How to Contribute to crosvm

How to report bugs

We use Google issue tracker. Please use the public crosvm component.

For Googlers: See go/crosvm#filing-bugs.

Contributing code

Gerrit Account

You need to set up a user account with gerrit. Once logged in, you can obtain HTTP Credentials to set up git to upload changes.

Once set up, run ./tools/cl to install the gerrit commit message hook. This will insert a unique “Change-Id” into all commit messages so gerrit can identify changes. Even warning messages appear, the message hook will be installed.

Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.

You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you‘ve already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don’t need to do it again.

Commit Messages

As for commit messages, we follow ChromeOS's guideline in general.

Here is an example of a good commit message:

devices: vhost: user: vmm: Add Connection type

This abstracts away the cross-platform differences: cfg(unix) uses a
Unix domain stream socket to connect to the vhost-user backend, and
cfg(windows) uses a Tube.

TEST=tools/presubmit --all

Change-Id: I47651060c2ce3a7e9f850b7ed9af8bd035f82de6
  • The first line is a subject that starts with a tag that represents which components your commit relates to. Tags are usually the name of the crate you modified such as devices: or base:. If you only modified a specific component in a crate, you can specify the path to the component as a tag like devices: vhost: user:. If your commit modified multiple crates, specify the crate where your main change exists. The subject should be no more than 50 characters, including any tags.
  • The body should consist of a motivation followed by an impact/action. The body text should be wrapped to 72 characters.
  • BUG lines are used to specify an associated issue number. If the issue is filed at Google's issue tracker, write BUG=b:<bug number>. If no issue is associated, write BUG=None. You can have multiple BUG lines.
  • TEST lines are used to describe how you tested your commit in a free form. You can have multiple TEST lines.
  • Change-Id is used to identify your change on Gerrit. It‘s inserted by the gerrit commit message hook as explained in the previous section. If a new commit is uploaded with the same Change-Id as an existing CL’s Change-Id, gerrit will recognize the new commit as a new patchset of the existing CL.

Uploading changes

To make changes to crosvm, start your work on a new branch tracking origin/main.

git checkout -b myfeature --track origin/main

After making the necessary changes, and testing them via Presubmit Checks, you can commit and upload them:

git commit
./tools/cl upload

If you need to revise your change, you can amend the existing commit and upload again:

git commit --amend
./tools/cl upload

This will create a new version of the same change in gerrit.

Note: We don't accept any pull requests on the GitHub mirror.

Getting Reviews

All submissions needs to be reviewed by one of the crosvm owners. Use the gerrit UI to request a review. If you are uncertain about the correct person to review, reach out to the team via chat or email list.

Submitting code

Crosvm uses a Commit Queue, which will run pre-submit testing on all changes before merging them into crosvm.

Once one of the crosvm owners has voted “Code-Review+2” on your change, you can use the “Submit to CQ” button, which will trigger the test process.

Gerrit will show any test failures. Refer to Building Crosvm for information on how to run the same tests locally.

When all tests pass, your change is merged into origin/main.

Contributing to the documentation

The book of crosvm is built with mdBook. Each markdown file must follow Google Markdown style guide.

To render the book locally, you need to install mdbook and mdbook-mermaid, which should be installed when you run ./tools/install-deps script. Or you can use the tools/dev_container environment.

cd docs/book/
mdbook build

Output is found at docs/book/book/html/.

To format markdown files, run ./tools/fmt in the dev_container.