blob: b5bc305951eee8de642aa616ff747536536ee44c [file] [log] [blame]
_ _ ____ _
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Version 7.73.0 (14 Oct 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (14 Oct 2020)
for 7.73.0
- THANKS: from 7.73.0 and .mailmap fixes
- mailmap: fixups of some contributors
- projects/build-wolfssl.bat: fix the copyright year range
Marc Hoersken (14 Oct 2020)
- [Sergei Nikulov brought this change]
CI/tests: fix invocation of tests for CMake builds
Update appveyor.yml to set env variable TFLAGS and run tests
Remove curly braces due to CMake error (${TFLAGS} -> $TFLAGS)
Move testdeps build to build step (per review comments)
Reviewed-by: Marc Hörsken
Closes #6066
Fixes #6052
- tests/server/util.c: fix support for Windows Unicode builds
Detected via #6066
Closes #6070
Daniel Stenberg (13 Oct 2020)
- [Jay Satiro brought this change]
strerror: Revert to local codepage for Windows error string
- Change get_winapi_error() to return the error string in the local
codepage instead of UTF-8 encoding.
Two weeks ago bed5f84 fixed get_winapi_error() to work on xbox, but it
also changed the error string's encoding from local codepage to UTF-8.
We return the local codepage version of the error string because if it
is output to the user's terminal it will likely be with functions which
expect the local codepage (eg fprintf, failf, infof).
This is essentially a partial revert of bed5f84. The support for xbox
remains but the error string is reverted back to local codepage.
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #6065
Marc Hoersken (13 Oct 2020)
- CI/tests: use verification curl for test reporting APIs
Avoid using our own, potentially installed, curl for
the test reporting APIs in case it is broken.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Preparation for #6049
Closes #6063
Viktor Szakats (12 Oct 2020)
- windows: fix comparison of mismatched types warning
clang 10, mingw-w64:
vtls/openssl.c:2917:33: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'DWORD' (aka 'unsigned long') and 'HRESULT' (aka 'long')
if(GetLastError() != CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Approved-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #6062
Daniel Stenberg (11 Oct 2020)
- [Viktor Szakats brought this change]
src/Makefile.m32: fix undefined curlx_dyn_* errors
by linking `lib/dynbuf.c` when building a static curl binary.
Previously this source file was only included when building
a dynamic curl binary. This was likely possibly because no
functions from the `src/` / `CURLX_CFILES` sources
were actually required for a curl tool build. This has
recently changed with the introduction of `curlx_dyn_*()`
memory functions and their use by the tool sources.
Closes #6060
- HISTORY: curl verifies SSL certs by default since version 7.10
Marc Hoersken (8 Oct 2020)
- use $LIBDIR variable instead of hardcoded path
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #6051
Daniel Stenberg (7 Oct 2020)
- checksrc: detect // comments on column 0
Spotted while working on #6045
Closes #6048
- [Frederik Wedel-Heinen brought this change]
mbedtls: add missing header when defining MBEDTLS_DEBUG
Closes #6045
- curl: make sure setopt CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE passes on a long
Previously, it would pass on a define (int) which could make libcurl
read junk as a value - which prevented the CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE option to
"take". This could then make test 2100 do two DoH requests instead of
Fixes #6042
Closes #6043
- scripts/ don't "embed" $ in format string for printf()
... since they might contain %-codes that mess up the output!
Jay Satiro (5 Oct 2020)
- [M.R.T brought this change]
build-wolfssl: fix build with Visual Studio 2019
Daniel Stenberg (4 Oct 2020)
- runtests: add %repeat[]% for test files
... and use this new keywords in all the test files larger than 50K to reduce
their sizes and make them a lot easier to read and understand.
Closes #6040
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
--help: move two options from the misc category
The cmdline opts delegation and suppress-connect-headers
fit better into auth and proxy rather than misc.
Follow-up to aa8777f63febc
Closes #6038
- [Samanta Navarro brought this change]
docs/opts: fix typos in two manual pages
Closes #6039
- ldap: reduce the amount of #ifdefs needed
Closes #6035
- runtests: provide curl's version string as %VERSION for tests
... so that we can check HTTP requests for User-Agent: curl/%VERSION
Update 600+ test cases accordingly.
Closes #6037
- checksrc: warn on space after exclamation mark
Closes #6034
- test1465: verify --libcurl with binary POST data
- runtests: allow generating a binary sequence from hex
- tool_setopt: escape binary data to hex, not octal
- curl: make --libcurl show binary posts correctly
Reported-by: Stephan Mühlstrasser
Fixes #6031
Closes #6032
Jay Satiro (1 Oct 2020)
- strerror: fix null deref on winapi out-of-memory
Follow-up to bed5f84 from several days ago.
Daniel Stenberg (1 Oct 2020)
- [Kamil Dudka brought this change]
vtls: deduplicate some DISABLE_PROXY ifdefs
... in the code of gtls, nss, and openssl
Closes #5735
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
TODO: Add OpenBSD libtool notice
See #5862
Closes #6030
- tests/unit/README: convert to markdown
... and add to dist!
Closes #6028
- tests/README: convert to markdown
Closes #6028
- include/README: convert to markdown
Closes #6028
- examples/README: convert to markdown
Closes #6028
- configure: don't say HTTPS-proxy is enabled when disabled!
Reported-by: Kamil Dudka
Reviewed-by: Kamil Dudka
Closes #6029
Daniel Gustafsson (30 Sep 2020)
- src: Consistently spell whitespace without whitespace
Whitespace is spelled without a space between white and space, so
make sure to consistently spell it that way across the codebase.
Closes #6023
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg <>
Reviewed-by: Emil Engler <>
- MANUAL: update examples to resolve without redirects is redirecting to a cookie consent form on Aol, and isn't responding to FTP anymore. Replace with examples
that resolves in case users try out the commands when reading the
Closes #6024
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg <>
Reviewed-by: Emil Engler <>
Daniel Stenberg (30 Sep 2020)
- HISTORY: add some 2020 events
- sectransp: make it build with --disable-proxy
Follow-up from #5466 and f3d501dc678d80
Reported-by: Javier Navarro
Fixes #6025
Closes #6026
- ECH: renamed from ESNI in docs and configure
Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) is the current name.
Closes #6022
- configure: use "no" instead of "disabled" for the end summary
... for consistency but also to make them more distinctly stand out next
to the "enabled" lines.
- TODO: SSH over HTTPS proxy with more backends
... as right now only the libssh2 backend supports it.
- libssh2: handle the SSH protocols done over HTTPS proxy
Reported-by: Robin Douine
Fixes #4295
Closes #6021
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
memdebug: remove 9 year old unused debug function
There used to be a way to have memdebug fill allocated memory. 9 years
later this has no value there (valgrind and ASAN etc are way better). If
people need to know about it they can have a look at VCS logs.
Closes #5973
- sendf: move Curl_sendf to dict.c and make it static
... as the only remaining user of that function. Also fix gopher.c to
instead use Curl_write()
Closes #6020
- ROADMAP: updates and cleanups
Fix the HSTS PR
Remove DoT, thread-safe init and hard-coded localhost. I feel very
little interest for these with users so I downgrade them to plain "TODO"
entries again.
- schannel: return CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION for untrusted root
This matches what is returned in other TLS backends in the same
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Emil Engler
Follow-up to 5a3efb1
Reported-by: iammrtau on github
Fixes #6003
Closes #6018
- ftp: make a 552 response return CURLE_REMOTE_DISK_FULL
Added test 348 to verify. Added a 'STOR' command to the test FTP
server to enable test 348. Documented the command in
Reported-by: Duncan Wilcox
Fixes #6016
Closes #6017
- pause: only trigger a reread if the unpause sticks
As an unpause might itself get paused again and then triggering another
reread doesn't help.
Follow-up from e040146f22608fd9 (shipped since 7.69.1)
Patch-by: Kunal Chandarana
Fixes #5988
Closes #6013
- test163[12]: require http to be built-in to run
... as speaking over an HTTPS proxy implies http!
Closes #6014
- ngtcp2: adapt to new NGTCP2_PROTO_VER_MAX define
Closes #6012
- [Javier Blazquez brought this change]
strerror: honor Unicode API choice on Windows
Closes #6005
- imap: make imap_send use dynbuf for the send buffer management
Reuses the buffer and thereby reduces number of mallocs over a transfer.
Closes #6010
- Curl_send: return error when pre_receive_plain can't malloc
... will probably trigger some false DEAD CODE positives on non-windows
code analyzers for the conditional code.
Closes #6011
- ftp: separate FTPS from FTP over "HTTPS proxy"
When using HTTPS proxy, SSL is used but not in the view of the FTP
protocol handler itself so separate the connection's use of SSL from the
FTP control connection's sue.
Reported-by: Mingtao Yang
Fixes #5523
Closes #6006
Dan Fandrich (23 Sep 2020)
- tests/data: Fix some mismatched XML tags in test cases
This allows these test files to pass xmllint.
Daniel Stenberg (23 Sep 2020)
- pingpong: use a dynbuf for the *_pp_sendf() function
... reuses the same dynamic buffer instead of doing repeated malloc/free
Test case 100 (FTP dir list PASV) does 7 fewer memory allocation calls
after this change in my test setup (132 => 125), curl 7.72.0 needed 140
calls for this.
Test case 103 makes 9 less allocations now (130). Down from 149 in
Closes #6004
- dynbuf: add Curl_dyn_vaddf
Closes #6004
- dynbuf: make *addf() not require extra mallocs
... by introducing a printf() function that appends directly into a
dynbuf: Curl_dyn_vprintf(). This avoids the mandatory extra malloc so if
the buffer is already big enough it can just printf directly into it.
Since this less-malloc version requires tthe use of a library internal
printf function, we only provide this version when building libcurl and
not for the dynbuf code that is used when building the curl tool.
Closes #5998
- KNOWN_BUGS: Unable to use PKCS12 certificate with Secure Transport
Closes #5403
- pingpong: remove a malloc per Curl_pp_vsendf call
This typically makes 7-9 fewer mallocs per FTP transfer.
Closes #5997
- symbian: drop support
The OS is deprecated. I see no traces of anyone having actually built
curl for Symbian after 2012.
The public headers are unmodified.
Closes #5989
- curl_krb5.h: rename from krb5.h
Follow-up from f4873ebd0be32cf
Turns out some older openssl installations go bananas otherwise.
Reported-by: Tom van der Woerdt
Fixes #5995
Closes #5996
- test1297: verify GOT_NOTHING with http proxy tunnel
- http_proxy: do not count proxy headers in the header bytecount
... as that counter is subsequently used to detect if nothing was
returned from the peer. This made curl return CURLE_OK when it should
have returned CURLE_GOT_NOTHING.
Fixes #5992
Reported-by: Tom van der Woerdt
Closes #5994
- setopt: return CURLE_BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT on bad argument
Fixed two return code mixups. CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION is saved for when the
option is, yeah, not known. Clarified this in the setopt man page too.
Closes #5993
- krb5: merged security.c and krb specific FTP functions in here
These two files were always tightly connected and it was hard to
understand what went into which. This also allows us to make the
ftpsend() function static (moved from ftp.c).
Removed security.c
Renamed curl_sec.h to krb5.h
Closes #5987
- Curl_handler: add 'family' to each protocol
Makes get_protocol_family() faster and it moves the knowledge about the
"families" to each protocol handler, where it belongs.
Closes #5986
- parsedate: tune the date to epoch conversion
By avoiding an unnecessary error check and the temp use of the tm
struct, the time2epoch conversion function gets a little bit faster.
When repeating test 517, the updated version is perhaps 1% faster (on
one particular build on one particular architecture).
Closes #5985
- cmake: remove scary warning
Remove the text saying
"the curl cmake build system is poorly maintained. Be aware"
... not because anything changed just now, but to encourage users to use
it and subsequently improve it.
Closes #5984
- docs/MQTT: remove outdated paaragraphs
- docs/MQTT: not experimental anymore
Follow-up to e37e4468688d8f
- docs/RESOURCES: remove
This document is not maintained and rather than trying to refresh it,
let's kill it. A more up-to-date document with relevant RFCs is this
page on the curl website:
Closes #5980
- docs/TheArtOfHttpScripting: convert to markdown
Makes it easier to browse on github etc. Offers (better) links.
It should be noted that this document is already mostly outdated and
"Everything curl" at is a better resource and
Closes #5981
- BUGS: convert document to markdown
Closes #5979
- --help: strdup the category
... since it is converted and the original pointer is freed on Windows
unicode handling.
Follow-up to aa8777f63febc
Fixes #5977
Closes #5978
Reported-by: xwxbug on github
- CHECKSRC: document two missing warnings
- ftp: avoid risk of reading uninitialized integers
If the received PASV response doesn't match the expected pattern, we
could end up reading uninitialized integers for IP address and port
Issue pointed out by
Closes #5972
- [Quentin Balland brought this change]
easy_reset: clear retry counter
Closes #5975
Fixes #5974
- ftp: get rid of the PPSENDF macro
The use of such a macro hides some of what's actually going on to the
reader and is generally disapproved of in the project.
Closes #5971
- man pages: switch to URLs
Since HTTPS is "the new normal", this update changes a lot of man page
examples to use instead of the previous "http://..."
Closes #5969
- github: remove the duplicate "Security vulnerability" entry
... since github adds an entry automatically by itself.
Closes #5970
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
github: use new issue template feature
This helps us to avoid getting feature requests as well as security
bugs reported into the issue tracker.
Closes #5936
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
urlapi: use more Curl_safefree
Closes #5968
Marc Hoersken (17 Sep 2020)
- multi: align WinSock mask variables in Curl_multi_wait
Also skip pre-checking sockets to set timeout_ms to 0
after the first socket has been detected to be ready.
Reviewed-by: rcombs on github
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Follow up to #5886
- multi: reuse WinSock events variable in Curl_multi_wait
Since the struct is quite large (1 long and 10 ints) we
declare it once at the beginning of the function instead
of multiple times inside loops to avoid stack movements.
Reviewed-by: Viktor Szakats
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5886
Daniel Stenberg (16 Sep 2020)
- TODO: dynamically decide to use socketpair
Suggested-by: Anders Bakken
Closes #4829
- TODO: add PR reference for native IDN support on macOS
As there was work started on this that never got completed.
Closes #5371
- tool_help.h: update copyright year range
Follow-up from aa8777f63febca
- CI/azure: disable test 571 in the msys2 builds
It's just too flaky there
Reviewed-by: Marc Hoersken
Closes #5954
- tool_writeout: protect fputs() from NULL
When the code was changed to do fputs() instead of fprintf() it got
sensitive for NULL pointers; add checks for that.
Follow-up from 0c1e767e83ec66
Closes #5963
- test3015: verify stdout "as text"
Follow-up from 0c1e767e83e to please win32 tests
Closes #5962
- travis: use libressl v3.1.4 instead of master
... as their git master seems too fragile to use (and 3.2.1 which is the
latest has a build failure).
Closes #5964
- tests/FILEFORMAT: document type=shell for <command>
- tests/FILEFORMAT: document nonewline support for <file>
The one in <client>, that creates files.
Follow-up from b83947c8df7
- [anio brought this change]
tool_writeout: add new writeout variable, %{num_headers}
This variable gives the number of headers.
Closes #5947
- tool_urlglob: fix compiler warning "unreachable code"
(On Windows builds.)
Follow-up to 70a3b003d9
- [Gergely Nagy brought this change]
vtls: deduplicate client certificates in ssl_config_data
Closes #5629
- ftp: a 550 response to SIZE returns CURLE_REMOTE_FILE_NOT_FOUND
This is primarily interesting for cases where CURLOPT_NOBODY is set as
previously curl would not return an error for this case.
MDTM getting 550 now also returns this error (it returned
CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE before) in order to unify return codes for
missing files across protocols and specific FTP commands.
libcurl already returns error on a 550 as a MDTM response (when
CURLOPT_FILETIME is set). If CURLOPT_NOBODY is not set, an error would
happen subsequently anyway since the RETR command would fail.
Add test 1913 and 1914 to verify. Updated several tests accordingly due
to the updated SIZE behavior.
Reported-by: Tomas Berger
Fixes #5953
Closes #5957
- curl: make checkpasswd use dynbuf
Closes #5952
- curl: make glob_match_url use dynbuf
Closes #5952
- curl: make file2memory use dynbuf
Closes #5952
- curl: make file2string use dynbuf
Closes #5952
- [Antarpreet Singh brought this change]
imap: set cselect_bits to CURL_CSELECT_IN initially
... when continuing a transfer from a FETCH response.
When the size of the file was small enough that the entirety of the
transfer happens in a single go and schannel buffers holds the entire
data. However, it wasn't completely read in Curl_pp_readresp since a
line break was found before that could happen. So, by the time we are in
imap_state_fetch_resp - there's data in buffers that needs to be read
via Curl_read but nothing to read from the socket. After we setup a
transfer (Curl_setup_transfer), curl just waits on the socket state to
change - which doesn't happen since no new data ever comes.
Closes #5961
- test434: test -K use in a single line without newline
Closes #5946
- runtests: allow creating files without newlines
Closes #5946
- curl: use curlx_dynbuf for realloc when loading config files
... fixes an integer overflow at the same time.
Reported-by: ihsinme on github
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5946
- dynbuf: provide curlx_ names for reuse by the curl tool
Closes #5946
- dynbuf: make sure Curl_dyn_tail() zero terminates
Closes #5959
- tests: add test1912 to the dist
Follow-up to 70984ce1be4cab6c
- docs/LICENSE-MIXING: remove
This document is not maintained and I feel that it doesn't provide much
value to users anymore (if it ever did).
Closes #5955
- [Laramie Leavitt brought this change]
http: consolidate nghttp2_session_mem_recv() call paths
Previously there were several locations that called
nghttp2_session_mem_recv and handled responses slightly differently.
Those have been converted to call the existing
h2_process_pending_input() function.
Moved the end-of-session check to h2_process_pending_input() since the
only place the end-of-session state can change is after nghttp2
processes additional input frames.
This will likely fix the fuzzing error. While I don't have a root cause
the out-of-bounds read seems like a use after free, so moving the
nghttp2_session_check_request_allowed() call to a location with a
guaranteed nghttp2 session seems reasonable.
Also updated a few nghttp2 callsites to include error messages and added
a few additional error checks.
Closes #5648
- HISTORY: mention alt-svc added in 2019
... and make 1996 the first year subtitle
- base64: also build for pop3 and imap
Follow-up to the fix in 20417a13fb8f83
Reported-by: Michael Olbrich
Fixes #5937
Closes #5948
- base64: enable in build with SMTP
The oauth2 support is used with SMTP and it uses base64 functions.
Reported-by: Michael Olbrich
Fixes #5937
Closes #5938
- curl_mime_headers.3: fix the example's use of curl_slist_append
Reported-by: sofaboss on github
Fixes #5942
Closes #5943
- lib583: fix enum mixup
grrr the previous follow-up to 17fcdf6a31 was wrong
- libtest: fix build errors
Follow-up from 17fcdf6a310d4c8076
- lib: fix -Wassign-enum warnings
configure --enable-debug now enables -Wassign-enum with clang,
identifying several enum "abuses" also fixed.
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Closes #5929
- [Diven Qi brought this change]
url: use blank credentials when using proxy w/o username and password
Fixes proxy regression brought in commit ad829b21ae (7.71.0)
Fixed #5911
Closes #5914
- travis: add a build using libressl (from git master)
The v3.2.1 tag (latest release atm) results in a broken build.
Closes #5932
- configure: let --enable-debug set -Wenum-conversion with gcc >= 10
Unfortunately, this option is not detecting the same issues as clang's
-Wassign-enum flag, but should still be useful to detect future
Closes #5930
- openssl: consider ALERT_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED a failed verification
If the error reason from the lib is
This unifies the libcurl return code and makes libressl run test 313
(CRL testing) fine.
Closes #5934
- FAQ: refreshed some very old language
- cmake: make HTTP_ONLY also disable MQTT
... and alphasort the order of disabling protocols to make it easier to
Closes #5931
- libtest: remove lib1541 leftovers
Caused automake errors.
Follow-up to 8ca54a03ea08a
- tests/libtests: remove test 1900 and 2033
We already remove the test files, now remove the libtest codes as well.
Follow-up to e50a877df74
Marc Hoersken (7 Sep 2020)
- CI/azure: add test number to title for display in analytics
To ease identification of tests the test number is added to
the test case title in order to have it on the Azure DevOps
Analytics pages and reports which currently do not show it.
Bump test case revision to make Azure DevOps update titles.
Closes #5927
Daniel Stenberg (6 Sep 2020)
- altsvc: clone setting in curl_easy_duphandle
The cache content is not duplicated, like other caches, but the setting
and specified file name are.
Test 1908 is extended to verify this somewhat. Since the duplicated
handle gets the same file name, the test unfortunately overwrites the
same file twice (with different contents) which makes it hard to check
Closes #5923
- test1541: remove since it is a known bug
A shared connection cache is not thread-safe is a known issue. Stop
testing this until we believe this issue is addressed. Reduces
occasional test failures we don't care about.
The test code in lib1541.c is left in git to allow us to restore it when
we get to fix this.
Closes #5922
- tests: remove pipelining tests
Remove the tests 530, 584, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903 and 2033. They were
previously disabled.
The Pipelining code was removed from curl in commit 2f44e94efb3df8e,
April 2019.
