Copy CLDR 35.1 from

These files were exported from the CLDR git repository by running
the following commands:

1. Obtain CLDR 35.1 sources at /tmp/cldr
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone --branch release-35-1 --depth 1
$ cd cldr
$ git lfs pull

2. Update CLDR sources in external/cldr
$ rm -rf *
$ cp -r /tmp/cldr/* ./
$ git clean -dfX
$ git add -A .
$ git commit

3. Obtain CLDR 35.1 release archives:

Download cldr-{common,keyboards,tools} from
and unpack it to external/cldr, then amend changes.

Bug: 125283072
Test: n/a
Change-Id: Ic7a1c6823f7125398ab35cb0a3eb489f044ef9e7
2211 files changed