dEQP-VK module must be added to list of test packages.

In cherry/testrunner.go, add following line to testPackageDescriptors list (line 608 in NewTestRunner function):

{"dEQP-VK", "deqp-vk", "../external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan", dataDir + "dEQP-VK-cases.xml"},

Before first launch, and every time test hierarchy has been modified, test case list must be refreshed by running:

$ python scripts/ path/to/cherry/data

Cherry must be restarted for the case list update to take effect.