Closes #5921
- curl: retry delays in parallel mode no longer sleeps blocking
The previous sleep for retries would block all other concurrent
transfers. Starting now, the retry will instead be properly marked to
not get restarted until after the delay time but other transfers can
still continue in the mean time.
Closes #5917
- curl:parallel_transfers: make sure retry readds the transfer
Reported-by: htasta on github
Fixes #5905
Closes #5917
- build: drop support for building with Watcom
These files are not maintained, they seem to have no users, Watcom
compilers look like not having users nor releases anymore.
Closes #5918
- winbuild/rundebug.cmd: remove
Seems to have been added by mistake? Not included in dists.
Closes #5919
- curl: in retry output don't call all problems "transient"
... because when --retry-all-errors is used, the error isn't necessarily
transient at all.
Closes #5916
- easygetopt: pass a valid enum to avoid compiler warning
"integer constant not in range of enumerated type 'CURLoption'"
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Closes #5915
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
tests: Add tests for new --help
This commit is a part of "--help me if you can"
Closes #5680
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
tool: update --help with categories
This commit is a part of "--help me if you can"
Closes #5680
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
docs: add categories to all cmdline opts
Adapted with 'listcats'
This commit is a part of "--help me if you can"
Closes #5680
- [ihsinme brought this change]
connect.c: remove superfluous 'else' in Curl_getconnectinfo
Closes #5912
- [Samuel Marks brought this change]
CMake: remove explicit `CMAKE_ANSI_CFLAGS`
This variable was removed from cmake in commit A later
CMake commit removes the variable from the tests, claiming that it was
removed in CMake 2.6
Reviewed-By: Peter Wu
Closes #5439
- [cbe brought this change]
libssh2: pass on the error from ssh_force_knownhost_key_type
Closes #5909
- scripts/delta: add diffstat summary
... and make output more table-like
- [Martin Bašti brought this change]
http_proxy: do not crash with HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY set
... in case NO_PROXY takes an effect
Without this patch, the following command crashes:
git clone
Minimal libcurl-based reproducer:
#include <curl/curl.h>
int main() {
CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
if(curl) {
CURLcode ret;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, "");
/* set the proxy type */
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROXY, "");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
ret = curl_easy_perform(curl);
return ret;
return -1;
Assisted-by: Kamil Dudka
Closes #5902
- travis: add a CI job with openssl3 (from git master)
Closes #5908
- openssl: avoid error conditions when importing native CA
The code section that is OpenSSL 3+ specific now uses the same logic as
is used in the version < 3 section. It caused a compiler error without
Closes #5907
- setopt: avoid curl_ on local variable
Closes #5906
- mqtt.c: avoid curl_ prefix on local variable
Closes #5906
- wildcard: strip "curl_" prefix from private symbols
Closes #5906
- vtls: make it 'struct Curl_ssl_session'
Use uppercase C for internal symbols.
Closes #5906
- curl_threads: make it 'struct Curl_actual_call'
Internal names should not be prefixed "curl_"
Closes #5906
- schannel: make it 'struct Curl_schannel*'
As internal global names should use captical C.
Closes #5906
- hash: make it 'struct Curl_hash'
As internal global names should use captical C.
Closes #5906
- llist: make it "struct Curl_llist"
As internal global names should use captical C.
Closes #5906
Marc Hoersken (2 Sep 2020)
- telnet.c: depend on static requirement of WinSock version 2
Drop dynamic loading of ws2_32.dll and instead rely on the
imported version which is now required to be at least 2.2.
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Viktor Szakats
Closes #5854
- win32: drop support for WinSock version 1, require version 2
IPv6, telnet and now also the multi API require WinSock
version 2 which is available starting with Windows 95.
Therefore we think it is time to drop support for version 1.
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Viktor Szakats
Follow up to #5634
Closes #5854
- select: align poll emulation to return all relevant events
The poll emulation via select already consumes POLLRDNORM,
POLLWRNORM and POLLRDBAND as input events. Therefore it
should also return them as output events if signaled.
Also fix indentation in input event handling block.
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Replaces #5852
Closes #5883
- CI/azure: MQTT is now enabled by default
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Follow up to #5858
Closes #5903
Daniel Stenberg (2 Sep 2020)
- ignore buildconf
- test971: show test mismatches "inline"
- lib/ bump VERSIONINFO due to new functions
... we're generally bad at this, but we are adding new functions for
this release.
Closes #5899
- optiontable: use DEBUGBUILD
Follow-up to commit 6e18568ba38 (#5877)
- cmdline-opts/ generate nicer "See Also" in curl.1
If there are more than two items in the list, use commas for all but the
last separator which is set to 'and'. Reads better.
Closes #5898
- curl.1: add see also no-progress-meter on two spots
Ref: #5894
Closes #5897
- mqtt: enable by default
No longer considered experimental.
Closes #5858
- [Michael Baentsch brought this change]
tls: add CURLOPT_SSL_EC_CURVES and --curves
Closes #5892
- url: remove funny embedded comments in Curl_disonnect calls
- [Chris Paulson-Ellis brought this change]
conn: check for connection being dead before reuse
Prevents incorrect reuse of an HTTP connection that has been prematurely
shutdown() by the server.
Partial revert of 755083d00deb16
Fixes #5884
Closes #5893
Marc Hoersken (29 Aug 2020)
- buildconf: exec autoreconf to avoid additional process
Also make buildconf exit with the return code of autoreconf.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Follow up to #5853
Closes #5890
- CI/azure: no longer ignore results of test 1013
Follow up to #5771
Closes #5889
- docs: add description about CI platforms to
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5882
Daniel Stenberg (29 Aug 2020)
- tests/getpart: use MIME::Base64 instead of home-cooked
Since we already use the base64 package since a while back, we can just
as well switch to that here too.
It also happens to use the exact same function name, which otherwise
causes a run-time warning.
Reported-by: Marc Hörsken
Fixes #5885
Closes #5887
Marcel Raad (29 Aug 2020)
- ntlm: fix condition for curl_ntlm_core usage
`USE_WINDOWS_SSPI` without `USE_WIN32_CRYPTO` but with any other DES
backend is fine, but was excluded before.
This also fixes test 1013 as the condition for SMB support in didn't match the condition in the source code. Now it
- AppVeyor: switch 64-bit Schannel Debug CMake builds to Unicode
The Schannel builds are the most useful to verify as they make the most
use of the Windows API. Classic MinGW doesn't support Unicode at all,
only MinGW-w64 and MSVC do.
- CMake: add option to enable Unicode on Windows
As already existing for winbuild.
Marc Hoersken (29 Aug 2020)
- select: simplify return code handling for poll and select
poll and select already return -1 on error according to POSIX,
so there is no need to perform a <0 to -1 conversion in code.
Also we can just use one check with <= 0 on the return code.
Assisted-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Replaces #5852
Closes #5880
Daniel Stenberg (28 Aug 2020)
- [Jeroen Ooms brought this change]
tests: add test1912 with typechecks
Validates that gcc-typecheck macros match the new option type API.
Closes #5873
- easyoptions: provide debug function when DEBUGBUILD
... not CURLDEBUG as they're not always set in conjunction.
Follow-up to 6ebe63fac23f38df
Fixes #5877
Closes #5878
Marc Hoersken (28 Aug 2020)
- sockfilt: handle FD_CLOSE winsock event on write socket
Learn from the way Cygwin handles and maps the WinSock events
to simulate correct and complete poll and select behaviour
according to Richard W. Stevens Network Programming book.
Follow up to #5867
Closes #5879
- multi: handle connection state winsock events
Learn from the way Cygwin handles and maps the WinSock events
to simulate correct and complete poll and select behaviour
according to Richard W. Stevens Network Programming book.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Follow up to #5634
Closes #5867
Daniel Stenberg (28 Aug 2020)
- Curl_pgrsTime - return new time to avoid timeout integer overflow
Setting a timeout to INT_MAX could cause an immediate error to get
returned as timeout because of an overflow when different values of
'now' were used.
This is primarily fixed by having Curl_pgrsTime() return the "now" when
TIMER_STARTSINGLE is set so that the parent function will continue using
that time.
Reported-by: Ionuț-Francisc Oancea
Fixes #5583
Closes #5847
- TLS: fix SRP detection by using the proper #ifdefs
USE_TLS_SRP will be true if *any* selected TLS backend can use SRP
HAVE_OPENSSL_SRP is defined when OpenSSL can use it
HAVE_GNUTLS_SRP is defined when GnuTLS can use it
Clarify in the curl_verison_info docs that CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP is
set if at least one of the supported backends offers SRP.
Reported-by: Stefan Strogin
Fixes #5865
Closes #5870
- [Dan Kenigsberg brought this change]
docs: SSLCERTS: fix English syntax
Signed-off-by: Dan Kenigsberg <>
Closes #5876
- [Alessandro Ghedini brought this change]
docs: non-existing macros in man pages
As reported by man(1) when invoked as:
man --warnings -E UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z <file> >/dev/null
Closes #5846
- [Alessandro Ghedini brought this change]
curl.1: fix typo invokved -> invoked
Closes #5846
- buildconf: invoke 'autoreconf -fi' instead
The custom script isn't necessary anymore - but remains for simplicity
and just invokes autoreconf.
Closes #5853
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
lib: make Curl_gethostname accept a const pointer
The address of that variable never gets changed, only the data in it so
why not make it a "char * const"?
Closes #5866
- docs/libcurl: update "Added in" version for curl_easy_option*
Follow-up to 6ebe63fac23f38
- scripts: improve the "get latest curl release tag" logic
... by insiting on it matching "^curl-".
- configure: added --disable-get-easy-options
To allow disabling of the curl_easy_option APIs in a build.
Closes #5365
- options: API for meta-data about easy options
const struct curl_easyoption *curl_easy_option_by_name(const char *name);
const struct curl_easyoption *curl_easy_option_by_id (CURLoption id);
const struct curl_easyoption *
curl_easy_option_next(const struct curl_easyoption *prev);
The purpose is to provide detailed enough information to allow for
example libcurl bindings to get option information at run-time about
what easy options that exist and what arguments they expect.
Assisted-by: Jeroen Ooms
Closes #5365
- [Eric Curtin brought this change]
HTTP/3: update to OpenSSL_1_1_1g-quic-draft-29
Closes #5871
Jay Satiro (26 Aug 2020)
- openssl: Fix wincrypt symbols conflict with BoringSSL
OpenSSL undefines the conflicting symbols but BoringSSL does not so we
must do it ourselves.
Reported-by: Samuel Tranchet
Assisted-by: Javier Blazquez
Daniel Stenberg (26 Aug 2020)
- socketpair: allow CURL_DISABLE_SOCKETPAIR
... to completely disable the use of socketpair
Closes #5850
- curl_get_line: build only if cookies or alt-svc are enabled
Closes #5851
- [fullincome brought this change]
schannel: fix memory leak when using get_cert_location
The get_cert_location function allocates memory only on success.
Previously get_cert_location was able to allocate memory and return
error. It wasn't obvious and in this case the memory wasn't
Fixes #5855
Closes #5860
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
git: ignore libtests in 3XXX area
Currently the file tests/libtest/lib3010 is not getting
ignored by git. This fixes it by adding the 3XXX area to
the according .gitignore file.
Closes #5859
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
doh: add error message for DOH_DNS_NAME_TOO_LONG
When this error code was introduced in b6a53fff6c1d07e8a9, it was
forgotten to be added in the errors array and doh_strerror function.
Closes #5863
- ngtcp2: adapt to the new pkt_info arguments
Guidance-by: Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
Closes #5864
- winbuild/ make <options> visible
Follow-up to be753add31c2d8c
- winbuild: convert the instruction text to
Closes #5861
- lib1560: verify "redirect" to double-slash leading URL
Closes #5849
Marc Hoersken (25 Aug 2020)
- multi: expand pre-check for socket readiness
Check readiness of all sockets before waiting on them
to avoid locking in case the one-time event FD_WRITE
was already consumed by a previous wait operation.
More information about WinSock network events:
Closes #5634
- [rcombs brought this change]
multi: implement wait using winsock events
This avoids using a pair of TCP ports to provide wakeup functionality
for every multi instance on Windows, where socketpair() is emulated
using a TCP socket on loopback which could in turn lead to socket
resource exhaustion.
A previous version of this patch failed to account for how in WinSock,
FD_WRITE is set only once when writing becomes possible and not again
until after a send has failed due to the buffer filling. This contrasts
to how FD_READ and FD_OOB continue to be set until the conditions they
refer to no longer apply. This meant that if a user wrote some data to
a socket, but not enough data to completely fill its send buffer, then
waited on that socket to become writable, we'd erroneously stall until
their configured timeout rather than returning immediately.
This version of the patch addresses that issue by checking each socket
we're waiting on to become writable with select() before the wait, and
zeroing the timeout if it's already writable.
Assisted-by: Marc Hörsken
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Tested-by: Gergely Nagy
Tested-by: Rasmus Melchior Jacobsen
Tested-by: Tomas Berger
Replaces #5397
Reverts #5632
Closes #5634
- select: reduce duplication of Curl_poll in Curl_socket_check
Change Curl_socket_check to use select-fallback in Curl_poll
instead of implementing it in Curl_socket_check and Curl_poll.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Replaces #5262 and #5492
Closes #5707
- select: fix poll-based check not detecting connect failure
This commit changes Curl_socket_check to use POLLPRI to
check for connect failure on the write socket, because
POLLPRI maps to fds_err. This is in line with select(2).
The select-based socket check correctly checks for connect
failures by adding the write socket also to fds_err.
The poll-based implementation (which internally can itself
fallback to select again) did not previously check for
connect failure by using POLLPRI with the write socket.
See the follow up commit to this for more information.
This commit makes sure connect failures can be detected
and handled if HAVE_POLL_FINE is defined, eg. on msys2-devel.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Replaces #5509
Prepares #5707
- select.h: make socket validation macros test for INVALID_SOCKET
With Winsock the valid range is [0..INVALID_SOCKET-1] according to
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5760
Daniel Stenberg (24 Aug 2020)
- docs: --output-dir is added in 7.73.0, nothing else
Follow-up to 5620d2cc78c0
- curl: add --output-dir
Works with --create-dirs and with -J
Add test 3008, 3009, 3011, 3012 and 3013 to verify.
Closes #5637
- configure: fix pkg-config detecting wolfssl
When amending the include path with "/wolfssl", this now properly strips
off all whitespace from the path variable! Previously this would lead to
pkg-config builds creating bad command lines.
Closes #5848
- [Michael Musset brought this change]
sftp: add the option CURLKHSTAT_FINE_REPLACE
Replace the old fingerprint of the host with a new.
Closes #5685
The next release is now to become 7.73.0
- checksrc: verify do-while and spaces between the braces
Updated mprintf.c to comply
Closes #5845
- curl: support XDG_CONFIG_HOME to find .curlrc
Added test433 to verify. Updated documentation.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Suggested-by: Eli Schwartz
Fixes #5829
Closes #5837
- etag: save and use the full received contents
... which makes it support weak tags and non-standard etags too!
Added test case 347 to verify blank incoming ETag:
Fixes #5610
Closes #5833
- setopt: if the buffer exists, refuse the new BUFFERSIZE
The buffer only exists during transfer and then we shouldn't change the
size (the setopt is not documented to work then).
Reported-by: Harry Sintonen
Closes #5842
- [COFFEETALES brought this change]
sftp: add new quote commands 'atime' and 'mtime'
Closes #5810
- CURLE_PROXY: new error code
Failures clearly returned from a (SOCKS) proxy now causes this return
code. Previously the situation was not very clear as what would be
returned and when.
In addition: when this error code is returned, an application can use
CURLINFO_PROXY_ERROR to query libcurl for the detailed error, which then
returns a value from the new 'CURLproxycode' enum.
Closes #5770
- runtests: make cleardir() erase dot files too
Because test cases might use dot files.
Closes #5838
- KNOWN_BUGS: 'no_proxy' string-matches IPv6 numerical addreses
Also: the current behavior is now documented in the curl.1 and
CURLOPT_NOPROXY.3 man pages.
Reported-by: Andrew Barnes
Closes #5745
Closes #5841
Viktor Szakats (22 Aug 2020)
- Makefile.m32: add ability to override zstd libs [ci skip]
Similarly to brotli, where this was already possible.
E.g. it allows to link zstd statically to libcurl.dll.
Daniel Stenberg (21 Aug 2020)
- runtests: avoid 'fail to start' repeated messages in attempt loops
Closes #5834
- runtests: clear pid variables when failing to start a server
... as otherwise the parent doesn't detect the failure and believe it
actually worked to start.
Reported-by: Christian Weisgerber
Closes #5834
- TODO: Virtual external sockets
Closes #5835
- [Don J Olmstead brought this change]
dist: add missing CMake Find modules to the distribution
Closes #5836
... and version bumped to 7.72.1
- tls: provide the CApath verbose log on its own line
... not newline separated from the previous line. This makes it output
asterisk prefixed properly like other verbose putput!
Reported-by: jmdavitt on github
Fixes #5826
Closes #5827
Version 7.72.0 (19 Aug 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (19 Aug 2020)
The curl 7.72.0 release
- THANKS: add names from curl 7.72.0 release
Jay Satiro (18 Aug 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: Schannel TLS 1.2 handshake bug in old Windows versions
Daniel Stenberg (17 Aug 2020)
- Curl_easy: remember last connection by id, not by pointer
Reported-by: Marc Aldorasi
Closes #5824
- examples/rtsp.c: correct the copyright year
- add more future release dates
- [H3RSKO brought this change]
docs: change "web site" to "website"
According to wikipedia:
While "web site" was the original spelling, this variant has become
rarely used, and "website" has become the standard spelling
Closes #5822
- [Bevan Weiss brought this change]
CMake: don't complain about missing nroff
The curl_nroff_check() was always being called, and complaining if
*NROFF wasn't found, even when not making the manual.
Only check for nroff (and complain) if actually making the manual
Closes #5817
- [Brian Inglis brought this change]
libtest/ add -no-undefined for libstubgss for Cygwin
copy the LDFLAGS approach for adding same option with `libhostname` in
- init `libstubgss_la_LDFLAGS_EXTRA` variable,
- add option to variable inside conditional,
- use variable in `libstubgss_la_LDFLAGS`
Fixes #5819
Closes #5820
- docs: clarify MAX_SEND/RECV_SPEED functionality
... in particular what happens if the maximum speed limit is set to a
value that's smaller than the transfer buffer size in use.
Reported-by: Tomas Berger
Fixes #5788
Closes #5813
- test1140: compare stdout
To make problems more immediately obvious when tests fail.
Closes #5814
- asyn-ares: correct some bad comments
Closes #5812
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
docs: Add video link to docs/
Closes #5811
- curl-config: ignore REQUIRE_LIB_DEPS in --libs output
Fixes a curl-config issue on cygwin by making sure REQUIRE_LIB_DEPS is
not considered for the --libs output.
Reported-by: ramsay-jones on github
Assisted-by: Brian Inglis and Ken Brown
Fixes #5793
Closes #5808
- copyright: update/correct the year range on a few files
- scripts/ ignore .muse files
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
multi: Remove 10-year old out-commented code
The code hasn't been touched since 2010-08-18
Closes #5805
- KNOWN_BUGS: A shared connection cache is not thread-safe
Closes #4915
Closes #5802
- CONTRIBUTE: extend git commit message description
In particular how the first line works.
Closes #5803
- [Stefan Yohansson brought this change]
transfer: move retrycount from connect struct to easy handle
This flag was applied to the connection struct that is released on
retry. These changes move the retry counter into Curl_easy struct that
lives across retries and retains the new connection.
Reported-by: Cherish98 on github
Fixes #5794
Closes #5800
- libssh2: s/ssherr/sftperr/
The debug output used ssherr instead of sftperr which not only outputs
the wrong error code but also casues a warning on Windows.
Follow-up to 7370b4e39f1
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Closes #5799
- ftp: don't do ssl_shutdown instead of ssl_close
The shutdown function is for downgrading a connection from TLS to plain,
and this is not requested here.
Have ssl_close reset the TLS connection state.
This partially reverts commit f002c850d98d
Reported-by: Rasmus Melchior Jacobsen
Reported-by: Denis Goleshchikhin
Fixes #5797
Marc Hoersken (9 Aug 2020)
- CI/azure: fix test outcome values and use latest API version
This makes sure that tests ignored or skipped are not shown
just in the category "Other", but with their correct state.
Closes #5796
- CI/azure: show runtime stats to investigate slowness
Also avoid naming conflict of TFLAGS env and tflags variables.
Closes #5776
Daniel Stenberg (8 Aug 2020)
- TLS naming: fix more Winssl and Darwinssl leftovers
The CMake option is now called CMAKE_USE_SCHANNEL
The winbuild flag is USE_SCHANNEL
The CI jobs and build scripts only use the new names and the new name
Tests now require 'Schannel' (when necessary)
Closes #5795
- smtp_parse_address: handle blank input string properly
Closes #5792
- runtests: run the DICT server on a random port number
Removed support for -b (base port number)
Closes #5783
- runtests: move the TELNET server to a dynamic port
Rename the port variable to TELNETPORT to better match the existing
Closes #5785
- ngtcp2: adapt to error code rename
Closes #5786
- runtests: move the smbserver to use a dynamic port number
Closes #5782
- runtests: run the http2 tests on a random port number
Closes #5779
- gtls: survive not being able to get name/issuer
Closes #5778
- runtests: move the gnutls-serv tests to a dynamic port
Affects test 320, 321, 322 and 324.
