Refactoring externalization of SSLSessions (#383)

This is an implementation to #381. This change attempts to provide more
consistency to the session that is returned to the caller by `ConscryptEngine`/`ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket`.

Main changes:

- New interface ConscryptSession adds a few methods currently only defined by ActiveSession
- New interface SessionDecorator that defines getDelegate()
- New class ProvidedSessionDecorator delegates to an external provider of the "current" session. The provider implementations are in ConscryptEngine and ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.
- New class SessionSnapshot that takes a snapshot of any ConscryptSession.
- Changed ActiveSession and SSLNullSession to implement ConscryptSession.
- Updated ConscryptEngine/ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket to create a SessionSnapshot when closing.

Additional cleanup:

- Split out Java7SessionWrapper into two classes: Java7ExtendedSSLSession and Java8ExtendedSSLSession. The Java 8 version no longer requires reflection and is more consistent with platform-specific code elsewhere. Both classes implement SessionDecorator.
- Renamed SslWrapper->NativeSsl and SslSessionWrapper->NativeSslSession for clarity, since the term "wrapper" was being overloaded.

Fixes #379
32 files changed
tree: 1efbae83787e31656b7c19d642e5472b5200a6e3
  1. android/
  2. android-stub/
  3. api-doclet/
  4. benchmark-android/
  5. benchmark-base/
  6. benchmark-graphs/
  7. benchmark-jmh/
  8. common/
  9. constants/
  10. gradle/
  11. libcore-stub/
  12. licenses/
  13. openjdk/
  14. openjdk-integ-tests/
  15. openjdk-uber/
  16. platform/
  17. testing/
  18. .clang-format
  19. .gitignore
  20. .travis.yml
  21. Android.bp
  23. appveyor.yml
  24. build.gradle
  27. CPPLINT.cfg
  28. Dockerfile
  29. gradlew
  30. gradlew.bat
  31. jarjar-rules.txt
  34. NOTICE
  35. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  38. settings.gradle

Conscrypt - A Java Security Provider

Conscrypt is a Java Security Provider (JSP) that implements parts of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) and Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE). It uses BoringSSL to provide cryptographical primitives and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Java applications on Android and OpenJDK.

The core SSL engine has borrowed liberally from the Netty project and their work on netty-tcnative, giving Conscrypt similar performance.


All Conscrypt artifacts target the Java 6 runtime and are available on Maven central.

Download JARs

You can download the JARs directly from the Maven repositories.

OpenJDK (i.e. non-Android)

Native Classifiers

The OpenJDK artifacts are platform-dependent since each embeds a native library for a particular platform. We publish artifacts to Maven Central for the following platforms:

windows-x86_64Windows distribution
osx-x86_64Mac distribution
linux-x86_64Used for Linux

Use the os-maven-plugin to add the dependency:



Use the osdetector-gradle-plugin (which is a wrapper around the os-maven-plugin) to add the dependency:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath ''

// Use the osdetector-gradle-plugin
apply plugin: ""

dependencies {
  compile 'org.conscrypt:conscrypt-jdk:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT:' + osdetector.classifier
Uber JAR

For convenience, we also publish an Uber JAR to Maven Central that contains the shared libraries for all of the published platforms. While the overall size of the JAR is larger than depending on a platform-specific artifact, it greatly simplifies the task of dependency management for most platforms.

To depend on the uber jar, simply use the conscrypt-openjdk-uber artifacts.

dependencies {
  compile 'org.conscrypt:conscrypt-jdk-uber:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT'

How to Build

If you are making changes to Conscrypt, see the building instructions.

Source Overview

Here‘s a quick readers’ guide to the code to help folks get started. The high-level modules are Common, Android, OpenJDK, and Platform.


This contains the bulk of the code for both Java and C. This isn't an actual module and builds no artifacts. Rather, the other modules just point to this directory as source.


This module provides the Platform class for Android and also adds compatibility classes for supporting various versions of Android. This generates an aar library artifact.


These modules provide the Platform class for non-Android (OpenJDK-based) systems. It also provides a native library loader supports bundling the shared library with the JAR.


This is not an actual module and is not part of the default build. This is used for building Conscrypt as an embedded component of the Android platform.