blob: 7b1f10efedbb76aa6a9e4f00b1211aa82ffe6b4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Amber Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef SRC_ENGINE_H_
#define SRC_ENGINE_H_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "amber/amber.h"
#include "amber/result.h"
#include "src/buffer.h"
#include "src/command.h"
#include "src/format.h"
#include "src/pipeline.h"
namespace amber {
/// EngineData stores information used during engine execution.
struct EngineData {
/// The timeout to use for fences, in milliseconds.
uint32_t fence_timeout_ms = 1000;
/// Abstract class which describes a backing engine for Amber.
/// The engine class has a defined lifecycle.
/// 1. The engine is created through Engine::Create.
/// 2. Engine::Initialize is called to provide the engine with the configured
/// graphics device.
/// 3. Engine::CreatePipeline is called for each pipeline. The pipelines are
/// fully specified at this point and include:
/// * All compiled shader binaries
/// * Vertex, Index, Storage, Uniform, Push Constant buffers
/// * Colour attachment, and depth/stencil attachment buffers.
/// * Extra engine data.
/// The buffers all may have default values to be loaded into the device.
/// 4. Engine::Do* is called for each command.
/// Note, it is assumed that the amber::Buffers are updated at the end of
/// each Do* command and can be used immediately for comparisons.
/// 5. Engine destructor is called.
class Engine {
/// Creates a new engine of the requested |type|.
static std::unique_ptr<Engine> Create(EngineType type);
virtual ~Engine();
/// Initialize the engine with the provided config. The config is _not_ owned
/// by the engine and will not be destroyed. The |features| and |extensions|
/// are for validation purposes only. If possible the engine should verify
/// that the constraints in |features| and |extensions| are valid and fail
/// otherwise.
virtual Result Initialize(
EngineConfig* config,
Delegate* delegate,
const std::vector<std::string>& features,
const std::vector<std::string>& instance_extensions,
const std::vector<std::string>& device_extensions) = 0;
/// Create graphics pipeline.
virtual Result CreatePipeline(Pipeline* pipeline) = 0;
/// Execute the clear color command
virtual Result DoClearColor(const ClearColorCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the clear stencil command
virtual Result DoClearStencil(const ClearStencilCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the clear depth command
virtual Result DoClearDepth(const ClearDepthCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the clear command
virtual Result DoClear(const ClearCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the draw rect command
virtual Result DoDrawRect(const DrawRectCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the draw arrays command
virtual Result DoDrawArrays(const DrawArraysCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the compute command
virtual Result DoCompute(const ComputeCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the entry point command
virtual Result DoEntryPoint(const EntryPointCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the patch command
virtual Result DoPatchParameterVertices(
const PatchParameterVerticesCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Execute the buffer command.
/// This declares an Amber buffer to be bound to a descriptor.
/// This covers both Vulkan buffers and images.
virtual Result DoBuffer(const BufferCommand* cmd) = 0;
/// Sets the engine data to use.
void SetEngineData(const EngineData& data) { engine_data_ = data; }
/// Retrieves the engine data.
const EngineData& GetEngineData() const { return engine_data_; }
EngineData engine_data_;
} // namespace amber
#endif // SRC_ENGINE_H_