Closes #5778
- runtests: support dynamicly base64 encoded sections in tests
This allows us to make test cases to use base64 at run-time and still
use and verify information determined at run-time, such as the IMAP test
server's port number in test 842.
This change makes 12 tests run again that basically never ran since we
moved to dynamic port numbers. is adjusted to load test instructions and test number from
the preprocessed test file. now documents the new base64 encoding syntax.
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
Fixes #5761
Closes #5775
- curl.1: add a few missing valid exit codes
93 - 96 can be returned as well.
Closes #5777
- TODO: Use multiple parallel transfers for a single download
Closes #5774
- TODO: Set the modification date on an uploaded file
Closes #5768
- [Thomas M. DuBuisson brought this change]
CI: Add muse CI config
Closes #5772
- [Thomas M. DuBuisson brought this change]
travis/ fix use of `-n' with unquoted envvar
Shellcheck tells us "-n doesn't work with unquoted arguments. quote or
use [[ ]]."
And testing shows:
docker run --rm -it ubuntu bash
root@fe85ce156856:/# [ -n $DOES_NOT_EXIST ] && echo "I ran"
I ran
root@fe85ce156856:/# [ -n "$DOES_NOT_EXIST" ] && echo "I ran"
Closes #5773
- h2: repair trailer handling
The previous h2 trailer fix in 54a2b63 was wrong and caused a
regression: it cannot deal with trailers immediately when read since
they may be read off the connection by the wrong 'data' owner.
This change reverts the logic back to gathering all trailers into a
single buffer, like before 54a2b63.
Reported-by: Tadej Vengust
Fixes #5663
Closes #5769
Viktor Szakats (3 Aug 2020)
- windows: disable Unix Sockets for old mingw
Classic mingw and 10y+ old versions of mingw-w64 don't ship with
Windows headers having the typedef necessary for Unix Sockets
support, so try detecting these environments to disable this
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Fixes #5674
Closes #5758
Marcel Raad (3 Aug 2020)
- test1908: treat file as text
Fixes the line endings on Windows.
- TrackMemory tests: ignore realloc and free in getenv.c
These are only called for WIN32.
Daniel Stenberg (3 Aug 2020)
- tests/ mention %HTTP2PORT
- tlsv1.3.d. only for TLS-using connections
... and rephrase that "not all" TLS backends support it.
Closes #5764
- tls-max.d: this option is only for TLS-using connections
Ref: #5763
Closes #5764
Marcel Raad (2 Aug 2020)
- [Cameron Cawley brought this change]
tool_doswin: Simplify Windows version detection
- [Cameron Cawley brought this change]
win32: Add Curl_verify_windows_version() to curlx
- treat LibreSSL and BoringSSL as OpenSSL
This makes the tests that require the OpenSSL feature also run for
those two compatible libraries.
Daniel Stenberg (1 Aug 2020)
- multi: Condition 'extrawait' is always true
Reported by Codacy.
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #5759
Marcel Raad (1 Aug 2020)
- openssl: fix build with LibreSSL < 2.9.1
`SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert` and `SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs` were
introduced in LibreSSL 2.9.1 [0].
Daniel Stenberg (1 Aug 2020)
- [Marc Aldorasi brought this change]
multi_remove_handle: close unused connect-only connections
Previously any connect-only connections in a multi handle would be kept
alive until the multi handle was closed. Since these connections cannot
be re-used, they can be marked for closure when the associated easy
handle is removed from the multi handle.
Closes #5749
- checksrc: invoke script with -D to find .checksrc proper
Without the -D command line option, won't know which
directory to load the ".checksrc" file from when building out of the
source tree.
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
Fixes #5715
Closes #5755
- [Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón brought this change]
buildconf: retire ares buildconf invocation
no longer needed after 4259d2df7dd95637a4b1e3fb174fe5e5aef81069
- [Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón brought this change]
buildconf: excempt defunct reference to ACLOCAL_FLAGS
retired with 09f278121e815028adb24d228d8092fc6cb022aa but kept around as
the name is generic enough that it might be in use and relied upon from
the environment.
- [Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón brought this change]
buildconf: avoid array concatenation in die()
reported as error SC2145[1] by shellcheck, but not expected to cause
any behavioural differences otherwise.
Closes #5701
- travis: add ppc64le and s390x builds
Closes #5752
Marc Hoersken (31 Jul 2020)
- connect: remove redundant message about connect failure
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5708
- tests/ fix compatibility with OpenSSH for Windows
Follow up to #5721
- CI/azure: install libssh2 for use with msys2-based builds
This enables building and running the SFTP tests.
Unfortunately OpenSSH for Windows does not support SCP (yet).
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5721
- CI/azure: increase Windows job timeout once again
Avoid aborted jobs due to performance issues on Azure DevOps.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5738
Jay Satiro (30 Jul 2020)
- TODO: Schannel: 'Add option to allow abrupt server closure'
We should offer an option to allow abrupt server closures (server closes
SSL transfer without sending a known termination point such as length of
transfer or close_notify alert). Abrupt server closures are usually
because of misconfigured or very old servers.
- url: fix CURLU and location following
Prior to this change if the user set a URL handle (CURLOPT_CURLU) it was
incorrectly used for the location follow, resulting in infinite requests
to the original location.
Daniel Stenberg (30 Jul 2020)
- [divinity76 brought this change]
docs: add date of 7.20 to CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM mentions
it helps make it obvious that most developers don't have to care about
the CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM value (last release using it is nearly 11
years old, November 4 2009)
Closes #5744
Jay Satiro (29 Jul 2020)
- tool_cb_wrt: fix outfile mode flags for Windows
- Use S_IREAD and S_IWRITE mode permission flags to create the file
on Windows instead of S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, etc.
Windows only accepts a combination of S_IREAD and S_IWRITE. It does not
acknowledge other combinations, for which it may generate an assertion.
This is a follow-up to 81b4e99 from yesterday, which improved the
existing file check with -J.
Daniel Stenberg (28 Jul 2020)
- checksrc: ban gmtime/localtime
They're not thread-safe so they should not be used in libcurl code.
Explictly enabled when deemed necessary and in examples and tests
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Sterchele
Closes #5732
- transfer: fix data_pending for builds with both h2 and h3 enabled
Closes #5734
- curl_multi_setopt: fix compiler warning "result is always false"
On systems with 32 bit long the expression is always false. Avoid
the warning.
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Closes #5736
- curl: improve the existing file check with -J
Previously a file that isn't user-readable but is user-writable would
not be properly avoided and would get overwritten.
Reported-by: BrumBrum on hackerone
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5731
- [Jonathan Nieder brought this change]
multi: update comment to say easyp list is linear
Since 09b9fc900 (multi: remove 'Curl_one_easy' struct, phase 1,
2013-08-02), the easy handle list is not circular but ends with
->next pointing to NULL.
Reported-by: Masaya Suzuki <>
Closes #5737
- CURLOPT_NOBODY.3: fix the syntax for referring to options
As test 1140 fails otherwise!
Follow-up to e1bac81cc815
- ngtcp2: store address in sockaddr_storage
Reported-by: Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
Closes #5733
- CURLOPT_NOBODY.3: clarify what setting to 0 means
... and mention that HTTP with other methods than HEAD might get a body and
there's no option available to stop that.
Closes #5729
- setopt: unset NOBODY switches to GET if still HEAD
Unsetting CURLOPT_NOBODY with 0L when doing HTTP has no documented
action but before 7.71.0 that used to switch back to GET and with this
change (assuming the method is still set to HEAD) this behavior is
brought back.
Reported-by: causal-agent on github
Fixes #5725
Closes #5728
- [Ehren Bendler brought this change]
configure: cleanup wolfssl + pkg-config conflicts when cross compiling.
Also choose a different wolfSSL function to test for NTLM support.
Fixes #5605
Closes #5682
- configure: show zstd "no" in summary when built without it
Reported-by: Marc Hörsken
Fixes #5720
Closes #5730
- quiche: handle calling disconnect twice
Reported-by: lilongyan-huawei on github
Fixes #5726
Closes #5727
- [Nicolas Sterchele brought this change]
getinfo: reset retry-after value in initinfo
- Avoid re-using retry_after value from preceding request
- Add libtest 3010 to verify
Reported-by: joey-l-us on github
Fixes #5661
Closes #5672
Marcel Raad (27 Jul 2020)
- WIN32: stop forcing narrow-character API
Except where the results are only used for character output.
getenv is not touched because it's part of the public API, and having
it return UTF-8 instead of ANSI would be a breaking change.
Jay Satiro (27 Jul 2020)
- [Tobias Stoeckmann brought this change]
mprintf: Fix stack overflows
Stack overflows can occur with precisions for integers and floats.
Proof of concepts:
- curl_mprintf("%d, %.*1$d", 500, 1);
- curl_mprintf("%d, %+0500.*1$f", 500, 1);
Ideally, compile with -fsanitize=address which makes this undefined
behavior a bit more defined for debug purposes.
The format strings are valid. The overflows occur due to invalid
arguments. If these arguments are variables with contents controlled
by an attacker, the function's stack can be corrupted.
Also see CVE-2016-9586 which partially fixed the float aspect.
Signed-off-by: Tobias Stoeckmann <>
- [Tobias Stoeckmann brought this change]
mprintf: Fix dollar string handling
Verify that specified parameters are in range. If parameters are too
large, fail early on and avoid out of boundary accesses.
Also do not read behind boundaries of illegal format strings.
These are defensive measures since it is expected that format strings
are well-formed. Format strings should not be modifiable by user
input due to possible generic format string attacks.
Daniel Stenberg (26 Jul 2020)
- ntlm: free target_info before (re-)malloc
OSS-Fuzz found a way this could get called again with the pointer still
pointing to a malloc'ed memory, leading to a leak.
Closes #5724
Marcel Raad (26 Jul 2020)
- CI/macos: set minimum macOS version
This enables some deprecation warnings.
Previously, autotools defaulted to 10.8.
Daniel Stenberg (26 Jul 2020)
Marcel Raad (25 Jul 2020)
- CI/macos: enable warnings as errors for CMake builds
- CMake: fix test for warning suppressions
GCC doesn't warn for unknown `-Wno-` options, except if there are other
warnings or errors [0]. This was problematic with `CURL_WERROR` as that
warning-as-error cannot be suppressed. Notably, this always happened
with `-Wno-pedantic-ms-format` when not targeting Windows. So test for
the positive form of the warning instead, which should always result in
a diagnostic if unknown.
Jay Satiro (23 Jul 2020)
- curl.h: update CURLINFO_LASTONE
CURLINFO_LASTONE should have been updated when
Marc Hoersken (22 Jul 2020)
- CI/azure: unconditionally enable warnings-as-errors with autotools
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Follow up to #5694
Closes #5706
Marcel Raad (21 Jul 2020)
- doh: remove redundant cast
- CI/macos: unconditionally enable warnings-as-errors with autotools
Previously, warnings were only visible in the output for most jobs.
- util: silence conversion warnings
timeval::tv_usec might be a 32-bit integer and timespec::tv_nsec might
be a 64-bit integer. This is the case when building for recent macOS
versions, for example. Just treat tv_usec as an int, which should
hopefully always be sufficient on systems with
- md(4|5): don't use deprecated macOS functions
They are marked as deprecated for -mmacosx-version-min >= 10.15,
which might result in warnings-as-errors.
Daniel Stenberg (18 Jul 2020)
- strdup: remove the odd strlen check
It confuses code analyzers with its use of -1 for unsigned value. Also,
a check that's not normally used in strdup() code - and not necessary.
Closes #5697
- [Alessandro Ghedini brought this change]
travis: update quiche builds for new boringssl layout
This is required after
moved BoringSSL around slightly.
This also means that Go is not needed to build BoringSSL anymore (the
one provided by quiche anyway).
Closes #5691
Marcel Raad (17 Jul 2020)
- configure: allow disabling warnings
When using `--enable-warnings`, it was not possible to disable warnings
via CFLAGS that got explicitly enabled. Now warnings are not enabled
anymore if they are explicitly disabled (or enabled) in CFLAGS. This
works for at least GCC, clang, and TCC as they have corresponding
`-Wno-` options for every warning.
Daniel Stenberg (16 Jul 2020)
- ngtcp2: adjust to recent sockaddr updates
Closes #5690
- page-header: provide protocol details in the curl.1 man page
Add protocol and version specific information about all protocols curl
Fixes #5679
Reported-by: tbugfinder on github
Closes #5686
Daniel Gustafsson (16 Jul 2020)
- docs: Update a few leftover mentions of DarwinSSL
Commit 76a9c3c4be10b3d4d379d5b23ca76806bbae536a renamed DarwinSSL to the
more correct/common name Secure Transport, but a few mentions in the docs
Closes #5688
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg <>
Daniel Stenberg (16 Jul 2020)
- file2memory: use a define instead of -1 unsigned value
... to use the maximum value for 'size_t' when detecting integer overflow.
Changed the limit to max/4 as already that seems unreasonably large.
Codacy didn't like the previous approach.
Closes #5683
- CURL_PUSH_ERROROUT: allow the push callback to fail the parent stream
... by adding support for a new dedicated return code.
Suggested-by: Jonathan Cardoso
Assisted-by: Erik Johansson
Closes #5636
- [Baruch Siach brought this change]
nss: fix build with disabled proxy support
Avoid reference to fields that do not exist when CURL_DISABLE_PROXY is
Closes #5667
- test1139: make it display the difference on test failures
- test1119: verify stdout in the test
So that failures will be displayed in the terminal, as it makes test failures
visually displayed easier and faster.
Closes #5644
- curl: add %{method} to the -w variables
Gets the CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_METHOD from libcurl.
Added test 1197 to verify.
Provide the HTTP method that was used on the latest request, which might
be relevant for users when there was one or more redirects involved.
Closes #5511
Viktor Szakats (14 Jul 2020)
- windows: add unicode to feature list
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Marc Hörsken
Closes #5491
Daniel Stenberg (14 Jul 2020)
- multi: remove two checks always true
Detected by Codacy
Closes #5676
Marc Hoersken (13 Jul 2020)
- workflows: limit what branches to run CodeQL on
Align CodeQL action with existing CI actions:
- Update branch filter to avoid duplicate CI runs.
- Shorten workflow name due to informative job name.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5660
- appveyor: collect libcurl.dll variants with prefix or suffix
On some platforms libcurl is build with a platform-specific
prefix and/or a version number suffix.
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5659
Daniel Stenberg (12 Jul 2020)
- [ihsinme brought this change]
socks: use size_t for size variable
Use the unsigned type (size_t) in the arithmetic of pointers. In this
context, the signed type (ssize_t) is used unnecessarily.
Authored-by: ihsinme on github
Closes #5654
... and bumped to 7.72.0 as the next release version number
- [Gilles Vollant brought this change]
content_encoding: add zstd decoding support
include zstd curl patch for Makefile.m32 from vszakats
and include Add CMake support for zstd from Peter Wu
Helped-by: Viktor Szakats
Helped-by: Peter Wu
Closes #5453
- asyn.h: remove the Curl_resolver_getsock define
- not used
- used the wrong number of arguments
- confused the Codeacy code analyzer
Closes #5647
- [Nicolas Sterchele brought this change] Sort features name in summary
- Same as protocols
Closes #5656
- [Matthias Naegler brought this change]
cmake: fix windows xp build
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #5662
- ngtcp2: update to modified qlog callback prototype
Closes #5675
- transfer: fix memory-leak with CURLOPT_CURLU in a duped handle
Added test case 674 to reproduce and verify the bug report.
Fixes #5665
Reported-by: NobodyXu on github
Closes #5673
- [Baruch Siach brought this change]
bearssl: fix build with disabled proxy support
Avoid reference to fields that do not exist when CURL_DISABLE_PROXY is
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Sterchele
Closes #5666
Jay Satiro (11 Jul 2020)
- [Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belón brought this change]
cirrus-ci: upgrade 11-STABLE to 11.4
Meant to be the last of the 11 series and so make sure that all
other references reflect all 11 versions so they can be retired
together later.
- [Filip Salomonsson brought this change]
Daniel Stenberg (4 Jul 2020)
- http2: only do the *done() cleanups for HTTP
Follow-up to ef86daf4d3
Closes #5650
Fixes #5646
- [Alex Kiernan brought this change]
gnutls: repair the build with `CURL_DISABLE_PROXY`
`http_proxy`/`proxy_ssl`/`tunnel_proxy` will not be available in `conn`
if `CURL_DISABLE_PROXY` is enabled. Repair the build with that
Signed-off-by: Alex Kiernan <>
Closes #5645
Alex Kiernan (3 Jul 2020)
- gnutls: Fetch backend when using proxy
Fixes: 89865c149 ("gnutls: remove the BACKEND define kludge")
Signed-off-by: Alex Kiernan <>
Daniel Stenberg (3 Jul 2020)
- [Laramie Leavitt brought this change]
http2: close the http2 connection when no more requests may be sent
Well-behaving HTTP2 servers send two GOAWAY messages. The first
message is a warning that indicates that the server is going to
stop accepting streams. The second one actually closes the stream.
nghttp2 reports this state (and the other state of no more stream
identifiers) via the call nghttp2_session_check_request_allowed().
In this state the client should not create more streams on the
session (tcp connection), and in curl this means that the server
has requested that the connection is closed.
It would be also be possible to put the connclose() call into the
on_http2_frame_recv() function that triggers on the GOAWAY message.
This fixes a bug seen when the client sees the following sequence of
// advisory GOAWAY
HTTP2 GOAWAY [stream-id = 0, promised-stream-id = -1]
... some additional frames
// final GOAWAY
HTTP2 GOAWAY [stream-id = 0, promised-stream-id = N ]
Before this change, curl will attempt to reuse the connection even
after the last stream, will encounter this error:
* Found bundle for host localhost: 0x5595f0a694e0 [can multiplex]
* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 10443 (#0)
* Using Stream ID: 9 (easy handle 0x5595f0a72e30)
> GET /index.html?5 HTTP/2
> Host: localhost:10443
> user-agent: curl/7.68.0
> accept: */*
* stopped the pause stream!
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
curl: (16) Error in the HTTP2 framing layer
This error may posion the connection cache, causing future requests
which resolve to the same curl connection to go through the same error
Closes #5643
- ftpserver: don't verify SMTP MAIL FROM names
Rely on tests asking the names to get refused instead - test servers
should be as dumb as possible. Edited test 914, 955 and 959 accordingly.
Closes #5639
- curl_version_info.3: CURL_VERSION_KERBEROS4 is deprecated
This came up in #5640. It make sense to clarify this in the docs!
Reminded-by: Kamil Dudka
Closes #5642
Kamil Dudka (3 Jul 2020)
- tool_getparam: make --krb option work again
It was disabled by mistake in commit curl-7_37_1-23-ge38ba4301.
Closes #5640
Daniel Stenberg (2 Jul 2020)
- [Jeremy Maitin-Shepard brought this change]
http2: fix nghttp2_strerror -> nghttp2_http2_strerror in debug messages
Confusingly, nghttp2 has two different error code enums:
- nghttp2_error, to be used with nghttp2_strerror
- nghttp2_error_code, to be used with nghttp2_http2_strerror
Closes #5641
Marcel Raad (2 Jul 2020)
- url: silence MSVC warning
Since commit f3d501dc678, if proxy support is disabled, MSVC warns:
url.c : warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable
'hostaddr' used
url.c : error C4703: potentially uninitialized local pointer variable
'hostaddr' used
That could actually only happen if both `conn->bits.proxy` and
`CURL_DISABLE_PROXY` were enabled.
Initialize it to NULL to silence the warning.
Daniel Stenberg (1 Jul 2020)
Version 7.71.1 (30 Jun 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (30 Jun 2020)
- RELEASE-NOTES: curl 7.71.1
- THANKS: add contributors to 7.71.1
- scripts/ skip .dcignore
- Revert "multi: implement wait using winsock events"
This reverts commit 8bc25c590e530de87595d1bb3577f699eb1309b9.
That commit (from #5397) introduced a regression in 7.71.0.
Reported-by: tmkk on github
Fixes #5631
Closes #5632
- TODO: Add flag to specify download directory
- TODO: return code to CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION to fail connection
- cirrus-ci: disable FreeBSD 13 (again)
It has been failing for a good while again. This time we better leave it
disabled until we have more reason to believe it behaves.
Closes #5628
- ngtcp2: sync with current master
ngtcp2 added two new callbacks
Reported-by: Lucien Zürcher
Fixes #5624
Closes #5627
- examples/multithread.c: call curl_global_cleanup()
Reported-by: qiandu2006 on github
Fixes #5622
Closes #5623
- vtls: compare cert blob when finding a connection to reuse
Reported-by: Gergely Nagy
Fixes #5617
Closes #5619
- terminology: call them null-terminated strings
Updated terminology in docs, comments and phrases to refer to C strings
as "null-terminated". Done to unify with how most other C oriented docs
refer of them and what users in general seem to prefer (based on a
single highly unscientific poll on twitter).
Reported-by: coinhubs on github
Fixes #5598
Closes #5608
- http: fix proxy auth with blank password
Regression in 7.71.0
Added test case 346 to verify.
Reported-by: Kristoffer Gleditsch
Fixes #5613
Closes #5616
- .dcignore: ignore tests and docs directories
This is a config file for, a static code analyzer.
Jay Satiro (26 Jun 2020)
- tool_cb_hdr: Fix etag warning output and return code
- Return 'failure' on failure, to follow the existing style.
- Put Warning: and the warning message on the same line.
