| Building Conscrypt |
| ================== |
| |
| Before you begin, you'll first need to properly configure the [Prerequisites](#Prerequisites) as |
| described below. |
| |
| Then to build, run: |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ ./gradlew build |
| ``` |
| |
| To publish the artifacts to your Maven local repository for use in your own project, run: |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal |
| ``` |
| |
| Prerequisites |
| ------------- |
| Conscrypt requires that you have __Java__, __BoringSSL__ and the __Android SDK__ configured as |
| described below. |
| |
| #### Java |
| The build uses a version of Gradle which requires a __Java 11__ JRE to run, however to ensure |
| backward compatibility Conscrypt itself is compiled with a __Java 8__ JDK using Gradle's |
| recent Java toolchain support. At the least, you will need to install __Java 11__ to run |
| Gradle, but if you do not also have __Java 8__ then depending on the OS, Gradle will |
| try and install it automatically. |
| |
| #### Android SDK |
| [Download and install](https://developer.android.com/studio/install.html) the latest Android SDK |
| and set the `ANDROID_HOME` environment variable to point to the root of the SDK |
| (e.g. `export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/me/Android/Sdk`). |
| |
| #### BoringSSL |
| Before you can build BoringSSL, you'll first need to set up its |
| [prerequisites](https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/+/HEAD/BUILDING.md#Build-Prerequisites). |
| |
| Once the environment is properly configured, follow the steps below for your platform. |
| |
| ##### Download |
| Checkout BoringSSL to a directory of your choice and then build as follows: |
| |
| ```bash |
| git clone https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl |
| cd boringssl |
| |
| # Also need to set an environment variable to point to the installation location. |
| ``` |
| |
| ##### Building on Linux |
| To build the 64-bit version on a 64-bit machine: |
| ```bash |
| mkdir build64 |
| cd build64 |
| -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ |
| -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-Wa,--noexecstack \ |
| -GNinja .. |
| ninja |
| ``` |
| |
| ##### Building on macOS. |
| When building Conscrypt on macOS it will build libraries for both x86 and ARM, and so BoringSSL |
| must also be build for each of these. |
| |
| To build the x86_64 version: |
| ```bash |
| mkdir build.x86 |
| cd build.86 |
| -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ |
| -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-Wa,--noexecstack \ |
| -GNinja .. |
| ninja |
| ``` |
| |
| To build the arm64 version: |
| ```bash |
| mkdir build.arm |
| cd build.arm |
| -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ |
| -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-Wa,--noexecstack \ |
| -GNinja .. |
| ninja |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ##### Building on Windows |
| This assumes that you have Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 installed along |
| with both the Windows 8.1 and 10 SDKs and that your machine is capable of |
| compiling 64-bit. |
| |
| Unlike earlier versions, Visual Studio 2017 doesn't appear to set an |
| environment variable to simplify building from the command line. The |
| instructions below assume the default installation of the community |
| edition. To use another edition or a non-standard install path, you'll |
| need to modify the paths below as appropriate. |
| |
| To build in 64-bit mode, set up with this command line: |
| |
| ```bat |
| call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 |
| mkdir build64 |
| cd build64 |
| -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ |
| -GNinja .. |
| ninja |
| ``` |
| |
| 32-bit mode is no longer supported. |
| |
| Coverage |
| -------- |
| To see coverage numbers, run the tests and then execute the jacocoTestReport rule |
| |
| ```bash |
| ./gradlew check jacocoTestReport |
| ``` |
| |
| The report will be placed in `openjdk/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html` |