How to submit a bug report

If you received an error message, please include it and any exceptions.

We commonly need to know what platform you are on:

  • JDK/JRE version (i.e., java -version)
  • Operating system (i.e., uname -a)

How to contribute

We definitely welcome patches and contributions to Conscrypt! Here are some guideline and information about how to do so.

Before getting started

In order to protect both you and ourselves, you will need to sign the Contributor License Agreement.

We follow the Clang Format. There is support in most IDEs.

IDEClang Format Plugin

If planning on making a large change, feel free to create an issue on GitHub or send an email to to discuss beforehand.

Proposing changes

Make sure that ./gradlew build (gradlew build on Windows) completes successfully without any new warnings (see Building). Then create a Pull Request with your changes. When the changes are accepted, they will be merged or cherry-picked by a Conscrypt developer.