Daniel Stenberg (26 Jun 2020)
- CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.3: provide the upload data size up front
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5607
- test1539: do a HTTP 1.0 POST without a set size (fails)
Attempt to reproduce #5593. Test case 1514 is very similar but uses
HTTP/1.1 and thus switches to chunked.
Closes #5595
- [Baruch Siach brought this change]
mbedtls: fix build with disabled proxy support
Don't reference fields that do not exist. Fixes build failure:
vtls/mbedtls.c: In function 'mbed_connect_step1':
vtls/mbedtls.c:249:54: error: 'struct connectdata' has no member named 'http_proxy'
Closes #5615
- codeql-analysis.yml: fix the 'languages' setting
It needs a 'with:' in front of it.
GitHub (26 Jun 2020)
- [Daniel Stenberg brought this change]
gtihub: codeql-analysis.yml
enables code security scanning with github actions
Daniel Stenberg (25 Jun 2020)
- tests: verify newline in username and password for HTTP
test 1296 is a simply command line test
test 1910 is a libcurl test including a redirect
- url: allow user + password to contain "control codes" for HTTP(S)
Reported-by: Jon Johnson Jr
Fixes #5582
Closes #5592
- escape: make the URL decode able to reject only %00 bytes
... or all "control codes" or nothing.
Assisted-by: Nicolas Sterchele
- http2: set the correct URL in pushed transfers
...previously CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL would report the URL of the
original "mother transfer", not the actually pushed resource.
Reported-by: Jonathan Cardoso Machado
Fixes #5589
Closes #5591
Jay Satiro (25 Jun 2020)
- [Javier Blazquez brought this change]
openssl: Fix compilation on Windows when ngtcp2 is enabled
- Include wincrypt before OpenSSL includes so that the latter can
properly handle any conflicts between the two.
Daniel Stenberg (25 Jun 2020)
- test543: extended to verify zero length input
As was reported in #5601
- escape: zero length input should return a zero length output
Regression added in 7.71.0.
Fixes #5601
Reported-by: Kristoffer Gleditsch
Closes #5602
- Curl_inet_ntop: always check the return code
Reported-by: Siva Sivaraman
Fixes #5412
Closes #5597
- sendf: improve the message on client write errors
Replace "Failed writing body (X != Y)" with
"Failure writing output to destination". Possibly slightly less cryptic.
Reported-by: coinhubs on github
Fixes #5594
Closes #5596
- curlver: start working on 7.71.1
- [Denis Baručić brought this change] fix a typo: trail => tail
Closes #5599
Version 7.71.0 (23 Jun 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (23 Jun 2020)
- RELEASE-NOTES: curl 7.71.0 release
- THANKS: curl 7.71.0 additions
- url: make sure pushed streams get an allocated download buffer
Follow-up to c4e6968127e876b0
When a new transfer is created, as a resuly of an acknowledged push,
that transfer needs a download buffer allocated.
Closes #5590
Jay Satiro (22 Jun 2020)
- openssl: Don't ignore CA paths when using Windows CA store
This commit changes the behavior of CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA so that it does
not override CURLOPT_CAINFO / CURLOPT_CAPATH, or the hardcoded default
locations. Instead the CA store can now be used at the same time.
The change is due to the impending release. The issue is still being
discussed. The behavior of CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA is subject to change and
is now documented as experimental.
Ref: bc052cc (parent commit)
- tool_operate: Don't use Windows CA store as a fallback
148534d added CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA to use the Windows OS certificate
store in libcurl w/ OpenSSL on Windows. CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA overrides
CURLOPT_CAINFO if both are set. The curl tool will fall back to
CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA if it could not find a certificate bundle to set
libcurl may be built with hardcoded paths to a certificate bundle or
directory, and if CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA is used then those paths are
A solution is still being discussed but since there's an impending
release this commit removes using CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA in the curl tool.
- openssl: Fix CA fallback logic for OpenSSL 3.0 build
Prior to this change I assume a build error would occur when
Daniel Stenberg (22 Jun 2020)
- copyright: update mismatched copyright years
- test1460: verify that -Ji is not ok
- tool_getparam: -i is not OK if -J is used
Reported-by: sn on hackerone
- [Peter Wu brought this change]
CMake: ignore INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets for pkg-config file
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Fixes #5512
Closes #5517
- [Valentyn Korniienko brought this change]
multibyte: Fixed access-> waccess to file for Windows Plarform
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #5580
- altsvc: bump to h3-29
Closes #5584
- urlglob: treat literal IPv6 addresses with zone IDs as a host name
... and not as a "glob". Now done by passing the supposed host to the
URL parser which supposedly will do a better job at identifying "real"
numerical IPv6 addresses.
Reported-by: puckipedia on github
Fixes #5576
Closes #5579
- test1179: verify error message for non-existing cmdline option
- tool_getparam: repair the error message for unknown flag
Follow-up to 9e5669f3880674
Detected by Coverity CID 1464582 ("Logically dead code")
Closes #5577
- FILEFORMAT: describe verify/stderr
- connect: improve happy eyeballs handling
For QUIC but also for regular TCP when the second family runs out of IPs
with a failure while the first family is still trying to connect.
Separated the timeout handling for IPv4 and IPv6 connections when they
both have a number of addresses to iterate over.
- ngtcp2: never call fprintf() in lib code in release version
- ngtcp2: fix happy eyeballs quic connect crash
Reported-by: Peter Wu
Fixes #5565
Closes #5568
- select: remove the unused ELAPSED_MS() macro
Closes #5573
Marc Hoersken (17 Jun 2020)
- [rcombs brought this change]
multi: implement wait using winsock events
This avoids using a pair of TCP ports to provide wakeup functionality
for every multi instance on Windows, where socketpair() is emulated
using a TCP socket on loopback which could in turn lead to socket
resource exhaustion.
Reviewed-by: Gergely Nagy
Reviewed-by: Marc Hörsken
Closes #5397
Daniel Stenberg (17 Jun 2020)
- manpage: add three missing environment variables
Closes #5571
- configure: for wolfSSL, check for the DES func needed for NTLM
Also adds pkg-config support for the wolfSSL detection.
- [Ruurd Beerstra brought this change]
ntlm: enable NTLM support with wolfSSL
When wolfSSL is built with its OpenSSL API layer, it fetures the same DES*
functions that OpenSSL has. This change take advantage of that.
Co-authored-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5556
Fixes #5548
- http: move header storage to Curl_easy from connectdata
Since the connection can be used by many independent requests (using
HTTP/2 or HTTP/3), things like user-agent and other transfer-specific
data MUST NOT be kept connection oriented as it could lead to requests
getting the wrong string for their requests. This struct data was
lingering like this due to old HTTP1 legacy thinking where it didn't
Fixes #5566
Closes #5567
- how to do code reviews in curl
Assisted-by: Daniel Gustafsson
Assisted-by: Rich Salz
Assisted-by: Hugo van Kemenade
Assisted-by: James Fuller
Assisted-by: Marc Hörsken
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5555
- altsvc: remove the num field from the altsvc struct
It was superfluous since we have the list.size alredy
Reported-by: Jay Satiro
Fixes #5553
Closes #5563
- version.d: expanded and alpha-sorted
Added a few missing features not previously mentioned. Ordered them
Closes #5558
- rename to .md and polish the markdown
Closes #5562
- HELP-US: add a section for "smaller tasks"
The point of this section is to meet the CII Best Practices gold level
"The project MUST clearly identify small tasks that can be performed by
new or casual contributors"
Closes #5560
- TODO: retry on the redirected-to URL
Closes #5462
- mailmap: Nicolas Sterchele
- [Nicolas Sterchele brought this change]
TODO: remove 19.3 section title
Follow-up to ad6416986755e417c66e2c6, which caused wrong formatting on
curl documentation website
Closes #5561
- [Martin V brought this change]
test1560: avoid possibly negative association in wording
Closes #5549
- share: don't set the share flag it something fails
When asking for a specific feature to be shared in the share object,
that bit was previously set unconditionally even if the shared feature
failed or otherwise wouldn't work.
Closes #5554
- buildconf: remove -print from the find command that removes files
It's just too annoying and unnecessary to get a long list of files shown
- wording: avoid blacklist/whitelist stereotypes
Instead of discussing if there's value or meaning (implied or not) in
the colors, let's use words without the same possibly negative
Closes #5546
Jay Satiro (9 Jun 2020)
- tool_getparam: fix memory leak in parse_args
Prior to this change in Windows Unicode builds most parsed options would
not be freed.
Found using _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks().
Daniel Stenberg (8 Jun 2020)
- socks: detect connection close during handshake
The SOCKS4/5 state machines weren't properly terminated when the proxy
connection got closed, leading to a busy-loop.
Reported-By: zloi-user on github
Fixes #5532
Closes #5542
- [James Fuller brought this change]
multi: add defensive check on data->multi->num_alive
Closes #5540
- Curl_addrinfo: use one malloc instead of three
To reduce the amount of allocations needed for creating a Curl_addrinfo
struct, make a single larger malloc instead of three separate smaller
Closes #5533
- [Alessandro Ghedini brought this change]
quiche: update SSLKEYLOGFILE support
quiche now requires the application to explicitly set the keylog path
for each connection, rather than reading the environment variable
Closes #5541
- tests: add two simple tests for --login-options
Test 895 and 896 - as a follow-up to a3e972313b
Closes #5539
- ngtcp2: update with recent API changes
Syncs with ngtcp2 commit 7e9a917d386d98 merged June 7 2020.
Assisted-by: Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
Closes #5538
- [James Fuller brought this change]
socks: remove unreachable breaks in socks.c and mime.c
Closes #5537
- tool_cfgable: free login_options at exit
Memory leak
Reported-by: Geeknik Labs
Fixes #5535
Closes #5536
- libssh2: keep sftp errors as 'unsigned long'
Remove weird work-around for storing the SFTP errors as int instead of
the "unsigned long" that libssh2 actually returns for SFTP errors.
Closes #5534
Marc Hoersken (6 Jun 2020)
- timeouts: move ms timeouts to timediff_t from int and long
Now that all functions in select.[ch] take timediff_t instead
of the limited int or long, we can remove type conversions
and related preprocessor checks to silence compiler warnings.
Avoiding conversions from time_t was already done in 842f73de.
Based upon #5262
Supersedes #5214, #5220 and #5221
Follow up to #5343 and #5479
Closes #5490
Daniel Stenberg (6 Jun 2020)
- [François Rigault brought this change]
openssl: set FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST unconditionally
On some systems, openssl 1.0.x is still the default, but it has been
patched to contain all the recent security fixes. As a result of this
patching, it is possible for macro X509_V_FLAG_NO_ALT_CHAINS to be
defined, while the previous behavior of openssl to not look at trusted
chains first, remains.
Fix it: ensure X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST is always set, do not try to
probe for the behavior of openssl based on the existence ofmacros.
Closes #5530
- server/util: fix logmsg format using curl_off_t argument
... this caused segfaults on armv7.
Regression added in dd0365d560aea5a (7.70.0)
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5529
- [Cherish98 brought this change]
socks: fix expected length of SOCKS5 reply
Commit 4a4b63d forgot to set the expected SOCKS5 reply length when the
reply ATYP is X'01'. This resulted in erroneously expecting more bytes
when the request length is greater than the reply length (e.g., when
remotely resolving the hostname).
Closes #5527
Marc Hoersken (5 Jun 2020)
- .gitignore: add directory containing the stats repo
Since the new curl/stats repository is designed to be
checked out into the curl repository working tree as stats/
it should be on the ignore list to aid in commit staging.
Daniel Stenberg (5 Jun 2020)
- [Adnan Khan brought this change] clarify cargo build directory
Cargo needs to be called from within the 'quiche' directory.
Closes #5522
- user-agent.d: spell out what happens given a blank argument
Closes #5525
- trailers: switch h1-trailer logic to use dynbuf
In the continued effort to remove "manual" realloc schemes.
Closes #5524
- CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET.3: clarify the description
Reported-by: Jay Satiro
Fixes #5299
Closes #5520
- mailmap: Don J Olmstead
- configure: only strip first -L from LDFLAGS
In the logic that works out if a given OpenSSL path works, it stripped
off a possibly leading -L flag using an incorrect sed pattern which
would remove all instances of -L in the string, including if the path
itself contained that two-letter sequence!
The same pattern was used and is now updated in multiple places. Now it
only removes -L if it starts the strings.
Reported-by: Mohamed Osama
Fixes #5519
Closes #5521
Peter Wu (4 Jun 2020)
- quiche: advertise draft 28 support
Fix the verbose message while at it, quiche currently supports draft
27 and draft 28 simultaneously.
Closes #5518
Daniel Stenberg (4 Jun 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: RTSP authentication breaks without redirect support
Closes #4750
Jay Satiro (4 Jun 2020)
- projects: Add crypt32.lib to dependencies for all OpenSSL configs
Windows project configurations that use OpenSSL with USE_WIN32_CRYPTO
need crypt32.
Follow-up to 148534d which added CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA for 7.71.0.
The changes that are in this commit were made by script.
Marc Hoersken (3 Jun 2020)
- CI/macos: fix 'is already installed' errors by using bundle
Avoid failing CI builds due to nghttp2 being already installed.
Closes #5513
Daniel Stenberg (3 Jun 2020)
- altsvc: fix 'dsthost' may be used uninitialized in this function
- urldata: let the HTTP method be in the set.* struct
When the method is updated inside libcurl we must still not change the
method as set by the user as then repeated transfers with that same
handle might not execute the same operation anymore!
This fixes the libcurl part of #5462
Test 1633 added to verify.
Closes #5499
- hostip: fix the memory-leak introduced in 67d2802
Fixes #5503
Closes #5504
- test970: make it require proxy support
This test verifies the -w %json output and the test case includes a full
generated "blob". If there's no proxy support built into libcurl, it
will return an error for proxy related info variables and they will not
be included in the json, thus causing a mismatch and this test fails.
Reported-by: Marc Hörsken
Fixes #5501
Closes #5502
- [Radoslav Georgiev brought this change]
examples/http2-down/upload: add error checks
If `index.html` does not exist in the directory from which the example
is invoked, the fopen(upload, "rb") invocation in `setup` would fail,
returning NULL. This value is subsequently passed as the FILE* argument
of the `fread` invocation in the `read_callback` function, which is the
actual cause of the crash (apparently `fread` assumes that argument to
be non-null).
In addition, mitigate some possible crashes of similar origin.
Closes #5463
- [kotoriのねこ brought this change]
examples/ephiperfifo: turn off interval when setting timerfd
Reported-by: therealhirudo on github
Fixes #5485
Closes #5497
- [Saleem Abdulrasool brought this change]
vtls: repair the build with `CURL_DISABLE_PROXY`
`http_proxy` will not be available in `conndata` if `CURL_DISABLE_PROXY`
is enabled. Repair the build with that configuration.
Follow-up to f3d501dc67
Closes #5498
- transfer: remove k->str NULL check
"Null-checking k->str suggests that it may be null, but it has already
been dereferenced on all paths leading to the check" - and it can't
legally be NULL at this point. Remove check.
Detected by Coverity CID 1463884
Closes #5495
Marc Hoersken (1 Jun 2020)
- select: always use Sleep in Curl_wait_ms on Win32
Since Win32 almost always will also have USE_WINSOCK,
we can reduce complexity and always use Sleep there.
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Follow up to #5343
Closes #5489
Daniel Stenberg (31 May 2020)
- conncache: download buffer needs +1 size for trailing zero
Follow-up to c4e6968127e
Detected by OSS-Fuzz:
Marc Hoersken (31 May 2020)
- azure: use matrix strategy to avoid configuration redundancy
This also includes the following changes:
- Use the same timeout for all jobs on Linux (60 minutes)
and Windows (90 minutes)
- Use CLI stable apt-get install -y instead of apt install
which warns about that and run apt-get update first
- Enable MQTT for Windows msys2 builds instead of
legacy msys1 builds
- Add ./configure --prefix parameter to the msys2 builds
- The MSYSTEM environment variable is now preset inside
the container images for the msys2 builds
Note: on Azure Pipelines the matrix strategy is basically
just a simple list of job copies and not really a matrix.
Closes #5468
Daniel Stenberg (30 May 2020)
- build: disable more code/data when built without proxy support
Added build to travis to verify
Closes #5466
- url: alloc the download buffer at transfer start
... and free it as soon as the transfer is done. It removes the extra
alloc when a new size is set with setopt() and reduces memory for unused
easy handles.
In addition: the closure_handle now doesn't use an allocated buffer at
all but the smallest supported size as a stack based one.
Closes #5472
- timeouts: change millisecond timeouts to timediff_t from time_t
For millisecond timers we like timediff_t better. Also, time_t can be
unsigned so returning a negative value doesn't work then.
Closes #5479
Marc Hoersken (30 May 2020)
- select: add overflow checks for timeval conversions
Using time_t and suseconds_t if suseconds_t is available,
long on Windows (maybe others in the future) and int elsewhere.
Also handle case of ULONG_MAX being greater or equal to INFINITE.
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Part of #5343
- select: use timediff_t instead of time_t and int for timeout_ms
Make all functions in select.[ch] take timeout_ms as timediff_t
which should always be large enough and signed on all platforms
to take all possible timeout values and avoid type conversions.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Replaces #5107 and partially #5262
Related to #5240 and #5286
Closes #5343
- unit1604.c: fix implicit conv from 'SANITIZEcode' to 'CURLcode'
GCC 10 warns about this with warning: implicit conversion
from 'SANITIZEcode' to 'CURLcode' [-Wenum-conversion]
Since 'expected_result' is not really of type 'CURLcode' and
it is not exposed in any way, we can just use 'SANITIZEcode'.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #5476
- tests/libtest: fix undefined reference to 'curlx_win32_fopen'
Since curl_setup.h now makes use of curlx_win32_fopen for Win32
builds with USE_WIN32_LARGE_FILES or USE_WIN32_SMALL_FILES defined,
we need to include the relevant files for tests using fopen,
because the libtest sources are also including curl_setup.h
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Follow up to #3784 (ffdddb45d9)
Closes #5475
- appveyor: add non-debug plain autotools-based build
This should enable us to catch linking issues with the
testsuite early, like the one described/fixed in #5475.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #5477
Daniel Stenberg (29 May 2020)
- Revert "buildconf: use find -execdir"
This partially reverts commit c712009838f44211958854de431315586995bc61.
Keep the ares_ files removed but bring back the older way to run find,
to make it work with busybox's find, as apparently that's being used.
Reported-by: Max Peal
Fixes #5483
Closes #5484
- server/sws: fix asan warning on use of uninitialized variable
- libssh2: improved error output for wrong quote syntax
Reported-by: Werner Stolz
Closes #5474
- mk-lib1521: generate code for testing BLOB options as well
Follow-up to cac5374298b3
Closes #5478
- configure: repair the check if argv can be written to
Due to bad escaping of the test code, the test wouldn't build and thus
result in a negative test result, which would lead to the unconditional
assumption that overwriting the arguments doesn't work and thus curl
would never hide credentials given in the command line, even when it
would otherwise be possible.
Regression from commit 2d4c2152c (7.60.0)
Reported-by: huzunhao on github
Fixes #5470
Closes #5471
Peter Wu (28 May 2020)
- CMake: rebuild when changes
Otherwise the build might fail due to missing source files, as
demonstrated by the recent keylog.c addition on an existing build dir.
Closes #5469
Daniel Stenberg (28 May 2020)
- urldata: fix comments: Curl_done() is called multi_done() now
... since 575e885db
Peter Wu (27 May 2020)
- ngtcp2: use common key log routine for better thread-safety
Tested with ngtcp2 built against the OpenSSL library. Additionally
tested with MultiSSL (NSS for TLS and ngtcp2+OpenSSL for QUIC).
The TLS backend (independent of QUIC) may or may not already have opened
the keylog file before. Therefore Curl_tls_keylog_open is always called
to ensure the file is open.
- wolfssl: add SSLKEYLOGFILE support
Tested following the same curl and tshark commands as in commit
"vtls: Extract and simplify key log file handling from OpenSSL" using
WolfSSL v4.4.0-stable-128-g5179503e8 from git master built with
`./configure --enable-all --enable-debug CFLAGS=-DHAVE_SECRET_CALLBACK`.
Full support for this feature requires certain wolfSSL build options,
see "Availability note" in lib/vtls/wolfssl.c for details.
Closes #5327
- vtls: Extract and simplify key log file handling from OpenSSL
Create a set of routines for TLS key log file handling to enable reuse
with other TLS backends. Simplify the OpenSSL backend as follows:
- Drop the ENABLE_SSLKEYLOGFILE macro as it is unconditionally enabled.
- Do not perform dynamic memory allocation when preparing a log entry.
Unless the TLS specifications change we can suffice with a reasonable
fixed-size buffer.
- Simplify state tracking when SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback is
unavailable. My original sslkeylog.c code included this tracking in
order to handle multiple calls to SSL_connect and detect new keys
after renegotiation (via SSL_read/SSL_write). For curl however we can
be sure that a single master secret eventually becomes available
after SSL_connect, so a simple flag is sufficient. An alternative to
the flag is examining SSL_state(), but this seems more complex and is
not pursued. Capturing keys after server renegotiation was already
unsupported in curl and remains unsupported.
