blob: 42662f30408b84705e5a200ada6e322044eeff39 [file] [log] [blame]
Testing HDF set and dump
Foo.Bar = 10
Foo.Baz = 20
Testing HDF get
Testing HDF setSymLink
Testing HDF get where default value is null
foo = 10
foo = null
Testing HDF get int
Testing HDF parse/render
Foo.Bar:<?cs var:Foo.Bar ?>
Foo.Baz:<?cs var:Foo.Baz ?>
Testing registered string functions
abc%26+231%3C%3E%2F%3F abc&amp; 231&lt;&gt;/?
Testing white space stripping
10 This is a string without whitespace stripped
10 This is a string without whitespace stripped
Testing debug dump
10 This is a string without whitespace stripped<hr><pre>Foo.Bar = 10
Foo.Baz = 20
Foo.Baz2 : Foo.Baz
Foo.EscapeTest = abc& 231<>/?
ClearSilver.WhiteSpaceStrip = 1
ClearSilver.DisplayDebug = 1
Final HDF dump
Foo.Bar = 10
Foo.Baz = 20
Foo.Baz2 : Foo.Baz
Foo.EscapeTest = abc& 231<>/?
ClearSilver.WhiteSpaceStrip = 1
ClearSilver.DisplayDebug = 1
Testing HDF.readFile()
Foo.Bar = 10
Foo.Baz = 20
Testing HDF.readFile() for a file that doesn't exist
Caught exception of type
Testing HDF.writeFile()
Testing HDF.writeString()
Foo {
Bar = 10
Baz = 20
Testing HDF.getObj()
Bar = 10
Baz = 20
Testing HDF.objName()
Should be "Foo": Foo
Should be "Bar": Bar
Should be null: null
Testing HDF.objValue()
Value of Foo.Bar: 10
Value of root node: null
Testing HDF.objChild()
First child name: Bar
Testing HDF.objNext()
Next child name: Baz
Next child (should be null): null
Testing HDF.copy()
name should be barneyb: barneyb
Testing HDF.exportDate()
DatePST.sec = 18
DatePST.min = 50
DatePST.24hour = 19
DatePST.hour = 7 = 0
DatePST.mday = 13
DatePST.mon = 3
DatePST.year = 2006
DatePST.2yr = 06
DatePST.wday = 2
DatePST.tzoffset = -0800
DateEST.sec = 18
DateEST.min = 50
DateEST.24hour = 22
DateEST.hour = 10 = 0
DateEST.mday = 13
DateEST.mon = 3
DateEST.year = 2006
DateEST.2yr = 06
DateEST.wday = 2
DateEST.tzoffset = -0500
Testing escape mode: html
Config.VarEscapeMode = "html"
Some.HTML = <script src="some.js">alert('123');</script>
Default HTML escaping: <?cs var:Some.HTML ?>
Default HTML escaping: &lt;script src=&quot;some.js&quot;&gt;alert(&#39;123&#39;);&lt;/script&gt;
Testing escape mode: js
Config.VarEscapeMode = "js"
Some.HTML = <script src="some.js">alert('123');</script>
Default JS escaping: <?cs var:Some.HTML ?>
Default JS escaping: \x3Cscript src=\x22some.js\x22\x3Ealert(\x27123\x27)\x3B\x3C\x2Fscript\x3E
Testing escape mode: url
Config.VarEscapeMode = "url"
Some.HTML = <script src="some.js">alert('123');</script>
Default URL escaping: <?cs var:Some.HTML ?>
Default URL escaping: %3Cscript+src%3D%22some.js%22%3Ealert(%27123%27)%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E
Testing escape blocks: none
Config.VarEscapeMode = "none"
Some.HTML = <script src="some.js">alert('123');</script>
url escape block:
<?cs escape: "url"?> <?cs var:Some.HTML ?><?cs /escape ?>
js escape block:
<?cs escape: "js"?> <?cs var:Some.HTML ?><?cs /escape ?>
html escape block:
<?cs escape: "html"?> <?cs var:Some.HTML ?><?cs /escape ?>
url escape block:
js escape block:
\x3Cscript src=\x22some.js\x22\x3Ealert(\x27123\x27)\x3B\x3C\x2Fscript\x3E
html escape block:
&lt;script src=&quot;some.js&quot;&gt;alert(&#39;123&#39;);&lt;/script&gt;
Testing HDF.readFile() with callback
CSTestLoader::Load testdata/test1.hdf
---- file begin ----
# Simple HDF file to test that HDF.readFile() works
Foo.Bar = 10
Foo.Baz = 20
---- file end ----
Foo.Bar = 10
Foo.Baz = 20
Testing CS.parseFile() with callback
CSTestLoader::Load testdata/test.cs
---- file begin ----
Testing CS parse file...
<?cs set:Foo.Frank = "Beans" ?>
<?cs each:f = Foo ?>
<?cs var:f ?>
<?cs /each ?>
---- file end ----
Testing CS parse file...