blob: b46b2aa0e3b39255d7cde3d7b65f01cafb628c03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::sync::Arc;
use base::AsRawDescriptor;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
use crate::sys::linux::PollSource;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
use crate::sys::linux::UringSource;
#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
use crate::sys::platform::tokio_source::TokioSource;
use crate::sys::windows::HandleSource;
use crate::sys::windows::OverlappedSource;
use crate::AsyncResult;
use crate::BackingMemory;
use crate::MemRegion;
/// Associates an IO object `F` with cros_async's runtime and exposes an API to perform async IO on
/// that object's descriptor.
pub enum IoSource<F: base::AsRawDescriptor> {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(IoSource<std::fs::File>: Send, Sync);
/// Invoke a method on the underlying source type and await the result.
/// `await_on_inner(io_source, method, ...)` => `inner_source.method(...).await`
macro_rules! await_on_inner {
($x:ident, $method:ident $(, $args:expr)*) => {
match $x {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
IoSource::Uring(x) => UringSource::$method(x, $($args),*).await,
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
IoSource::Epoll(x) => PollSource::$method(x, $($args),*).await,
IoSource::Handle(x) => HandleSource::$method(x, $($args),*).await,
IoSource::Overlapped(x) => OverlappedSource::$method(x, $($args),*).await,
#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
IoSource::Tokio(x) => TokioSource::$method(x, $($args),*).await,
/// Invoke a method on the underlying source type.
/// `on_inner(io_source, method, ...)` => `inner_source.method(...)`
macro_rules! on_inner {
($x:ident, $method:ident $(, $args:expr)*) => {
match $x {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
IoSource::Uring(x) => UringSource::$method(x, $($args),*),
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
IoSource::Epoll(x) => PollSource::$method(x, $($args),*),
IoSource::Handle(x) => HandleSource::$method(x, $($args),*),
IoSource::Overlapped(x) => OverlappedSource::$method(x, $($args),*),
#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
IoSource::Tokio(x) => TokioSource::$method(x, $($args),*),
impl<F: AsRawDescriptor> IoSource<F> {
/// Reads at `file_offset` and fills the given `vec`.
pub async fn read_to_vec(
file_offset: Option<u64>,
vec: Vec<u8>,
) -> AsyncResult<(usize, Vec<u8>)> {
await_on_inner!(self, read_to_vec, file_offset, vec)
/// Reads to the given `mem` at the given offsets from the file starting at `file_offset`.
pub async fn read_to_mem(
file_offset: Option<u64>,
mem: Arc<dyn BackingMemory + Send + Sync>,
mem_offsets: impl IntoIterator<Item = MemRegion>,
) -> AsyncResult<usize> {
await_on_inner!(self, read_to_mem, file_offset, mem, mem_offsets)
/// Waits for the object to be readable.
pub async fn wait_readable(&self) -> AsyncResult<()> {
await_on_inner!(self, wait_readable)
/// Writes from the given `vec` to the file starting at `file_offset`.
pub async fn write_from_vec(
file_offset: Option<u64>,
vec: Vec<u8>,
) -> AsyncResult<(usize, Vec<u8>)> {
await_on_inner!(self, write_from_vec, file_offset, vec)
/// Writes from the given `mem` at the given offsets to the file starting at `file_offset`.
pub async fn write_from_mem(
file_offset: Option<u64>,
mem: Arc<dyn BackingMemory + Send + Sync>,
mem_offsets: impl IntoIterator<Item = MemRegion>,
) -> AsyncResult<usize> {
await_on_inner!(self, write_from_mem, file_offset, mem, mem_offsets)
/// Deallocates the given range of a file.
pub async fn punch_hole(&self, file_offset: u64, len: u64) -> AsyncResult<()> {
await_on_inner!(self, punch_hole, file_offset, len)
/// Fills the given range with zeroes.
pub async fn write_zeroes_at(&self, file_offset: u64, len: u64) -> AsyncResult<()> {
await_on_inner!(self, write_zeroes_at, file_offset, len)
/// Sync all completed write operations to the backing storage.
pub async fn fsync(&self) -> AsyncResult<()> {
await_on_inner!(self, fsync)
/// Sync all data of completed write operations to the backing storage, avoiding updating extra
/// metadata. Note that an implementation may simply implement fsync for fdatasync.
pub async fn fdatasync(&self) -> AsyncResult<()> {
await_on_inner!(self, fdatasync)
/// Yields the underlying IO source.
pub fn into_source(self) -> F {
on_inner!(self, into_source)
/// Provides a ref to the underlying IO source.
pub fn as_source(&self) -> &F {
on_inner!(self, as_source)
/// Provides a mutable ref to the underlying IO source.
pub fn as_source_mut(&mut self) -> &mut F {
on_inner!(self, as_source_mut)
/// Waits on a waitable handle.