Tested with curl built against OpenSSL 0.9.8zh, 1.0.2u, and 1.1.1f
(`SSLKEYLOGFILE=keys.txt curl -vkso /dev/null https://localhost:4433`)
against an OpenSSL 1.1.1f server configured with:
# Force non-TLSv1.3, use TLSv1.0 since 0.9.8 fails with 1.1 or 1.2
openssl s_server -www -tls1
# Likewise, but fail the server handshake.
openssl s_server -www -tls1 -Verify 2
# TLS 1.3 test. No need to test the failing server handshake.
openssl s_server -www -tls1_3
Verify that all secrets (1 for TLS 1.0, 4 for TLS 1.3) are correctly
written using Wireshark. For the first and third case, expect four
matches per connection (decrypted Server Finished, Client Finished, HTTP
Request, HTTP Response). For the second case where the handshake fails,
expect a decrypted Server Finished only.
tshark -i lo -pf tcp -otls.keylog_file:keys.txt -Tfields \
-eframe.number -eframe.time -e_ws.col.Info \
-dtls.port==4433,http -ohttp.desegment_body:FALSE \
-Y 'tls.handshake.verify_data or http'
A single connection can easily be identified via the `` field.
Daniel Stenberg (27 May 2020)
- FILEFORMAT: add more features that tests can depend on
- [Michael Kaufmann brought this change]
transfer: close connection after excess data has been read
For HTTP 1.x, it's a protocol error when the server sends more bytes
than announced. If this happens, don't reuse the connection, because the
start position of the next response is undefined.
Closes #5440
- [Estanislau Augé-Pujadas brought this change]
Revert "ssh: ignore timeouts during disconnect"
This reverts commit f31760e63b4e9ef1eb25f8f211390f8239388515. Shipped in
curl 7.54.1.
Closes #5465
- urldata: connect related booleans live in struct ConnectBits
And remove a few unused booleans!
Closes #5461
- hostip: on macOS avoid DoH when given a numerical IP address
When USE_RESOLVE_ON_IPS is set (defined on macOS), it means that
numerical IP addresses still need to get "resolved" - but not with DoH.
Reported-by: Viktor Szakats
Fixes #5454
Closes #5459
- ngtcp2: cleanup memory when failing to connect
Reported-by: Peter Wu
Fixes #5447 (the ngtcp2 side of it)
Closes #5451
- quiche: clean up memory properly when failing to connect
Addresses the quiche side of #5447
Reported-by: Peter Wu
Closes #5450
- cleanup: use a single space after equals sign in assignments
- url: accept "any length" credentials for proxy auth
They're only limited to the maximum string input restrictions, not to
256 bytes.
Added test 1178 to verify
Reported-by: Will Roberts
Fixes #5448
Closes #5449
- [Maksim Stsepanenka brought this change]
test1167: fixes in
Closes #5442
- altsvc: fix parser for lines ending with CRLF
Fixed the alt-svc parser to treat a newline as end of line.
The unit tests in test 1654 were done without CRLF and thus didn't quite
match the real world. Now they use CRLF as well.
Reported-by: Peter Wu
Assisted-by: Peter Wu
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Fixes #5445
Closes #5446
Viktor Szakats (25 May 2020)
- all: fix codespell errors
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Peter Wu (25 May 2020)
- ngtcp2: fix build with current ngtcp2 master implementing draft 28
Based on changes from ngtcp2. Tested with current git master,
ngtcp2 commit c77d5731ce92, nghttp3 commit 65ff479d4380.
Fixes #5444
Closes #5443
Daniel Stenberg (25 May 2020)
moved the new setopts up to a "change"
- copyright: updated year ranges out of sync
... and whitelisted a few more files in the the script.
- [Gilles Vollant brought this change]
setopt: add CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT(_BLOB) for coherency
Closes #5431
- curl: remove -J "informational" written on stdout
curl would previously show "curl: Saved to filename 'name from header'"
if -J was used and a name was picked from the Content-Disposition
header. That output could interfer with other stdout output, such as -w.
This commit removes that output line.
Reported-by: Коваленко Анатолий Викторович
Closes #5435
Peter Wu (22 May 2020)
- travis: simplify quiche build instructions wrt boringssl
quiche builds boringssl as static library, reuse that instead of
building another shared library.
Closes #5438
- configure: fix pthread check with static boringssl
A shared boringssl/OpenSSL library requires -lcrypto only for linking.
A static build additionally requires `-ldl -lpthread`. In the latter
case `-lpthread` is added to LIBS which prevented `-pthread` from being
added to CFLAGS. Clear LIBS to fix linking failures for libtest tests.
Daniel Stenberg (22 May 2020)
- Revert "sendf: make failf() use the mvsnprintf() return code"
This reverts commit 74623551f306990e70c7c5515b88972005604a74.
Instead mark the function call with (void). Getting the return code and
using it instead triggered Coverity warning CID 1463596 because
snprintf() can return a negative value...
Closes #5441
- typecheck-gcc.h: CURLINFO_PRIVATE does not need a 'char *'
Reported-by: Billyzou0741326 on github
Fixes #5432
Closes #5436
- tests/server/util.h: add extern to silence compiler warning
Follow-up from a3b0699d5c1
- typecheck-gcc.h: fix the OFF_T check
The option number also needs to be less than CURLOPTTYPE_BLOB.
Follow-up to cac5374298
Reported-by: Jeroen Ooms
- TODO: --dry-run
Closes #5426
- TODO: Ratelimit or wait between serial requests
Closes #5406
- tool_paramhlp: fixup C89 mistake
Follow-up to c5f0a9db22.
- [Siva Sivaraman brought this change]
tool_paramhlp: fixed potentially uninitialized strtol() variable
Seems highly unlikely to actually be possible, but better safe than
Closes #5417
- [Siva Sivaraman brought this change]
tool_operate: fixed potentially uninitialized variables
... in curl_easy_getinfo() calls. They're harmless but clearing the
variables makes the code safer and comforts the reader.
Closes #5416
- sha256: move assign to the declaration line
Follow-up to fae30656. Should've been squashed with that commit...
- [Siva Sivaraman brought this change]
sha256: fixed potentially uninitialized variable
Closes #5414
- sendf: make failf() use the mvsnprintf() return code
... and avoid a strlen() call. Fixes a MonocleAI warning.
Reported-by: MonocleAI
Fixes #5413
Closes #5420
- hostip: make Curl_printable_address not return anything
It was not used much anyway and instead we let it store a blank buffer
in case of failure.
Reported-by: MonocleAI
Fixes #5411
Closes #5418
- ftp: mark return-ignoring calls to Curl_GetFTPResponse with (void)
They're done on purpose, make that visible in the code.
Reported-by: MonocleAI
Fixes #5412
Closes #549
- TODO: forbid TLS post-handshake auth and do TLS record padding
Closes #5396
Closes #5398
- dynbuf: return NULL when there's no buffer length
... as returning a "" is not a good idea as the string is supposed to be
allocated and returning a const string will cause issues.
Reported-by: Brian Carpenter
Follow-up to ed35d6590e72c
Closes #5405
Peter Wu (16 May 2020)
- travis: upgrade to bionic, clang-9, improve readability
Changes, partially to reduce build failures from external dependencies:
- Upgrade Ubuntu and drop unnecessary third-party repos.
- Properly clone apt config to ensure retries.
- Upgrade to clang-9 from the standard repos.
- Use Ubuntu 20.04 focal for the libssh build, use of ssh_get_publickey
fails on -Werror=deprecated-declarations in Ubuntu 18.04. Do not use
focal everywhere yet since Travis CI has not documented this option.
In focal, python-impacket (Py2.7) has been removed, leaving only
python3-impacket. Since it is only needed for SMB tests and not SSH,
skip it for the libssh job since it might need more work.
- apt: Remove gcc-8 and libstdc++-8-dev, already installed via g++-8.
Non-functional cleanups:
- Simplify test matrix, drop redundant os and compiler keys.
- Deprecation fixes: remove sudo, rename matrix -> jobs.
- Every job has an 'env' key, put this key first in a list item.
Closes #5370
- travis: whitespace-only changes for consistency
Automatically apply a consistent indentation with:
python3 -c 'from ruamel.yaml import YAML;y=YAML();d=y.load(open(".travis.yml"));y.width=500;y.dump(d,open("","w"))'
followed by manually re-indenting three comments.
Closes #5370
- CMake: add libssh build support
Closes #5372
Daniel Stenberg (15 May 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: wolfssh: publickey auth doesn't work
Closes #4820
- KNOWN_BUGS: OS400 port requires deprecated IBM library
Closes #5176
- [Vyron Tsingaras brought this change]
http2: keep trying to send pending frames after req.upload_done
Fixes #1410
Closes #5401
- [Gilles Vollant brought this change]
setopt: support certificate options in memory with struct curl_blob
This change introduces a generic way to provide binary data in setopt
options, called BLOBs.
This change introduces these new setopts:
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5357
- source cleanup: remove all custom typedef structs
- Stick to a single unified way to use structs
- Make checksrc complain on 'typedef struct {'
- Allow them in tests, public headers and examples
- Let MD4_CTX, MD5_CTX, and SHA256_CTX typedefs remain as they actually
typedef different types/structs depending on build conditions.
Closes #5338
- travis: remove the .checksrc fiddling
- ftp: make domore_getsock() return the secondary socket properly
Previously, after PASV and immediately after the data connection has
connected, the function would only return the control socket to wait for
which then made the data connection simply timeout and not get polled
correctly. This become obvious when running test 1631 and 1632 event-
- test1632: verify FTP through HTTPS-proxy with connection re-use
- test1631: verify FTP download through HTTPS-proxy
- sws: as last resort, get test number from server cmd file
If it can't be found in the request. Also support --cmdfile to set it to
a custom file name. always writes this file with the test number in it since a
while back.
- ftp: shut down the secondary connection properly when SSL is used
Reported-by: Neal Poole
Fixes #5340
Closes #5385
Marcel Raad (14 May 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: adapt 5.5 to recent changes
It only applies to non-Unicode builds now.
Also merge 5.10 into it as it's effectively a duplicate.
- curl_setup: support Unicode functions to open files on Windows
Use them only if `_UNICODE` is defined, in which case command-line
arguments have been converted to UTF-8.
- tool: support UTF-16 command line on Windows
- use `wmain` instead of `main` when `_UNICODE` is defined [0]
- define `argv_item_t` as `wchar_t *` in this case
- use the curl_multibyte gear to convert the command-line arguments to
This makes it possible to pass parameters with characters outside of
the current locale on Windows, which is required for some tests, e.g.
the IDN tests. Out of the box, this currently only works with the
Visual Studio project files, which default to Unicode, and winbuild
with the `ENABLE_UNICODE` option.
- curl_multibyte: add to curlx
This will also be needed in the tool and tests.
Daniel Stenberg (14 May 2020)
- url: make the updated credentials URL-encoded in the URL
Found-by: Gregory Jefferis
Reported-by: Jeroen Ooms
Added test 1168 to verify. Bug spotted when doing a redirect.
Closes #5400
- tests: add https-proxy support to the test suite
Initial test 1630 added with basic HTTPS-proxy use. HTTPS-proxy is like
HTTP proxy but with a full TLS connection to the proxy.
Closes #5399
- mailmap: James Fuller
- [Major_Tom brought this change]
vauth/cleartext: fix theoretical integer overflow
Fix theoretical integer overflow in Curl_auth_create_plain_message.
The security impact of the overflow was discussed on hackerone. We
agreed this is more of a theoretical vulnerability, as the integer
overflow would only be triggerable on systems using 32-bits size_t with
over 4GB of available memory space for the process.
Closes #5391
Jay Satiro (13 May 2020)
- curl.1: Quote globbed URLs
- Quote the globbing example URLs that contain characters [] {} since
otherwise they may be interpreted as shell metacharacters.
Reported-by: John Simpson
Daniel Stenberg (14 May 2020)
- checksrc: enhance the ASTERISKSPACE and update code accordingly
Fine: "struct hello *world"
Not fine: "struct hello* world" (and variations)
Closes #5386
- docs/options-in-versions: which version added each cmdline option
Added test 971 to verify that the list is in sync with the files in
cmdline-opts. The check also verifies that .d-files that uses Added:
specify the same version number as the options-in-versions file does.
Closes #5381
- docs: unify protocol lists
We boast support for 25 transfer protocols. Make sure the lists are
Closes #5384
... to avoid an OpenSSL bug that otherwise makes the CRL check to fail.
Reported-by: Michael Kaufmann
Fixes #5374
Closes #5376
- tls13-ciphers.d: shorten the Arg
- sasl-authzid.d: add Arg: and shorten the desc
- cert-type.d: mention the available types in the desc
- tool: shorten 3 --help descriptions
--happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms, --resolve and --ssl-revoke-best-effort already warned about these lines but we didn't listen
Closes #5379
- configure: the wolfssh backend does not provide SCP
Closes #5387
- url: reject too long input when parsing credentials
Since input passed to libcurl with CURLOPT_USERPWD and
CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD circumvents the regular string length check we have
in Curl_setstropt(), the input length limit is enforced in
Curl_parse_login_details too, separately.
Reported-by: Thomas Bouzerar
Closes #5383
- list-only.d: this option existed already in 4.0
Jay Satiro (12 May 2020)
- retry-all-errors.d: Shorten the summary line
Follow-up to b995bb5 from a few moments ago.
Reported-by: Daniel Stenberg
- [denzor brought this change]
easy: fix dangling pointer on easy_perform fail
- tool: Add option --retry-all-errors to retry on any error
The "sledgehammer" of retrying.
Daniel Stenberg (12 May 2020)
- [James Le Cuirot brought this change]
libcurl.pc: Merge Libs.private into Libs for static-only builds
A project being built entirely statically will call pkg-config with
--static, which utilises the Libs.private field. Conversely it will
not use --static when not being built entirely statically, even if
there is only a static build of libcurl available. This will most
likely cause the build to fail due to underlinking unless we merge the
Libs fields.
Consider that this is what the Meson build system does when it
generates pkg-config files.
I have also reflected this in the --libs argument of curl-config even
though REQUIRE_LIB_DEPS always seems to be "yes" anyway.
Closes #5373
- [Peter Wu brought this change]
CMake: fix with CMake, add new test targets
- Fix out-of-tree build under CMake when srcdir is not set. Default
srcdir to the location of
- Add a hack to allow CMake to use the TFLAGS option as documented
in tests/README and used in scripts/travis/
* Bump CMake version to 3.2 for USES_TERMINAL, dropping Debian Jessie
support (no one should care, it is already EOL.).
* Remove CTest since it defines its own 'test' target with no tests
since all unittests are already broken and not built by default.
* Add new test targets based on the options from Since
new test targets are rarely added, I opted for duplicating the options as opposed to creating a new file.
Use top-level target names (test-x) instead of x-test since that is
used by CI and others.
Closes #5358
- [Peter Wu brought this change]
CMake: do not build test programs by default
The default target should only build libcurl and curl. Add a dedicated
'testdeps' target which will be used later when running tests. Note that
unittests are currently broken in CMake and already excluded.
Closes #5368
- FILEFORMAT: moved up the variables section and further polished
- runtests: remove ftp2 support, not used
We once supported two separate ftp instances in the test suite. Has not
been used the last decade.
Closes #5375
- url: sort the protocol schemes in rough popularity order
When looking for a protocol match among supported schemes, check the
most "popular" schemes first. It has zero functionality difference and
for all practical purposes a speed difference will not be measureable
but it still think it makes sense to put the least likely matches last.
"Popularity" based on the 2019 user survey.
Closes #5377
Marc Hoersken (11 May 2020)
- test1238: avoid tftpd being busy for tests shortly following
The tftpd server may still be busy if the total timeout of
25 seconds has not been reached or no sread error was received
during or after the execution of the timeout test 1238.
Once the next TFTP test comes around (eg. 1242 or 1243),
those will fail because the tftpd server is still waiting
on data from curl due to the UDP protocol being stateless
and having no connection close. On Linux this error may not
happen, because ICMP errors generated due to a swrite error
can also be returned async on the next sread call instead.
Therefore we will now just kill the tftpd server after test
1238 to make sure that the following tests are not affected.
This enables us to no longer ignore tests 1242, 1243, 2002
and 2003 on the CI platforms CirrusCI and AppVeyor.
Assisted-by: Peter Wu
Closes #5364
Daniel Stenberg (11 May 2020)
- write-out.d: added "response_code"
- KNOWN_BUGS: Build with staticly built dependency
I rewrote the item 5.4 to be more generic about static dependencies.
- ROADMAP: remove old entries
MQTT - the start has already landed
tiny-curl - also mostly landed and is a continuous work
make menuconfig - basically no interest from users, not pushing there
- [Peter Wu brought this change]
travis: Add ngtcp2 and quiche tests for CMake
To avoid an explosion of jobs, extend the existing CMake tests with
ngtcp2 and quiche support. macOS was previously moved to GitHub actions,
so the non-Linux case can be dropped.
- [Peter Wu brought this change]
CMake: add ENABLE_ALT_SVC option
Tested alt-svc with quiche. While at it, add missing MultiSSL reporting
(not tested).
- [Peter Wu brought this change]
CMake: add HTTP/3 support (ngtcp2+nghttp3, quiche)
Add three new CMake Find modules (using the curl license, but I grant
others the right to apply the CMake BSD license instead).
This CMake config is simpler than the autotools one because it assumes
ngtcp2 and nghttp3 to be used together. Another difference is that this
CMake config checks whether QUIC is actually supported by the TLS
library (patched OpenSSL or boringssl) since this can be a common
configuration mistake that could result in build errors later.
Unlike autotools, CMake does not warn you that the features are
experimental. The user is supposed to already know that and read the
documentation. It requires a very special build environment anyway.
Tested with ngtcp2+OpenSSL+nghttp3 and quiche+boringssl, both built from
current git master. Use `LD_DEBUG=files src/curl |& grep need` to figure
out which features (libldap-2.4, libssh2) to disable due to conflicts
with boringssl.
Closes #5359
Marc Hoersken (10 May 2020)
- tests/server/tftpd.c: fix include and enhance debug logging
setjmp.h should only be included if HAVE_SETJMP_H is defined.
Add additional log statements to see wether reads and writes
are blocking or finishing before an alarm signal is received.
Assisted-by: Peter Wu
Part of #5364
Daniel Stenberg (10 May 2020)
- tool_operate: only set CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS if SSL support is present
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
Follow-up to 148534db5
Fixes #5367
Closes #5369
Marc Hoersken (9 May 2020)
- appveyor: update comments to be clear about toolchain
- CMake-based MSYS builds use mingw-w64 to cross-compile.
- autotools-based builds are compiled using msys2-devel.
The difference is that the later ones are not cross-compiled
to Windows and instead require the msys2 runtime to be present.
At the moment only the Azure Pipelines CI builds actually
run autotools-based cross-compilation builds for Windows.
- TODO: update regarding missing Schannel features
Some aspects have already been implemented over the years.
15.1 Client certificates are now supported:
- System stores via e35b0256eb34f1fe562e3e2a2615beb50a391c52
- PKCS#12 files via 0fdf96512613574591f501d63fe49495ba40e1d5
15.2 Ciphers can now be specified through:
- Algorithms via 9aefbff30d280c60fc9d8cc3e0b2f19fc70a2f28
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg and Marcel Raad
Closes #5358
Daniel Stenberg (8 May 2020)
- checksrc: close the .checksrc file handle when done reading
And bumped next version to 7.71.0
- [Gilles Vollant brought this change]
CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS: add *_NATIVE_CA to use Windows CA store (with openssl)
Closes #4346
- TODO: native IDN support on macOS
- urlapi: accept :: as a valid IPv6 address
Text 1560 is extended to verify.
Reported-by: Pavel Volgarev
Fixes #5344
Closes #5351
- THANKS-filter: Peter Wang
- [Peter Wang brought this change]
*_sspi: fix bad uses of CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
Return CURLE_AUTH_ERROR instead of CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN for other
instances of QuerySecurityPackageInfo failing, as in
commit 2a81439553286f12cd04a4bdcdf66d8e026d8201.
Closes #5355
- docs/HTTP3: add qlog to the quiche build instruction
- ngtcp2: introduce qlog support
If the QLOGDIR environment variable is set, enable qlogging.
... and create Curl_qlogdir() in the new generic vquic/vquic.c file for
QUIC functions that are backend independent.
Closes #5353
- ntlm_sspi: fix bad use of CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
That return code is reserved for build-time conditional code not being
present while this was a regular run-time error from a Windows API.
Reported-by: wangp on github
Fixes #5349
Closes #5350
- runtests: show elapsed test time with higher precision (ms)
- http2: simplify and clean up trailer handling
Triggered by a crash detected by OSS-Fuzz after the dynbuf introduction in
ed35d6590e72. This should make the trailer handling more straight forward and
hopefully less error-prone.
Deliver the trailer header to the callback already at receive-time. No
longer caches the trailers to get delivered at end of stream.
Closes #5348
Marc Hoersken (7 May 2020)
- appveyor: disable test 1139 instead of ignoring it
Spending time on manpage checking makes no sense
for these builds due to lacking manpage support.
- appveyor: disable flaky test 1501 and ignore broken 1056
Test 1501 is flaky on Windows CI due to being time sensitive
and the testsuite relying on taskkill.exe to check for the
existance of processes which can take to much time itself.
Test 1056 is broken in autotools-based Windows builds due
to scope ID support missing in these builds at the moment.
