chromeos-dbus-bindings: Use per signal handlers

When we use a delegate, we're forced into a situation where:

1) Some object must manage the lifetime of both the delegate and the
2) We can continue to receive callbacks on the signal handler until
   we detach the proxy from the Bus

However, there is not a great mechanism to coordinate the lifetime
of the managing object with the required lifetime of the delegate
object.  If we ever reach the destructor of the managing object,
it is too late to try and tear down the proxy and its signal delegate.

TEST=unittests and generated code compiles.

Change-Id: Ia6f8080b069f4aa6d1b92b1ca612e3d69eee88a7
Reviewed-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Tested-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Commit-Queue: Christopher Wiley <>
4 files changed
tree: 5718aae34948449c487e7a121a40315fd79ef734
  1. chromeos-dbus-bindings/