Updating documentation for building crosvm.

Updating set_test_target to test_target.
Highlighting part that mentions running instructions inside the


Change-Id: I61efe14de02fe0fd98bd677a1cd8198b9085c6c7
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/crosvm/crosvm/+/3788728
Reviewed-by: Dennis Kempin <denniskempin@google.com>
Tested-by: Elie Kheirallah <khei@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Elie Kheirallah <khei@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: 068387a4c63dd71f49f5822cfdc9e771fd231bc2
  1. .cargo/
  2. .devcontainer/
  3. .github/
  4. aarch64/
  5. acpi_tables/
  6. anti_tamper/
  7. arch/
  8. argh_helpers/
  9. base/
  10. bin/
  11. bit_field/
  12. broker_ipc/
  13. ci/
  14. common/
  15. cros_async/
  16. crosvm-fuzz/
  17. crosvm_control/
  18. crosvm_plugin/
  19. devices/
  20. disk/
  21. docs/
  22. fuse/
  23. gpu_display/
  24. hypervisor/
  25. infra/
  26. integration_tests/
  27. io_uring/
  28. kernel_cmdline/
  29. kernel_loader/
  30. kvm/
  31. kvm_sys/
  32. libcras_stub/
  33. linux_input_sys/
  34. logo/
  35. media/
  36. metrics/
  37. net_sys/
  38. net_util/
  39. power_monitor/
  40. protos/
  41. qcow_utils/
  42. resources/
  43. rutabaga_gfx/
  44. seccomp/
  45. serde_keyvalue/
  46. src/
  47. system_api_stub/
  48. tests/
  49. third_party/
  50. tools/
  51. tpm2/
  52. tpm2-sys/
  53. tracing/
  54. tube_transporter/
  55. usb_sys/
  56. usb_util/
  57. vfio_sys/
  58. vhost/
  59. virtio_sys/
  60. vm_control/
  61. vm_memory/
  62. win_audio/
  63. win_util/
  64. x86_64/
  65. .dockerignore
  66. .gitignore
  67. .gitmodules
  68. .rustfmt.toml
  70. Cargo.toml
  73. navbar.md
  74. OWNERS
  75. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  76. README.chromeos.md
  77. README.md
  78. run_tests
  79. rust-toolchain
  80. setup_cros_cargo.sh
  81. test_all
  82. unblocked_terms.txt

crosvm - The Chrome OS Virtual Machine Monitor

crosvm is a virtual machine monitor (VMM) based on Linux’s KVM hypervisor, with a focus on simplicity, security, and speed. crosvm is intended to run Linux guests, originally as a security boundary for running native applications on the Chrome OS platform. Compared to QEMU, crosvm doesn’t emulate architectures or real hardware, instead concentrating on paravirtualized devices, such as the virtio standard.

crosvm is currently used to run Linux/Android guests on Chrome OS devices.