- make tests 613 and 614 work with OpenSSH for Windows
OpenSSH for Windows shows group and other/world permissions as *,
because those concepts do not exist on Windows. It also does not
show the current or parent directory, so we just ignore those.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5328
Daniel Stenberg (6 May 2020)
- runtests: set +x mode again
- libssh2: convert over to use dynbuf
In my very basic test that lists sftp://, this patched
code makes 161 allocations compared to 194 in git master. A 17%
Closes #5336
- travis: add "qlog" as feature in the quiche build
- quiche: enable qlog output
quiche has the potential to log qlog files. To enable this, you must
build quiche with the qlog feature enabled `cargo build --features
qlog`. curl then passes a file descriptor to quiche, which takes
ownership of the file. The FD transfer only works on UNIX.
The convention is to enable logging when the QLOGDIR environment is
set. This should be a path to a folder where files are written with the
naming template <SCID>.qlog.
Co-authored-by: Lucas Pardue
Replaces #5337
Closes #5341
- urldata.h: remove #define HEADERSIZE, not used anymore
Follow-up to ed35d6590e72c
- ngtcp2: convert to dynbuf
Closes #5335
- connect: make happy eyeballs work for QUIC (again)
Follow-up from dbd16c3e256c6c (regression in 7.70.0)
Closes #5334
- connect: add two asserts to clue code analyzers in a little
- http_proxy: ported to use dynbuf instead of a static size buffer
Removes a 16K static buffer from the easy handle. Simplifies the code.
- dynbuf: introduce internal generic dynamic buffer functions
A common set of functions instead of many separate implementations for
creating buffers that can grow when appending data to them. Existing
functionality has been ported over.
In my early basic testing, the total number of allocations seem at
roughly the same amount as before, possibly a few less.
See docs/ for a description of the API.
Closes #5300
- runtests: remove sleep calls
Remove many one second sleeps that were done *after* each newly started
test server already has been verified. They should not have any purpose
Closes #5323
- asyn-*: remove support for never-used NULL entry pointers
... and instead convert those to asserts to make sure they are truly
never NULL.
Closes #5324
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
doc: Rename VERSIONS to as it already has Markdown syntax
Closes #5325
Jay Satiro (2 May 2020)
- asyn-thread: fix cppcheck warning
- Check for NULL entry parameter before attempting to deref entry in
Curl_resolver_is_resolved, like is already done in asyn-ares.
This is to silence cppcheck which does not seem to understand that
asyn-ares and asyn-thread have separate Curl_resolver_is_resolved
and those units are mutually exclusive. Prior to this change it warned
of a scenario where asyn-thread's Curl_resolver_is_resolved is called
with a NULL entry from asyn-ares, but that couldn't happen.
- select: fix overflow protection in Curl_socket_check
Follow-up to a96c752 which changed the timeout_ms type from time_t to
Marc Hoersken (2 May 2020)
- sockfilt: make select_ws stop waiting on exit signal event
This makes sure that select_ws behaves similar to real select
which stops waiting on a signal handler being triggered.
This makes it possible to gracefully stop sockfilt.exe on
Windows with taskkill /IM sockfilt.exe (without /F force flag).
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Part of #5260
- tests/server/util.[ch]: add exit event to stop waiting on Windows
This commit adds a global exit event to the test servers that
Windows-specific wait routines can use to get triggered if the
program was signaled to be terminated, eg. select_ws in sockfilt.c
The exit event will be managed by the signal handling code and is
set to not reset automatically to support multiple wait routines.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5260
- tests/server/util.c: fix thread handle not being closed
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Part of #5260
- tests/server/util.c: use raise instead of calling signal handler
Use raise to trigger signal handler instead of calling it
directly and causing potential unexpected control flow.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Part of #5260
- tests: add support for SSH server variant specific transfer paths
OpenSSH for Windows requires paths in the format of /C:/
instead of the pseudo-POSIX paths /cygdrive/c/ or just /c/
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5298
Daniel Stenberg (2 May 2020)
- libssh2: set the expected total size in SCP upload init
... as otherwise the progress callback gets called without that
information, making the progress meter have less info.
Reported-by: Murugan Balraj
Closes #5317
- runtests: make the logmsg from the ssh server only show in verbose
- tests: make test 1248 + 1249 use %NOLISTENPORT
... instead of a port of a non-running server so that it works
Closes #5318
- examples: remove asiohiper.cpp
This example has repeatedly been reported to contain bugs, and as users
copy and paste code from this into production, I now deem it better to
not provide the example at all.
Closes #5090
Closes #5322
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
doc: add missing closing parenthesis in CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT.3
Closes #5320
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
KNOWN_BUGS: Remove "curl --upload-file . hang if delay in STDIN"
It was fixed in 9a2cbf3
Closes #5319
- cirrus: disable SFTP and SCP tests
... as we can't seem to start the sshd server on it. Those problems
existed before d1239b50bececd (running the SSH server on a random port),
but they're more noticable now since there are more failed attempts in
the logs.
Closes #5315
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
runtests: fix typo in the existence of disabled tests checker
Closes #5316
Dan Fandrich (30 Apr 2020)
- test75: Remove precheck test
This has not been needed since commit 9fa42bed and often prevents it
from running at all with dynamic test ports.
- tests: Stop referring to server ports when they're not used
Several tests referred to specific server ports even when the test
didn't actually use that server or specify that it's needed. In such
cases, the test harness substitutes the text "[not running]" as the port
number which causes many such tests to fail due to the inability to
parse the URL. These tests are changed to use %NOLISTENPORT which will
always be substituted correctly.
Daniel Stenberg (30 Apr 2020)
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
Closes #5287
- conncache: various concept cleanups
More connection cache accesses are protected by locks.
CONNCACHE_* is a beter prefix for the connection cache lock macros.
Curl_attach_connnection: now called as soon as there's a connection
struct available and before the connection is added to the connection
Curl_disconnect: now assumes that the connection is already removed from
the connection cache.
Ref: #4915
Closes #5009
- tests: tests: run stunnel for HTTPS and FTPS on dynamic ports
As stunnel is an external tool and it has no specific option to export
the actually used port number when asked to listen to 0, runtests
instead iterates over ten randomly picked high number ports and sticks
to the first one stunnel can listen to.
Closes #5267
- tests: pick a random port number for SSH
Since sshd doesn't have such an option by itself, we iterate over a
series of random ports until one works.
Closes #5273
- [Rikard Falkeborn brought this change]
libtest/cmake: Remove commented code
These were commented out in e9dd0998706a when was included
instead. 11 years have passed since then and the commented code is of
course very outdated. Remove it to avoid confusion.
Closes #5311
- schannel: source code reindent
White space edits only. Conform better to standard curl source code
indenting style.
Closes #5305
Kamil Dudka (29 Apr 2020)
- test1177: look for curl.h in source directory
If we use a separate build directory, there is no copy of the header.
Closes #5310
- tests: look for preprocessed tests in build directory
... which is not always the same directory as source directory
Closes #5310
Daniel Stenberg (29 Apr 2020)
... and bumped curlver.h to 7.70.1
Version 7.70.0 (29 Apr 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (29 Apr 2020)
- THANKS: synced with the 7.70.0 release
- headers: copyright range fix
- [Rikard Falkeborn brought this change]
doh: Constify some input pointers
Closes #5306
- nss: check for PK11_CreateDigestContext() returning NULL
... to avoid crashes!
Reported-by: Hao Wu
Fixes #5302
Closes #5303
- travis: bump the wolfssl CI build to use 4.4.0
Closes #5301
- copyright updates: adjust year ranges
Marc Hoersken (26 Apr 2020)
- CI: do not include */ci branches in PR builds
Align Azure Pipelines with GitHub Actions.
Daniel Stenberg (25 Apr 2020)
- runtests: check for the disabled tests relative srcdir
To make it work correctly for out-of-tree builds.
Follow-up to 75e8feb6fb08b
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
Closes #5297
- runtests: revert commenting out a line I did for debugging
Follow-up to 11091cd4d. It was not meant to be pushed!
- smtp: set auth correctly
Regression since 7.69.0 and 68fb25fa3fcff.
The code wrongly assigned 'from' instead of 'auth' which probably was a
copy and paste mistake from other code, leading to that auth could
remain NULL and later cause an error to be returned.
Assisted-by: Eric Sauvageau
Fixes #5294
Closes #5295
Marcel Raad (25 Apr 2020)
- lib: clean up whitespace
This fixes CodeFactor warnings.
Daniel Stenberg (25 Apr 2020)
- [Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki brought this change]
libssh: avoid options override by configuration files
Previously, options set explicitly through command line options could be
overridden by the configuration files parsed automatically when
ssh_connect() was called.
By calling ssh_options_parse_config() explicitly, the configuration
files are parsed before setting the options, avoiding the options
override. Once the configuration files are parsed, the automatic
configuration parsing is not executed.
Fixes #4972
Closes #5283
Signed-off-by: Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki <>
- runtests: when <killserver> mentions http, kill http/2 too
Since the http2 test server is a mere proxy that needs to know about the
dynamic port the HTTP server is using, it too needs to get restarted
when the http server is killed.
A regression caused by 80d6515.
Fixes #5289
Closes #5291
- [Yuri Slobodyanyuk brought this change]
docs: fix two typos
Closes #5292
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
tests/git: ignore mqttd and port files
Closes #5290
- tests: make runtests check that disabled tests exists
... and error out if so. Removed '536' from DISABLED as there is no such
test file.
Closes #5288
- test1154: set a proper name
- select: make Curl_socket_check take timediff_t timeout
Coverity found CID 1461718:
Integer handling issues (CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT) "timeout_ms >
9223372036854775807L" is always false regardless of the values of its
operands. This occurs as the logical second operand of "||".
Closes #5240
- [i-ky brought this change]
libcurl-multi.3: added missing full stop
Closes #5285
Jay Satiro (22 Apr 2020)
- transfer: Switch PUT to GET/HEAD on 303 redirect
Prior to this change if there was a 303 reply to a PUT request then
the subsequent request to respond to that redirect would also be a PUT.
It was determined that was most likely incorrect based on the language
of the RFCs. Basically 303 means "see other" resource, which implies it
is most likely not the same resource, therefore we should not try to PUT
to that different resource.
Refer to the discussions in #5237 and #5248 for more information.
Daniel Stenberg (22 Apr 2020)
- lib/mk-ca-bundle: skip empty certs
Reviewed-by: Emil Engler
Reported-by: Ashwin Metpalli
Fixes #5278
Closes #5280
- version: skip idn2_check_version() check and add precaution
A gcc-10's -fanalyze complaint made me spot and do these improvements.
Closes #5281
- [Brian Bergeron brought this change]
curl.h: update comment typo
"routines with be invoked" -> "routines will be invoked"
Closes #5279
- [Emil Engler brought this change]
GnuTLS: Don't skip really long certificate fields
Closes #5271
- gnutls: bump lowest supported version to 3.1.10
GnuTLS 3.1.10 added new functions we want to use. That version was
released on Mar 22, 2013. Removing support for older versions also
greatly simplifies the code.
Ref: #5271
Closes #5276
- mqtt: make NOSTATE get within the debug name array
- tests: run the RTSP test server on a dynamic port number
To avoid port collisions.
Closes #5272
- tests: add %NOLISTENPORT and use it
The purpose with this variable is to provide a port number that is
reasonably likely to not have a listener on the local host so that tests
can try connect failures against it. It uses port 47 - "reserved"
according to IANA.
Updated six tests to use it instead of the previous different ports.
Assisted-by: Emil Engler
Closes #5270
- mqtt: remove code with no purpose
Detected by Coverity. CID 1462319.
"The same code is executed when the condition result is true or false,
because the code in the if-then branch and after the if statement is
Closes #5275
- mqtt: fix Curl_read() error handling while reading remaining length
Detected by Coverity. CID 1462320.
Closes #5274
- server/tftpd: fix compiler warning
Follow-up from 369ce38ac1d
Reported-by: Marc Hörsken
- http: free memory when Alt-Used header creation fails due to OOM
Reported-by: James Fuller
Fixes #5268
Closes #5269
Daniel Gustafsson (20 Apr 2020)
- lib: fix typos in comments and errormessages
This fixes a few randomly spotted typos in recently merged code, most
notably one in a userfacing errormessage the schannel code.
Daniel Stenberg (20 Apr 2020)
- tests: run the SOCKS test server on a dynamic port number
Closes #5266
- [Johannes Schindelin brought this change]
multi-ssl: reset the SSL backend on `Curl_global_cleanup()`
When cURL is compiled with support for multiple SSL backends, it is
possible to configure an SSL backend via `curl_global_sslset()`, but
only *before* `curl_global_init()` was called.
If another SSL backend should be used after that, a user might be
tempted to call `curl_global_cleanup()` to start over. However, we did
not foresee that use case and forgot to reset the SSL backend in that
Let's allow that use case.
Fixes #5255
Closes #5257
Reported-by: davidedec on github
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
- tests: run the TFTP test server on a dynamic port number
Picking a dynamic unused port is better than a fixed to avoid the
collision risk.
Closes #5265
- mqtt: improve the state machine
To handle PUBLISH before SUBACK and more.
Updated the existing tests and added three new ones.
Reported-by: Christoph Krey
Closes #5246
- runtests: always put test number in servercmd file
- fix parsing typo
James Fuller (20 Apr 2020)
- ensure all references to ports are replaced by vars
- add more alt-svc test coverage
Daniel Stenberg (20 Apr 2020)
- test1247: use http server to get the port number set
Follow-up to 0f5db7b263f
- runtests: use a unix domain socket path with the pid in the name
To make it impossible for test cases to access the file name without
using the proper variable for the purpose.
Closes #5264
Daniel Gustafsson (19 Apr 2020)
- [Mipsters on github brought this change]
src: Remove C99 constructs to ensure C89 compliance
This fixes the error: 'for' loop initial declaration used outside C99
mode by declaring the loop increment variable in the beginning of the
block instead of inside the for loop.
Fixes #5254
Reviewed-by: Daniel Gustafsson <>
Daniel Stenberg (19 Apr 2020)
- runtests: dummy init the ports variables to avoid warnings
... and generate something that can help debug test cases.
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: properly check Content-Type even if it has parameters
New test 669 checks this fix is effective.
Fixes #5256
Closes #5258
Reported-by: thanhchungbtc on github
- tests/FILEFORMAT: converted to markdown and extended
Closes #5261
- test1245: make it work with dynamic FTP server port
- test1055: make it work with dynamic FTP port
- test1028: make it run on dynamic FTP server port
- tests: move pingpong server to dynamic listening port
FTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP and their IPv6 versions are now all on dynamic
Test 842-845 are unfortunately a bit hard to move over to this concept
right now and require "default port" still...
- test1056: work with dynamic HTTP ipv6 port
- test1448: work with dynamic HTTP server port
- tests: introduce preprocessed test cases
The runtests script now always performs variable replacement on the
entire test source file before the test gets executed, and saves the
updated version in a temporary file (log/test[num]) so that all test
case readers/servers can use that version (if present) and thus enjoy
the powers of test case variable substitution.
This is necessary to allow complete port number freedom.
Test 309 is updated to work with a non-fixed port number thanks to this.
- tests: make 2006-2010 handle different port number lengths
- tests: run the sws server on "any port"
Makes the test servers for HTTP and Gopher pop up on a currently unused
port and runtests adapts to that!
Closes #5247
Marc Hoersken (18 Apr 2020)
- sockfilt: tidy variable naming and data structure in select_ws
This commit does not introduce any logical changes to the code.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro and Marcel Raad
Closes #5238
Daniel Stenberg (17 Apr 2020)
- [Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki brought this change]
libssh: Use new ECDSA key types to check known hosts
From libssh 0.9.0, ssh_key_type() returns different key types for ECDSA
keys depending on the curve.
Signed-off-by: Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki <>
Fixes #5252
Closes #5253
Marcel Raad (17 Apr 2020)
- appveyor: add Unicode winbuild jobs
These are cheap as they don't build tests.
Daniel Stenberg (16 Apr 2020)
- mqttd: s/errno/SOCKERRNO
To behave proper on Windows
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Closes #5241
- buildconf: use find -execdir instead, remove -print and the ares files
Follow-up to 1e41bec96a6e
Suggested-by: Marc Hörsken
- [Alexander V. Tikhonov brought this change]
buildconf: avoid using tempfile when removing files
Closes #5213
- copyright: bump the copyright year range
- scripts/ accept colon after the Fixes/Closes keywords
- [JP Mens brought this change]
docs/MQTT: replace confusing 80 by 75
I was a bit surprised by the `80`: first thought: what's HTTP doing
here? ;)
Closes #5236
- [Brad King brought this change]
cmake: Avoid MSVC C4273 warnings in send/recv checks
We use `check_c_source_compiles` to check possible send/recv signatures
by reproducing the forward declarations from system headers. On Windows
the `winsock2.h` header adds dll linkage settings to its forward
declaration. If ours does not match the compiler warns:
warning C4273: 'recv': inconsistent dll linkage
Add `WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE` to our test signatures when it is defined so
that our linkage is consistent with that from `winsock2.h`.
Fixes #4764
Closes #5232
Jay Satiro (14 Apr 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: Add entry 'Blocking socket operations'
- Add threaded resolver cleanup and GSSAPI for FTP to the TODO list of
known blocking operations.
- New known bugs entry 'Blocking socket operations in non-blocking API'
that directs to the TODO's list of known blocking operations.
Reported-by: Marc Hoersken
Marc Hoersken (14 Apr 2020)
- test2043: use instead of
The certificate of has expired on 2020-04-13.
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5233
- sockfilt: fix broken pipe on Windows to be ready in select_ws
Closes #5228
Daniel Stenberg (14 Apr 2020)
- scripts/release-notes: fix duplicate output header
- github/workflow: enable MQTT in the macOS debug build
- azure: add mqtt support to one of the Windows builds
- travis: add mqtt job on Linux
- tests: add four MQTT tests 1190 - 1193
- tests: add the mqtt test server mqttd
- tests: support hex encoded data and mqtt server
The mqtt server is started using a "random" port.
- [Björn Stenberg brought this change]
mqtt: add new experimental protocol
Closes #5173
- TODO: Consider convenience options for JSON and XML?
Closes #5203
- tool: do not declare functions with Curl_ prefix
To avoid collision risks with private libcurl symbols when linked with
static versions (or just versions not hiding internal symbols).
Reported-by: hydra3333 on github
Fixes #5219
Closes #5234
- [Nathaniel R. Lewis brought this change]
cmake: add aliases so exported target names are available in tree
Reviewed-by: Brad King
Closes #5206
- version: increase buffer space for ssl version output
To avoid it getting truncated, especially when several SSL backends are
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Fixes #5222
Closes #5226
Marc Hoersken (13 Apr 2020)
- cirrus: no longer ignore test 504 which is working again
The test is working again, because TCP blackholing is disabled.
- appveyor: completely disable tests that fail to timeout early
The tests changed from ignored to disabled are tests that are
about connecting to non-listening socket. On AppVeyor these
tests are not reliable, because for some unknown reason the
connect is not timing out before the test time limit is reached.
Daniel Stenberg (13 Apr 2020)
- test1908: avoid using fixed port number in test data
Closes #5225
Jay Satiro (12 Apr 2020)
- [Andrew Kurushin brought this change]
schannel: Fix blocking timeout logic
- Fix schannel_send for the case when no timeout was set.
Prior to this change schannel would error if the socket was not ready
to send data and no timeout was set.
This commit is similar to parent commit 89dc6e0 which recently made the
same change for SOCKS, for the same reason. Basically it was not well
understood that when Curl_timeleft returns 0 it is not a timeout of 0 ms
but actually means no timeout.
- socks: Fix blocking timeout logic
- Document in Curl_timeleft's comment block that returning 0 signals no
timeout (ie there's infinite time left).
- Fix SOCKS' Curl_blockread_all for the case when no timeout was set.
Prior to this change if the timeout had a value of 0 and that was passed
to SOCKET_READABLE it would return right away instead of blocking. That
was likely because it was not well understood that when Curl_timeleft
returns 0 it is not a timeout of 0 ms but actually means no timeout.
- [Marc Hoersken brought this change]
gopher: check remaining time left during write busy loop
Prior to this change gopher's blocking code would block forever,
ignoring any set timeout value.
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Similar to #5220 and #5221
Closes #5214
Daniel Stenberg (13 Apr 2020)
- [Dirkjan Bussink brought this change]
gnutls: ensure TLS 1.3 when SRP isn't requested
When SRP is requested in the priority string, GnuTLS will disable
support for TLS 1.3. Before this change, curl would always add +SRP to
the priority list, effectively always disabling TLS 1.3 support.
With this change, +SRP is only added to the priority list when SRP
authentication is also requested. This also allows updating the error
handling here to not have to retry without SRP. This is because SRP is
only added when requested and in that case a retry is not needed.
Closes #5223
Marc Hoersken (12 Apr 2020)
- tests/server: add hidden window to gracefully handle WM_CLOSE
Forward Window events as signals to existing signal event handler.
- tests/server: add CTRL event handler for Win32 consoles
Forward CTRL events as signals to existing signal event handler.
- tests/server: move all signal handling routines to util.[ch]
Avoid code duplication to prepare for portability enhancements.
Daniel Stenberg (12 Apr 2020)
- compressed.d: stress that the headers are not modified
Suggested-by: Michael Osipov
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5217
Marc Hoersken (11 Apr 2020)
- tests/server/util.c: use curl_off_t instead of long for pid
Avoid potential overflow of huge PIDs on Windows.
