chromeos-dbus-bindings: Inline some of named constants in tests

In order to make tests more readable and maintainable, removed named
constants and use string literals in their place. Since pretty much all
of these constants were used only once in a test, there is no benefit
in creating a constant, but it makes it difficult to read the test and
add new conditions/expectations.

TEST=`FEATURES=test emerge-link chromeos-dbus-bindings`

Change-Id: I220f528f98301b7ff9f08106f9c32b3d5e87309c
Reviewed-by: Paul Stewart <>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Tested-by: Alex Vakulenko <>
Commit-Queue: Alex Vakulenko <>
4 files changed
tree: e0edf18e41a222fee2108f57e202719c1722727a
  1. chromeos-dbus-bindings/