tree: 2553993168bda7809d3eddb9f76a1b8d5644e1af [path history] [tgz]
  1. benches/
  2. fixture/
  3. guest_under_test/
  4. tests/
  5. Cargo.toml

Crosvm End to End Tests

These tests run a crosvm VM on the host to verify end to end behavior. They use a prebuilt guest kernel and rootfs, which is downloaded from google cloud storage.

The e2e_tests can be executed by:

$ ./tools/run_tests2 --dut=vm -E 'rdeps(e2e_tests)'

Running with locally built kernel/rootfs

If the test needs to run offline, or you want to make changes to the kernel or rootfs, you have to specify the environment variables CROSVM_CARGO_TEST_KERNEL_BINARY and CROSVM_CARGO_TEST_ROOTFS_IMAGE to point to the right files.

The script does this for you:

$ source guest_under_test/

Uploading prebuilts

Note: Only Googlers with access to the crosvm-testing cloud storage bin can upload prebuilts.

To upload the modified rootfs, you will have to uprev the PREBUILT_VERSION variable in:

  • ./guest_under_test/PREBUILT_VERSION

and request a permission to become a member of the crosvm-policy-uploader group.

Then run the upload script to build and upload the new prebuilts.

# Install QEMU-user-static to build aarch64 images
$ sudo apt install binfmt-support qemu-user-static
# Register binfmt_misc entries
$ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
# Build and upload the new artifacts
$ ./guest_under_test/

Never try to modify an existing prebuilt as the new images may break tests in older versions.