Related to #5188
Assisted-by: Marcel Raad
- tests: use Cygwin/msys PIDs for stunnel and sshd on Windows
Since the Windows versions of both programs would write Windows
PIDs to their pidfiles which we cannot handle, we need to use
our known perl.exe Cygwin/msys PID together with exec() in order
to tie the spawned processes to the existance of our perl.exe
The perl.exe that is executing and
has a Cygwin/msys PID, because it is started inside Cygwin/msys.
Related to #5188
- tests: add Windows compatible pidwait like pidkill and pidterm
Related to #5188
- tests: fix conflict between Cygwin/msys and Windows PIDs
Add 65536 to Windows PIDs to allow Windows specific treatment
by having disjunct ranges for Cygwin/msys and Windows PIDs.
See also:
-;a=commit; ↵
-;a=commit; ↵
Replaces #5178
Closes #5188
Daniel Stenberg (11 Apr 2020)
- detect the start of the references in cleanup mode
- Revert "file: on Windows, refuse paths that start with \\"
This reverts commit 1b71bc532bde8621fd3260843f8197182a467ff2.
Reminded-by: Chris Roberts
Closes #5215
Jay Satiro (11 Apr 2020)
- lib: fix conversion warnings for SOCKET_WRITABLE/READABLE
- If loss of data may occur converting a timediff_t to time_t and
the time value is > TIME_T_MAX then treat it as TIME_T_MAX.
This is a follow-up to 8843678 which removed the (time_t) typecast
from the macros so that conversion warnings could be identified.
- test1148: tolerate progress updates better (again)
- Ignore intermediate progress updates.
- Support locales that use a character other than period as decimal
separator (eg 100,0%).
test1148 checks that the progress finishes at 100% and has the right
bar width. Prior to this change the test assumed that the only progress
reported for such a quick transfer was 100%, however in rare instances
(like in the CI where transfer time can slow considerably) there may be
intermediate updates. For example, below is stderrlog1148 from a failed
CI run with explicit \r and \n added (it is one line; broken up so that
it's easier to understand).
\r################################## 48.3%
\r######################################################################## 100.0%
Marc Hoersken (10 Apr 2020)
- use cached Win32 environment check variable
- appveyor: partially revert 3413a110 to keep build without proxy
Ref: #5211 and #4526
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
- appveyor: ignore failing 'connect to non-listening proxy' tests
Closes #5211
- CI/macos: convert CRLF to LF and align indentation
Daniel Stenberg (9 Apr 2020)
- url: allow non-HTTPS altsvc-matching for debug builds
This is already partly supported but this part was missing.
Reported-by: James Fuller
Closes #5205
- server/resolve: remove AI_CANONNAME to make macos tell the truth
With this bit set, my mac successfully resolves "ip6-localhost" when in
fact there is no such host known to my machine! That in turn made test
241 wrongly execute and fail.
Closes #5202
- runtests: fix warning about using an undefined variable
Follow-up from 4d939ef6ceb2db1
- release-notes: fix the initial reference list output
- github actions: run when pushed to master or */ci + PRs
Avoid double-builds when using "local" branches for PRs. For both macos
and fuzz jobs.
Closes #5201
- runtests: provide nicer errormsg when protocol "dump" file is empty
- [Gilles Vollant brought this change]
schannel: support .P12 or .PFX client certificates
Used with curl command line option like this: --cert
<filename>:<password> --cert-type p12
Closes #5193
- tests: verify split initial HTTP requests with CURL_SMALLREQSEND
test1294: "split request" being when the entire request isn't sent in
the first go, and the remainder is sent in the PERFORM state. A GET
request is otherwise not sending anything during PERFORM.
test1295: same kind of split but with POST
Closes #5197
- http: don't consider upload done if the request isn't completely sent off
Fixes #4919
Closes #5197
- http: allow Curl_add_buffer_send() to do a short first send by force
In a debug build, settting the environment variable "CURL_SMALLREQSEND"
will make the first HTTP request send not send more bytes than the set
amount, thus ending up verifying that the logic for handling a split
HTTP request send works correctly.
- connect: store connection info for QUIC connections
Restores the --head functionality to the curl utility which extracts
'protocol' that is stored that way.
Reported-by: James Fuller
Fixes #5196
Closes #5198
- tests/README: update the port numbers list
Since the pipelining server is long gone.
Reported-by: James Fuller
- select: remove typecast from SOCKET_WRITABLE/READABLE macros
So that they don't hide conversions-by-mistake
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5190
- CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.3: add inline example and new see-also
Closes #5192
- release-notes: output trailing references sorted numerically
- cleanup: correct copyright year range on a few files
- configure: remove use of -vec-report0 from CFLAGS with icc
... as it apparently isn't (always) supported.
Reported-by: Alain Miniussi
Fixes #5096
Closes #5191
- warnless: remove code block for icc that didn't work
Reported-by: Alain Miniussi
Fixes #5096
Marc Hoersken (6 Apr 2020)
- dist: add missing setup-win32.h
Follow up to d820224b8b
Daniel Stenberg (6 Apr 2020)
- scripts/ add helper script for RELEASE-NOTES maintenance
This script helps putting entries in the RELEASE-NOTES using a coherent
style and sorting with a minimal human editing effort - as long as the
first line in the commit message is good enough! There's a short howto
at the top of the file.
- [Dennis Felsing brought this change]
configure: don't check for Security.framework when cross-compiling
Since it checks for the local file, not the cross-compiled one.
Closes #5189
- TODO: Option to make -Z merge lined based outputs on stdout
Closes #5175
- lib: never define CURL_CA_BUNDLE with a getenv
- it breaks the build (since 6de756c9b1de34b7a1)
- it's not documented and not consistent across platforms
- the curl tool does that getenv magic
Reported-by: Gisle Vanem
Closes #5187
Marc Hoersken (5 Apr 2020)
- lib670: use the same Win32 API check as all other lib tests
- appveyor: use random test server ports based upon APPVEYOR_API_URL
Avoid conflicts of test server ports with AppVeyor API on localhost.
Closes #5034
- appveyor: sort builds by type and add two new variants
Related to #5034 and #5063
- appveyor: show failed tests in log even if test is ignored
And print API response with newline only if there is one
- appveyor: turn disabled tests into ignored result tests
Daniel Stenberg (5 Apr 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: fixed "USE_UNIX_SOCKETS on Windows"
Fixed with #5170 (commit 23a870f2fd041278)
- test1566: verify --etag-compare that gets a 304 back
Verifies the fix in #5183
Closes #5186
- [Kwon-Young Choi brought this change]
CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET: return true for 304 http status code
In libcurl, CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET is used to avoid writing to the
output file if the server did not transfered a file based on time
condition. In the same manner, getting a 304 HTTP response back from the
server, for example after passing a custom If-Match-* header, also
fulfill this condition.
Fixes #5181
Closes #5183
- [Kwon-Young Choi brought this change]
curl: allow both --etag-compare and --etag-save with same file name
This change inverse the order of processing for the --etag-compare and
--etag-save option to process first --etag-compare. This in turn allows
to use the same file name to compare and save an etag.
The original behavior of not failing if the etag file does not exists is
Fixes #5179
Closes #5180
Viktor Szakats (4 Apr 2020)
- windows: enable UnixSockets with all build toolchains
Extend existing unix socket support in Windows builds to be
enabled for all toolchain vendors or versions. (Previously
it was only supported with certain MSVC versions + more recent
Windows 10 SDKs)
Daniel Stenberg (4 Apr 2020)
- KNOWN_BUGS: Store TLS context per transfer instead of per connection
Closes #5102
Marc Hoersken (3 Apr 2020)
- sockfilt: remove redundancy in timeout handling
And update other logmsg output in select_ws on Windows.
- sockfilt: fix handling of ready closed sockets on Windows
Replace the incomplete workaround regarding FD_CLOSE
only signalling once by instead doing a pre-check with
standard select and storing the result for later use.
select keeps triggering on closed sockets on Windows while
WSAEventSelect fires only once with data still available.
By doing the pre-check we do not run in a deadlock
due to waiting forever for another FD_CLOSE event.
- sockfilt: fix race-condition of waiting threads and event handling
Fix race-condition of waiting threads finishing while events are
already being processed which lead to invalid or skipped events.
Use mutex to check for one event at a time or do post-processing.
In addition to mutex-based locking use specific event as signal.
Closes #5156
Daniel Stenberg (2 Apr 2020)
- [Leo Neat brought this change]
CI-fuzz: increase fuzz time to 40 minutes
Closes #5174
Marc Hoersken (2 Apr 2020)
- CI: increase Azure Pipelines timeouts due to performance issues
The current demand on Azure negatively impacts the CI performance.
- log host OS as detected by Perl environment
- log before and after data connection is closed
Daniel Stenberg (1 Apr 2020)
- run the script!
- vquic/ngtcp2.h: update copyright year range
Follow-up to 0736ee73d346a52
- [Daiki Ueno brought this change]
CI: add build with ngtcp2 + gnutls on Travis CI
- [Daiki Ueno brought this change]
vquic: add support for GnuTLS backend of ngtcp2
Currently, the TLS backend used by vquic/ngtcp2.c is selected at compile
time. Therefore OpenSSL support needs to be explicitly disabled.
Signed-off-by: Daiki Ueno <>
Closes #5148
- [Gisle Vanem brought this change]
examples/sessioninfo.c: add include to fix compiler warning
Fixes #5171
- misc: copyright year updates
Follow-up to 7a71965e9
- [Harry Sintonen brought this change]
build: fixed build for systems with select() in unistd.h
Closes #5169
- memdebug: don't log free(NULL)
... it serves no purpose and fills up the log.
- cleanup: insert newline after if() conditions
Our code style mandates we put the conditional block on a separate
line. These mistakes are now detected by the updated checksrc.
- checksrc: warn on obvious conditional blocks on the same line as if()
Closes #5164
- [Roger Orr brought this change]
Fixes #5165
Closes #5167
- [Daiki Ueno brought this change]
ngtcp2: update to git master for the key installation API change
This updates the ngtcp2 OpenSSL backend to follow the API change in
commit 32e703164 of ngtcp2.
Notable changes are:
- ngtcp2_crypto_derive_and_install_{rx,tx}_key have been added to replace
- the 'side' argument of ngtcp2_crypto_derive_and_install_initial_key
has been removed
Fixes #5166
Closes #5168
- [Cyrus brought this change] minor rephrase
Closes #5158
- output.d: quote the URL when globbing
Some shells do globbing of their own unless the URL is quoted, so maybe
encourage this.
Co-authored-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5160
- dist: add tests/ to tarball
... used in test 1177.
Follow-up to a97d826f6de3
- test1177: verify that all the CURL_VERSION_ bits are documented
- curl.h: remnove CURL_VERSION_ESNI. Never supported nor documented
Considered experimental and therefore we can do this.
Closes #5157
- KNOWN_BUGS: DoH doesn't inherit all transfer options
Closes #4578
Closes #4579
- KNOWN_BUGS: DoH leaks memory after followlocation
Closes #4592
- KNOWN_BUGS: "FTPS needs session reuse"
Closes #4654
- KNOWN_BUGS: "stick to same family over SOCKS pro" is presumed fixed
- TODO: Set custom client ip when using haproxy protocol
Closes #5125
Michael Kaufmann (27 Mar 2020)
- writeout_json: Fix data type issues
Load long values correctly (e.g. for http_code).
Use curl_off_t (not long) for:
- size_download (CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD_T)
- size_upload (CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD_T)
The unit for these values is bytes/second, not microseconds:
- speed_download (CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD_T)
- speed_upload (CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD_T)
Fixes #5131
Closes #5152
Daniel Stenberg (27 Mar 2020)
- mailmap: fixup a few author names/fields
Douglas Steinwand, Gökhan Şengün, Jessa Chandler, Julian Z and
Svyatoslav Mishyn
- version: add 'cainfo' and 'capath' to version info struct
Suggested-by: Timothe Litt
Reviewed-by: Jay Satiro
Closes #5150
Jay Satiro (26 Mar 2020)
- Fix example code for setting CA cert file
Prior to this change the documentation erroneously said use
CURLOPT_CAPATH to set a CA cert file.
Reported-by: Timothe Litt
Marc Hoersken (26 Mar 2020)
- sockfilt: add logmsg output to select_ws_wait_thread on Windows
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5086
Daniel Stenberg (26 Mar 2020)
- docs/make: generate curl.1 from listed files only
Previously it rendered the page from files matching "*.d" in the correct
directory, which worked fine in git builds when the files were added but
made it easy to forget adding the files to the dist.
Now, only man page sections listed in DPAGES in will be
used, thus "forcing" us to update this to get the man page right and get
it included in the dist at the same time.
Ref: #5146
Closes #5149
- openssl: adapt to functions marked as deprecated since version 3
OpenSSL 3 deprecates SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations and the MD4, DES
functions we use.
Fix the MD4 and SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations warnings.
In configure, detect OpenSSL v3 and if so, inhibit the deprecation
warnings. OpenSSL v3 deprecates the DES functions we use for NTLM and
until we rewrite the code to use non-deprecated functions we better
ignore these warnings as they don't help us.
Closes #5139
- dist: add mail-rcpt-allowfails.d to the tarball
Reported-by: Maksim Stsepanenka
Reviewed-by: Jat Satiro
Closes #5146
- travis: update the ngtcp2 build to use the latest OpenSSL patch
... which also makes it OpenSSL 1.1.1d based and not v3.
Marc Hoersken (24 Mar 2020)
- CI: remove default Ubuntu build from GitHub Actions
We are already running a very similar Ubuntu build on Travis CI.
The macOS variant of this default build is kept on Github Actions.
- CI: bring GitHub Actions fuzzing job in line with macOS jobs
Update YAML formatting, job naming and triggers.
- CI: migrate macOS jobs from Azure and Travis CI to GitHub Actions
Reduce workload on Azure Pipelines and Travis CI while
consolidating macOS jobs onto less utilized GitHub Actions.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5124
Daniel Stenberg (24 Mar 2020)
- config: remove all defines of HAVE_DES_H
As there's no code using it.
Closes #5144
- copyright: fix out-of-date copyright ranges and missing headers
Reported by the new script 'scripts/'. The script has a
regex whitelist for the files that don't need copyright headers.
Removed three (mostly usesless) README files from docs/
Closes #5141
- packages: add OS400/chkstrings.c to the dist
Reported-by: Jon Rumsey
Fixes #5142
Closes #5143
- [Clément Notin brought this change]
nghttp2: 1.12.0 required
since nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size is needed
Closes #5140
- [Calvin Buckley brought this change]
OS400: Update strings for ccsid-ifier
Fixes build.
Closes #5132
- cirrus: make freebsd ignore the tests instead of skipping
To allow us to see in the CI logs how they actually behave
Closes #5091
- cirrus: move the sanitizer build from freebsd 13 to freebsd 12
- Revert "cirrus-ci: disable the FreeBSD 13 builds"
This reverts commit 691b71be930f0e285c8f7a76efd56bbe0576cda6.
- getinfo: provide CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE and CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE override
To let debug-builds return fake values, like in test 970.
Ref: #5131
Closes #5136
- test970: improve the test
- send more data to make problems more obvious
- don't start the data with minus, it makes diffs harder to read
- skip the headers in the stdout comparison
- save to a file name to also verify 'filename_effective'
Ref: #5131
- CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS: improve accuracy
The counter was not bumped in all cases correctly.
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
Ref: #5131
Closes #5135
- TODO: Use "random" ports for the test servers
- lib/curl_setup: adjust the copyright year range
Follow-up from d820224b8
Jay Satiro (21 Mar 2020)
- curl_setup: define _WIN32_WINNT_[OS] symbols
.. because not all Windows build systems have those symbols, and even
those that do may be missing newer symbols (eg the Windows 7 SDK does
not define _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10).
Those symbols are used in build-time logic to decide which API to use
and prior to this change if the symbols were missing it would have
resulted in deprecated API being used when more recent functions were
available (eg GetVersionEx used instead of VerifyVersionInfo).
Probably fixes
- [Ross Burton brought this change]
curl-functions.m4: remove inappropriate AC_REQUIRE
AC_REQUIRE means "if this macro hasn't been executed already, execute
it". So in a wrapper around AC_RUN_IFELSE, AC_REQUIRE(AC_RUN_IFELSE)
isn't correct at that will execute AC_RUN_IFELSE without any arguments.
With autoconf 2.69 this is basically a no-op, but with autoconf 2.70,
AC_RUN_IFELSE without a default value when cross-compiling is fatal.
The result is that curl with autoconf 2.70 cannot cross-compile.
Marc Hoersken (20 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: fix Azure Pipelines not running Windows containers
Workaround posted here: microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent#2864
Assisted-by: Simon Chalifoux
Assisted-by: Tommy Petty
Fixes #5117
Closes #5129
Daniel Stenberg (20 Mar 2020)
- tests: add test 430, 431 and 432 to verify the --config fix
Verify the fixes in 4e0b4fee4
- [Rici Lake brought this change]
cmdline: fix handling of OperationConfig linked list (--next)
Ensures that -K/--config inserts new items at the end of the list
instead of overwriting the second item, and that after a -K/--config
option has been parsed, the option parser's view of the current config
is update.
Fixes #5120
Closes #5123
Marc Hoersken (20 Mar 2020)
- test2100: fix static port instead of dynamic value being used
- test970: fix static ip:port instead of dynamic values being used
Daniel Stenberg (19 Mar 2020)
- secure transport: remove the BACKEND define kludge
Closes #5122
- mbedtls: remove the BACKEND define kludge
- bearssl: remove the BACKEND define kludge
- wolfssl: remove the BACKEND define kludge
- nss: remove the BACKEND define kludge
- gnutls: remove the BACKEND define kludge
- openssl: remove the BACKEND define kludge
Use a proper variable instead to make it easier to use a debugger and
read the code.
Marc Hoersken (19 Mar 2020)
- tests: make Python-based servers compatible with Python 2 and 3
Update and to be compatible with
Python 3 while staying backwards-compatible to support Python 2.
Fix string encoding and handling of echoed and transferred data.
Tested with both Python 2.7.17 and Python 3.7.7
Reported-by: Daniel Stenberg
Assisted-by: Kamil Dudka
Reviewed-by: Marcel Raad
Fixes #5104
Closes #5110
Daniel Stenberg (18 Mar 2020)
- writeout_json: use curl_off_t printf() option for the time output
Follow-up to: 04c03416e68fd635a15
Closes #5115
Uh, I missed this in 1a46b218db
... and bumped curlver.h to 7.70.0
Jay Satiro (18 Mar 2020)
- http2: Fix erroneous debug message that h2 connection closed
Prior to this change in libcurl debug builds http2 stream closure was
erroneously referred to as connection closure.
* nread <= 0, server closed connection, bailing
* nread == 0, stream closed, bailing
Daniel Stenberg (18 Mar 2020)
- tool_setopt: correct the copyright year range
Follow-up to 5450428491
Jay Satiro (18 Mar 2020)
- [Johannes Schindelin brought this change]
schannel: add "best effort" revocation check option
- Implement new option CURLSSLOPT_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT and
--ssl-revoke-best-effort to allow a "best effort" revocation check.
A best effort revocation check ignores errors that the revocation check
was unable to take place. The reasoning is described in detail below and
discussed further in the PR.
When running e.g. with Fiddler, the schannel backend fails with an
unhelpful error message:
Unknown error (0x80092012) - The revocation function was unable
to check revocation for the certificate.
Sadly, many enterprise users who are stuck behind MITM proxies suffer
the very same problem.
This has been discussed in plenty of issues:,, for example.
In the latter, a Microsoft Edge developer even made the case that the
common behavior is to ignore issues when a certificate has no recorded
distribution point for revocation lists, or when the server is offline.
This is also known as "best effort" strategy and addresses the Fiddler
Unfortunately, this strategy was not chosen as the default for schannel
(and is therefore a backend-specific behavior: OpenSSL seems to happily
ignore the offline servers and missing distribution points).
To maintain backward-compatibility, we therefore add a new flag
(`--ssl-revoke-best-effort`) to select the new behavior.
Due to the many related issues Git for Windows and GitHub Desktop, the
plan is to make this behavior the default in these software packages.
The test 2070 was added to verify this behavior, adapted from 310.
Based-on-work-by: georgeok <>
Co-authored-by: Markus Olsson <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
- multi: Improve parameter check for curl_multi_remove_handle
- If an easy handle is owned by a multi different from the one specified
Prior to this change I assume user error could cause corruption.
Viktor Szakats (17 Mar 2020)
- windows: suppress UI in all CryptAcquireContext() calls
Reviewed-by: Marc Hörsken
Daniel Stenberg (17 Mar 2020)
- writeout_json: add missing comma to fix the HTTP version
Follow-up to 04c03416e68fd635a15
- test 970: verify --write-out '%{json}'
Makes curl_easy_getinfo() of "variable" numerical content instead return
the number set in the env variable `CURL_TIME`.
Makes curl_version() of "variable" textual content. This guarantees a
stable version string which can be tested against. Environment variable
`CURL_VERSION` defines the content.
Assisted-by: Mathias Gumz
- [Mathias Gumz brought this change]
writeout: support to generate JSON output
This commit adds support to generate JSON via the writeout feature:
-w "%{json}"
It leverages the existing infrastructure as much as possible. Thus,
generating the JSON on STDERR is possible by:
-w "%{stderr}%{json}"
This implements a variant of
Closes #4870
- CI: stop ignoring 323, it is disabled
- DISABLED: disable test 323
The test uses SRP to "a server not supporting it" but modern stunnel
versions will silently accept it and remain happy. The test is therefore
I haven't figured out how to make stunnel explicitly reject SRP-using
Reported-by: Marc Hörsken
Fixes #5105
Closes #5113
Marc Hoersken (17 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: increase timeouts for torture builds on Azure Pipelines
For some reason the torture builds have slowed down recently.