/// Needed for Windows currently, and subject to a potential future upstream.
pub async fn wait_for_handle(&self) -> AsyncResult<()> {
await_on_inner!(self, wait_for_handle)
mod tests {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Seek;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tempfile::tempfile;
use super::*;
use crate::mem::VecIoWrapper;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
use crate::sys::linux::uring_executor::is_uring_stable;
use crate::sys::ExecutorKindSys;
use crate::Executor;
use crate::ExecutorKind;
use crate::MemRegion;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
fn all_kinds() -> Vec<ExecutorKind> {
let mut kinds = vec![ExecutorKindSys::Fd.into()];
if is_uring_stable() {
fn all_kinds() -> Vec<ExecutorKind> {
// TODO: Test OverlappedSource. It requires files to be opened specially, so this test
// fixture needs to be refactored first.
fn tmpfile_with_contents(bytes: &[u8]) -> File {
let mut f = tempfile().unwrap();
fn readvec() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(async_source: IoSource<F>) {
let v = vec![0x55u8; 32];
let v_ptr = v.as_ptr();
let (n, v) = async_source.read_to_vec(None, v).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(v_ptr, v.as_ptr());
assert_eq!(n, 4);
assert_eq!(&v[..4], "data".as_bytes());
let f = tmpfile_with_contents("data".as_bytes());
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f).unwrap();
fn writevec() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(async_source: IoSource<F>) {
let v = "data".as_bytes().to_vec();
let v_ptr = v.as_ptr();
let (n, v) = async_source.write_from_vec(None, v).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(n, 4);
assert_eq!(v_ptr, v.as_ptr());
let mut f = tmpfile_with_contents(&[]);
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(std::io::read_to_string(f).unwrap(), "data");
fn readmem() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(async_source: IoSource<F>) {
let mem = Arc::new(VecIoWrapper::from(vec![b' '; 10]));
let n = async_source
MemRegion { offset: 0, len: 2 },
MemRegion { offset: 4, len: 1 },
assert_eq!(n, 3);
let vec: Vec<u8> = match Arc::try_unwrap(mem) {
Ok(v) => v.into(),
Err(_) => panic!("Too many vec refs"),
assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&vec).unwrap(), "da t ");
let f = tmpfile_with_contents("data".as_bytes());
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f).unwrap();
fn writemem() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(async_source: IoSource<F>) {
let mem = Arc::new(VecIoWrapper::from("data".as_bytes().to_vec()));
let ret = async_source
MemRegion { offset: 0, len: 1 },
MemRegion { offset: 2, len: 2 },
assert_eq!(ret, 3);
let mut f = tmpfile_with_contents(&[]);
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(std::io::read_to_string(f).unwrap(), "dta");
fn fsync() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(source: IoSource<F>) {
let v = vec![0x55u8; 32];
let v_ptr = v.as_ptr();
let ret = source.write_from_vec(None, v).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(ret.0, 32);
let ret_v = ret.1;
assert_eq!(v_ptr, ret_v.as_ptr());
let f = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f).unwrap();
fn readmulti() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(source: IoSource<F>) {
let v = vec![0x55u8; 32];
let v2 = vec![0x55u8; 32];
let (ret, ret2) = futures::future::join(
source.read_to_vec(None, v),
source.read_to_vec(Some(32), v2),
let (count, v) = ret.unwrap();
let (count2, v2) = ret2.unwrap();
assert!(v.iter().take(count).all(|&b| b == 0xAA));
assert!(v2.iter().take(count2).all(|&b| b == 0xBB));
let mut f = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
f.write_all(&[0xAA; 32]).unwrap();
f.write_all(&[0xBB; 32]).unwrap();
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f).unwrap();
fn writemulti() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(source: IoSource<F>) {
let v = vec![0x55u8; 32];
let v2 = vec![0x55u8; 32];
let (r, r2) = futures::future::join(
source.write_from_vec(None, v),
source.write_from_vec(Some(32), v2),
assert_eq!(32, r.unwrap().0);
assert_eq!(32, r2.unwrap().0);
let f = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f).unwrap();
fn read_current_file_position() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(source: IoSource<F>) {
let (count1, verify1) = source.read_to_vec(None, vec![0u8; 32]).await.unwrap();
let (count2, verify2) = source.read_to_vec(None, vec![0u8; 32]).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(count1, 32);
assert_eq!(count2, 32);
assert_eq!(verify1, [0x55u8; 32]);
assert_eq!(verify2, [0xffu8; 32]);
let mut f = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
f.write_all(&[0x55u8; 32]).unwrap();
f.write_all(&[0xffu8; 32]).unwrap();
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f).unwrap();
fn write_current_file_position() {
for kind in all_kinds() {
async fn go<F: AsRawDescriptor>(source: IoSource<F>) {
let count1 = source
.write_from_vec(None, vec![0x55u8; 32])
assert_eq!(count1, 32);
let count2 = source
.write_from_vec(None, vec![0xffu8; 32])
assert_eq!(count2, 32);
let mut f = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let ex = Executor::with_executor_kind(kind).unwrap();
let source = ex.async_from(f.try_clone().unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut verify1 = [0u8; 32];
let mut verify2 = [0u8; 32];
f.read_exact(&mut verify1).unwrap();
f.read_exact(&mut verify2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(verify1, [0x55u8; 32]);
assert_eq!(verify2, [0xffu8; 32]);