blob: 0c2758b2a1c7c27df6cb1f2cee39edbc3b3b8dbc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.conscrypt.doclet
private typealias Block = HtmlBuilder.() -> Unit
private fun Block.render(): String = HtmlBuilder().apply(this).toString()
class HtmlBuilder {
private val content = StringBuilder()
override fun toString() = content.toString()
fun text(fragment: () -> String): StringBuilder = text(fragment())
fun text(text: String): StringBuilder = content.append(text)
fun compose(fragment: () -> String) {
fun body(title: String, stylesheet: String, content: Block) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$stylesheet">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body>""".trimIndent() +
content.render() +
private fun tagBlock(
tag: String, cssClass: String? = null, colspan: Int? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block)
cssClass?.let { content.append(""" class="$it"""") }
colspan?.let { content.append(""" colspan="$it"""") }
id?.let { content.append(""" id="$it"""") }
fun div(cssClass: String? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("div", cssClass = cssClass, colspan = null, id, block)
fun ul(cssClass: String? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("ul", cssClass = cssClass, colspan = null, id, block)
fun ol(cssClass: String? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("ol", cssClass = cssClass, colspan = null, id, block)
fun table(cssClass: String? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("table", cssClass = cssClass, colspan = null, id, block)
fun tr(cssClass: String? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("tr", cssClass = cssClass, colspan = null, id, block)
fun th(cssClass: String? = null, colspan: Int? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("th", cssClass, colspan, id, block)
fun td(cssClass: String? = null, colspan: Int? = null, id: String? = null, block: Block) =
tagBlock("td", cssClass, colspan, id, block)
private fun tagValue(tag: String, value: String, cssClass: String? = null) {
val classText = cssClass?.let { """ class="$it"""" } ?: ""
fun h1(heading: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("h1", heading, cssClass)
fun h1(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = h1(block.render(), cssClass)
fun h2(heading: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("h2", heading, cssClass)
fun h2(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = h2(block.render(), cssClass)
fun h3(heading: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("h3", heading, cssClass)
fun h3(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = h2(block.render(), cssClass)
fun h4(heading: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("h4", heading, cssClass)
fun h4(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = h2(block.render(), cssClass)
fun h5(heading: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("h5", heading, cssClass)
fun h5(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = h2(block.render(), cssClass)
fun p(text: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("p", text, cssClass)
fun p(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = p(block.render(), cssClass)
fun b(text: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("b", text, cssClass)
fun b(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = b(block.render(), cssClass)
fun pre(text: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("pre", text, cssClass)
fun pre(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = pre(block.render(), cssClass)
fun code(text: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("code", text, cssClass)
fun code(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = code(block.render(), cssClass)
fun strong(text: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("strong", text, cssClass)
fun strong(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = strong(block.render(), cssClass)
fun br() = content.append("<br/>\n")
fun a(href: String, label: String) {
content.append("""<a href="$href">$label</a>""")
fun a(href: String, block: Block) = a(href, block.render())
fun a(href: String) = a(href, href)
fun li(text: String, cssClass: String? = null) = tagValue("li", text, cssClass)
fun li(cssClass: String? = null, block: Block) = li(block.render(), cssClass)
fun <T> items(collection: Iterable<T>, cssClass: String? = null,
transform: HtmlBuilder.(T) -> Unit = { text(it.toString()) }) {
collection.forEach {
li(cssClass = cssClass) { transform(it) }
fun <T> row(item: T, rowClass: String? = null, cellClass: String? = null,
span: Int? = null,
transform: HtmlBuilder.(T) -> Unit = { td {it.toString() } }) {
tr(cssClass = rowClass) {
fun <T> rowGroup(rows: Collection<T>, title: String? = null, rowClass: String? = null, cellClass: String? = null,
colspan: Int? = null,
transform: HtmlBuilder.(T) -> Unit) {
if(rows.isNotEmpty()) {
title?.let {
tr {
th(colspan = colspan) {
rows.forEach {
tr {
fun html(block: Block) = block.render()
fun exampleSubfunction() = html {
h1("Headings from exampleSubfunction")
listOf("one", "two", "three").forEach {
fun example() = html {
val fruits = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry")
stylesheet = "path/to/stylesheet.css",
title = "Page Title"
) {
div(cssClass = "example-class") {
text {
"This is a div"
h1 {
h2 {
a("", "Heading with a link")
h3("Heading with CSS class", "my-class")
h2("h2", "my-class")
p("Hello world")
compose {
a("") {
text("a link with ")
text(" text.")
h2("Unordered list:")
ul {
li("First item")
li("Second item")
li {
text { "Complex item with " }
b { text { "bold text" } }
ul {
li("First nested item")
li("Second nested item")
h2("Ordered list:")
ol {
li("First item")
li("Second item")
li {
text { "Item with a " }
a(href = "") { text { "link" } }
h2("List item iteration")
ul {
// Default
// Text transform
items(fruits) {
text("I like ${it}.")
// HTML transform with a CSS class
items(fruits, "myclass") {
a("") {
ol("ol-class") {
items((1..5).asIterable()) {
text("Item $it")
val data1 = listOf(1, 2)
val data2 = "3" to "4"
val data3 = listOf(
"tag1" to "Some value",
"tag2" to "Next Value",
"tag3" to "Another value"
table("table-class") {
tr {
th {
text("First column")
th {
text("Second column")
tr("tr-class") {
td("td-class") {
text("Data 1")
td(colspan = 2, id = "foo") {
text("Data 2")
tr {
td() {
text("Data 3")
row(data1, "c1") {
a(href="") { text("$it") }
row(data2) { p:Pair<String, String> ->
td {
td {
rowGroup(data3, title = "Row Group", colspan=2) { p: Pair<String, String> ->
td {
td {
fun main() {