Reported-by: Daniel Stenberg
Daniel Stenberg (16 Mar 2020)
- cmake: add support for building with wolfSSL
My working build cmdline:
Assisted-by: Brad King
Closes #5095
- tool_operate: fix add_parallel_transfers when more are in queue
Trying to return early from the function if no new transfers were added
would break the "morep" argument and cause issues. This could lead to
zero content "transfers" (within quotes since they would never be
started) when parallel-max was reduced.
Reported-by: Gavin Wong
Analyzed-by: Jay Satiro
Fixes #4937
Closes #5112
- vtls: free ssl_config leftovers on out-of-memory
Torture testing 2034 and 2037 found this.
Reported-by: Marc Hörsken
Fixes #5108
Closes #5109
Marc Hoersken (16 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: fix Azure Pipelines not running for pull requests
Closes #5111
Daniel Stenberg (15 Mar 2020)
- gskit: update the copyright year range
Follow-up from 083603c63a3
Marc Hoersken (15 Mar 2020)
- gskit: use our internal select wrapper for portability
Follow up to c52b342
Closes #5106
- tests: fix verification of stdout in test 1452 due to newline
Fixes test1452:41:1: error: missing </stdout> tag before </verify>
- ci/tests: install impacket for SMB tests on FreeBSD using CirrusCI
Also force the package index/cache to be updated before installing.
Closes #5103
- tests/README: add note about manually installing python-impacket
Follow up to 4be2560
Daniel Stenberg (15 Mar 2020)
- transfer: cap retries of "dead connections" to 5
When libcurl retries a connection due to it being "seemingly dead" or by
REFUSED_STREAM, it will now only do it up five times before giving up,
to avoid never-ending loops.
Reported-by: Dima Tisnek
Closes #5074
- TODO: TLS-PSK with OpenSSL
Closes #5081
Marc Hoersken (15 Mar 2020)
- select: add 'timeout_ms' wrap-around precaution to Curl_select
- select: fix 'pending_ms' is assigned a value that is never used
Detected by Codacy
- select: move duplicate select preparation code into Curl_select
Reviewed by Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed by Marcel Raad
Closes #5078
Daniel Stenberg (15 Mar 2020)
- connect: happy eyeballs cleanup
Make sure each separate index in connn->tempaddr[] is used for a fixed
family (and only that family) during the connection process.
If family one takes a long time and family two fails immediately, the
previous logic could misbehave and retry the same family two address
Reported-by: Paul Vixie
Reported-by: Jay Satiro
Fixes #5083
Fixes #4954
Closes #5089
Marc Hoersken (15 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: fix and align setting TFLAGS for make test-nonflaky
- ci/tests: install test suite dependencies stunnel and impacket
- tests: remove python_dependencies for smbserver from our tree
Users of the SMB tests will have to install impacket manually.
Reasoning: our in-tree version of impacket was quite outdated
and only compatible with Python 2 which is already end-of-life.
Upgrading to Python 3 and a compatible impacket version would
require to import additional Python-only and CPython-extension
dependencies. This would have hindered portability enormously.
Closes #5094
Jay Satiro (14 Mar 2020)
- Makefile.m32: Improve windres parameter compatibility
- s/COFF/coff/
Some versions of windres do not recognize uppercase COFF as a valid
way to specify the COFF output format.
Reported-by: Steven Penny
- easy: Fix curl_easy_duphandle for builds missing IPv6 that use c-ares
- Ignore CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN errors returned by c-ares functions in
Prior to this change if c-ares was used as the resolver backend and
either it was too old or libcurl was built without IPv6 support then
some of our resolver functions could return CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN to
curl_easy_duphandle causing it to fail.
Caused by c8f086b which shipped in 7.69.1.
Reported-by: Karl Chen
Daniel Stenberg (13 Mar 2020)
- docs: add warnings about FILE: URLs on Windows
- --url man page section
- libcurl-security.3 gets the full text
Reported-by: Tim Sedlmeyer
- server/getpart: make the "XML-parser" stricter
When extracting a <section> <part> and there's no </part> before
</section>, this now outputs an error and returns a wrong string to
make users spot the mistake.
Ref: #5070
Closes #5071
Marc Hoersken (13 Mar 2020)
- impacket: some more Python 3 code compatibility updates
This makes smbserver load on Python 3, but still not work completely.
- smbserver: pin Python version to 2 since we are not yet 3 compatible
Even though the existing code can be fixed to run on Python 3, the
tests will fail due to the Unicode transition the protocol is invalid.
Follow up to ee63837
Closes #5085
Daniel Stenberg (12 Mar 2020)
- [Viktor Szakats brought this change]
cleanup: fix some text/comment typos
Closes #5087
Marc Hoersken (12 Mar 2020)
- smbserver: fix Python version specific ConfigParser import
Follow up to ee63837 and 8c7c4a6
Fixes #5077
Daniel Stenberg (11 Mar 2020)
bumped to 7.69.2
Dan Fandrich (11 Mar 2020)
- tests/data: Fix some XML formatting issues in test cases
This allows these test files to pass xmllint.
Daniel Stenberg (11 Mar 2020)
- [Muhammad Herdiansyah brought this change]
Makefile: run the cd commands in a subshell
In bmake, if the directory is changed (with cd or anything else), bmake
won't return to the "root directory" on the next command (in the same
Makefile rule). This commit runs the cd command in a subshell so it
would work in bmake.
Closes #5073
- configure: convert -I to -isystem as a last step
As all the -I uses in CFLAGS at that point are for system headers and
third party libraries this helps us remove/ignore warnings on those!
Closes #5060
- configure: fix -pedantic-errors for GCC 5 and later
If --enable-werror is used.
Follow-up to d5c0351055d5709da which added it too early in the configure
script before $compiler_num was set correctly and thus this option was
never used.
Reported-by: Stepan Efremov
Fixes #5067
Closes #5068
- configure: document 'compiler_num' for gcc
The CURL_CHECK_COMPILER_GNU_C function sets the number to MAJOR*100 +
MINOR and ignores the patch version, and since gcc version 7 it only
sets it to MAJOR*100.
Reported-by: Stepan Efremov
Ref: #5067
Closes #5069
Version 7.69.1 (11 Mar 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (11 Mar 2020)
- THANKS: from the 7.69.1 release
- [Marc Hoersken brought this change]
test1129: fix invalid case of closing XML-tag and Content-Length
Fixes #5070
Closes #5072
Marc Hoersken (10 Mar 2020)
- tests/data: fix static ip instead of dynamic value being used
Follow up to 94ced8e
- tests/data: fix static ip:port instead of dynamic values being used
Closes #5065
- tests/server: fix missing use of exe_ext helper function
Follow up to 9819984 and 3dce984
Reviewed-By: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5064
- runtests: log minimal and maximal used port numbers
Daniel Stenberg (9 Mar 2020)
- [James Fuller brought this change]
sftp: fix segfault regression introduced by #4747
This fix adds a defensive check for the case where the char *name in
struct libssh2_knownhost is NULL
Fixes #5041
Closes #5062
- socks4: fix host resolve regression
1. The socks4 state machine was broken in the host resolving phase
2. The code now insists on IPv4-only when using SOCKS4 as the protocol
only supports that.
Regression from #4907 and 4a4b63d, shipped in 7.69.0
Reported-by: amishmm on github
Closes #5061
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
silly web server: silent a compilation warning
Recent gcc warns when byte count of strncpy() equals the destination
buffer size. Since the destination buffer is previously cleared and
the source string is always shorter, reducing the byte count by one
silents the warning without affecting the result.
Closes #5059
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
cookie: get_top_domain() sets zero length for null domains
This silents a compilation warning with gcc -O3.
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
test 1560: avoid valgrind false positives
When using maximum code optimization level (-O3), valgrind wrongly
detects uses of uninitialized values in strcmp().
Preset buffers with all zeroes to avoid that.
Steve Holme (8 Mar 2020)
- sha256: Added WinCrypt implementation
Closed #5030
- sha256: Added SecureTransport implementation
Daniel Stenberg (7 Mar 2020)
- lib1564: reduce number of mid-wait wakeup calls
This test does A LOT of *wakeup() calls and then calls curl_multi_poll()
twice. The first *poll() is then expected to return early and the second
not - as the first is supposed to drain the socketpair pipe.
It turns out however that when given "excessive" amounts of writes to
the pipe, some operating systems (the Solaris based are known) will
return EAGAIN before the pipe is drained, which in our test case causes
the second *poll() call to also abort early.
This change attempts to avoid the OS-specific behaviors in the test by
reducing the amount of wakeup calls from 1234567 to 10.
Reported-by: Andy Fiddaman
Fixes #5037
Closes #5058
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: fix the binary encoder to handle large data properly
New test 666 checks this is effective.
As upload buffer size is significant in this kind of tests, shorten it
in similar test 652.
Fixes #4860
Closes #4833
Reported-by: RuurdBeerstra on github
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: do not perform more than one read in a row
Input buffer filling may delay the data sending if data reads are slow.
To overcome this problem, file and callback data reads do not accumulate
in buffer anymore. All other data (memory data and mime framing) are
considered as fast and still concatenated in buffer.
As this may highly impact performance in terms of data overhead, an early
end of part data check is added to spare a read call.
When encoding a part's data, an encoder may require more bytes than made
available by a single read. In this case, the above rule does not apply
and reads are performed until the encoder is able to deliver some data.
Tests 643, 644, 645, 650 and 654 have been adapted to the output data
changes, with test data size reduced to avoid the boredom of long lists of
1-byte chunks in verification data.
New test 667 checks mimepost using single-byte read callback with encoder.
New test 668 checks the end of part data early detection.
Fixes #4826
Reported-by: MrdUkk on github
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: latch last read callback status.
In case a read callback returns a status (pause, abort, eof,
error) instead of a byte count, drain the bytes read so far but
remember this status for further processing.
Takes care of not losing data when pausing, and properly resume a
paused mime structure when requested.
New tests 670-673 check unpausing cases, with easy or multi
interface and mime or form api.
Fixes #4813
Reported-by: MrdUkk on github
Marc Hoersken (7 Mar 2020)
- runtests: fix missing use of exe_ext helper function
Daniel Stenberg (7 Mar 2020)
- [Ernst Sjöstrand brought this change]
ares: store dns parameters for duphandle
With c-ares the dns parameters lives in ares_channel. Store them in the
curl handle and set them again in easy_duphandle.
Regression introduced in #3228 (6765e6d), shipped in curl 7.63.0.
Fixes #4893
Closes #5020
Signed-off-by: Ernst Sjöstrand <>
- version: make curl_version* thread-safe without using global context
Closes #5010
Marc Hoersken (7 Mar 2020)
- tests: use native Sleep function as fallback on Windows
Reviewed-By: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5054
- perl: align order and completeness of Windows OS checks
Daniel Stenberg (7 Mar 2020)
- tool_cb_see: set correct copyright year range
Follow-up to a39e5bfb9
Marc Hoersken (7 Mar 2020)
- seek: fix fallback for missing ftruncate on Windows
This fixes test 198 on versions of MinGW-w64 without ftruncate
Reviewed-By: Daniel Stenberg
Reviewed-By: Marcel Raad
Closes #5055
- config-win32: Windows does not have ftruncate
Daniel Stenberg (7 Mar 2020)
- pause: force a connection (re-)check after unpausing
There might be data available that was already read off the socket, for
example in the TLS layer.
Reported-by: Anders Berg
Fixes #4966
Closes #5049
- socks5: switch state properly when the resolve is done
Regression from 4a4b63d (and #4907)
Reported-by: vitaha85 on github
Fixes #5053
Closes #5056
Jay Satiro (7 Mar 2020)
- libssh: Fix matching user-specified MD5 hex key
Prior to this change a match would never be successful because it
was mistakenly coded to compare binary data from libssh to a
user-specified hex string (ie CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5).
Daniel Stenberg (6 Mar 2020)
- pause: bail out on bad input
A NULL easy handle or an easy handle without an associated connection
cannot be paused or unpaused.
Closes #5050
Steve Holme (6 Mar 2020)
- unit1612: fixed the inclusion and compilation of the HMAC unit test
Follow up to 3f74e5e6 to fix:
- A typo in where unit1611 was used instead
- Some compilation issues in unit1612.c
Closes #5024
Daniel Stenberg (6 Mar 2020)
- pause: return early for calls that don't change pause state
Reviewed-by: Patrick Monnerat
Ref: #4833
Closes #5026
Jay Satiro (6 Mar 2020)
- curl_share_setopt.3: Note sharing cookies doesn't enable the engine
Follow-up to d0a7ee3 which fixed a bug in 7.66.0 that caused
CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE to enable the easy handle's cookie engine.
Reported-by: Felipe Gasper
- multi: skip EINTR check on wakeup socket if it was closed
- Don't check errno on wakeup socket if sread returned 0 since sread
doesn't set errno in that case.
This is a follow-up to cf7760a from several days ago which fixed
Curl_multi_wait to stop busy looping sread on the non-blocking wakeup
socket if it was closed (ie sread returns 0). Due to a logic error it
was still possible to busy loop in that case if errno == EINTR.
Daniel Stenberg (6 Mar 2020)
- transfer: set correct copyright year range
- urldata: remove the 'stream_was_rewound' connectdata struct member
... as it is never set anywhere.
Follow-up to 2f44e94ef
Closes #5046
- Revert "pause: force-drain the transfer on unpause"
This reverts commit fa0216b294af4c7113a9040ca65eefc7fc18ac1c (from #5000)
Clearly that didn't solve the problem correctly.
Reported-by: Christopher Reid
Reopens #4966
Fixes #5044
and bumped curlver.h
- MANUAL: update a dict-using command line
The 'web1913' database is now invalid, use 'gcide' instead.
- KNOWN_BUGS: configure --with-gssapi with Heimdal is ignored on macOS
Closes #3841
- polarssl: remove more references and mentions
Assisted-by: Jay Satiro
Follow-up to 6357a19ff29dac04
Closes #5036
Marc Hoersken (4 Mar 2020)
- tests: wrap ignored test failures in braces
- tests: align some Windows sleep defines with each other
- tests: try to make sleeping portable by avoiding select
select does not support just waiting on Windows:
Reviewed-By: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5035
Daniel Stenberg (4 Mar 2020)
- runtests.1: rephrase how to specify what tests to run
Also mention the new tilde-prefixed way to ignore test results.
Reviewed-By: Marc Hoersken
Closes #5033
- cirrus-ci: disable the FreeBSD 13 builds
FreeBSD 13.0 is apparently close to a year away from a stable release
and has proven to cause intermittent builds failures recently.
Assisted-by: Dan Fandrich
Assisted-by: Fedor Korotkov
Fixes #5028
Closes #5029
Version 7.69.0 (4 Mar 2020)
Daniel Stenberg (4 Mar 2020)
- THANKS: from 7.69.0
Now sorted case insensitive
Marc Hoersken (3 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: fix escaping of testnames and disable proxy for CI APIs
Follow up to ada581f and c0d8b96
Closes #5031
Jay Satiro (3 Mar 2020)
- cmake: Show HTTPS-proxy in the features output
- Show HTTPS-proxy in the features output for those backends that
support it: OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS.
Prior to this change HTTPS-proxy was missing from the cmake features
output even if curl was built with it. Only cmake output was affected.
Both the library and tool correctly reported the feature.
Reported-by: David Lopes
Marc Hoersken (3 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: Make it possible to still run but ignore failing tests
This enables the development of a solution for the failing tests by
running them on CI while ignoring their result for the overall status.
Closes #4994
- add Azure DevOps Pipelines build status badge
- ci/tests: Move CI test result creation above environment setup
This avoids using our test servers as proxy to the AppVeyor API.
Closes #5022
- ci/tests: Send test results to AppVeyor for status overview
Closes #5021
Daniel Stenberg (3 Mar 2020)
- Revert "sha256: Added SecureTransport implementation"
This reverts commit 4feb38deed33fed14ff7c370a6a9153c661dbb9c (from #4956)
That commit broke test 1610 on macos builds without TLS.
Closes #5027
- dist: include tests/ in the tarball
Reported-by: Marcel Raad
Steve Holme (3 Mar 2020)
- Disable metalink if mbedTLS is specified
Follow up to cdcc9df1 and #5006. Even though I mentioned mbedTLS as
being one of the backends that metalink needs to be disabled for, I
seem to have included it in the list of allowed SSL/TLS backends in :(
Closes #5013
- sha256: Tidy up following recent changes
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #4956
- sha256: Added WinCrypt implementation
- sha256: Added SecureTransport implementation
- sha256: Added mbedtls implementation
- sha256: Added GNU TLS gcrypt implementation
- sha256: Added GNU TLS Nettle implementation
Jay Satiro (2 Mar 2020)
- curl_escape.3: Add a link to curl_free
- curl_getenv.3: Fix the memory handling description
- Tell the user to call curl_free() to free the pointer returned by
Prior to this change the user was directed to call free(), but that
would not work in cases where the library and application use separate C
runtimes and therefore have separate heap memory management.
Daniel Stenberg (2 Mar 2020)
- [Nick Zitzmann brought this change]
md4: use init/update/final functions in Secure Transport
We can use CC_MD4_Init/Update/Final without having to allocate memory
Closes #4979
Marc Hoersken (2 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: some MacOS builds randomly take longer than 20min
Daniel Stenberg (2 Mar 2020)
- multi_wait: stop loop when sread() returns zero
It's unclear why it would ever return zero here, but this change fixes
Robert's problem and it shouldn't loop forever...
Reported-by: Robert Dunaj
Closes #5019
- http: mark POSTs with no body as "upload done" from the start
As we have logic that checks if we get a >= 400 reponse code back before
the upload is done, which then got confused since it wasn't "done" but
yet there was no data to send!
Reported-by: IvanoG on github
Fixes #4996
Closes #5002
- tests: disable 962, 963 and 964 on Windows
These tests are also doing UTF-8 SMTP.
Follow-up to df207d2dd93b9e73
Marc Hoersken (2 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: fine-tune Azure Pipeline timeouts with a small puffer
Daniel Stenberg (2 Mar 2020)
- configure: bump the AC_COPYRIGHT year range
- [Steve Holme brought this change]
tests: disable SMTP UTF-8 tests on Windows
Fixes #4988
Closes #4992
- formdata/mime: copyright year range update
Due to the merge/revert cycle
- Revert "mime: latch last read callback status."
This reverts commit 87869e38d7afdec3ef1bb4965711458b088e254f.
Fixes #5014
Closes #5015
Reopens #4833
- Revert "mime: do not perform more than one read in a row"
This reverts commit ed0f357f7d25566110d4302f33759f4ffb5a6f83.
- Revert "mime: fix the binary encoder to handle large data properly"
This reverts commit b2caaa0681f329eed317ffb6ae6927f4a539f0c1.
- altsvc: both h3 backends now speak h3-27
... also updated the HTTP3 build description for ngtcp2 accordingly.
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: fix the binary encoder to handle large data properly
New test 666 checks this is effective.
As upload buffer size is significant in this kind of tests, shorten it
in similar test 652.
Fixes #4860
Reported-by: RuurdBeerstra on github
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: do not perform more than one read in a row
Input buffer filling may delay the data sending if data reads are slow.
To overcome this problem, file and callback data reads do not accumulate
in buffer anymore. All other data (memory data and mime framing) are
considered as fast and still concatenated in buffer.
As this may highly impact performance in terms of data overhead, an early
end of part data check is added to spare a read call.
When encoding a part's data, an encoder may require more bytes than made
available by a single read. In this case, the above rule does not apply
and reads are performed until the encoder is able to deliver some data.
Tests 643, 644, 645, 650 and 654 have been adapted to the output data
changes, with test data size reduced to avoid the boredom of long lists of
1-byte chunks in verification data.
New test 664 checks mimepost using single-byte read callback with encoder.
New test 665 checks the end of part data early detection.
Fixes #4826
Reported-by: MrdUkk on github
- [Patrick Monnerat brought this change]
mime: latch last read callback status.
In case a read callback returns a status (pause, abort, eof,
error) instead of a byte count, drain the bytes read so far but
remember this status for further processing.
Takes care of not losing data when pausing, and properly resume a
paused mime structure when requested.
New tests 670-673 check unpausing cases, with easy or multi
interface and mime or form api.
Fixes #4813
Reported-by: MrdUkk on github
Closes #4833
Steve Holme (1 Mar 2020)
- unit1651: Fixed conversion compilation warning
371:17: warning: conversion to 'unsigned char' from 'int' may alter its
value [-Wconversion]
Closes #5008
- Disable metalink support if an incompatible SSL/TLS specified
tool_metalink only supports cryptography from OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS,
The Win32 Crypto library and Apple's Common Crypto library.
If an TLS backend such as mbedTLS or WolfSSL is specified then the
following error is given during compilation along, with a load of
unresolved extern errors:
Can't compile METALINK support without a crypto library.
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg
Closes #5006
Marc Hoersken (1 Mar 2020)
- ci/tests: Update Azure DevOps pipeline job display names
Make the configure step more descriptive and align others.
- ci/tests: Fix typo in previous commit 597cf2
- ci/tests: Make sure that the AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN is available
For security reasons the access token is not available to PR builds.
Therefore we should not try to use the DevOps API with an empty token.