blob: 655bcabcf356dfc95743a92939b77b362c3a6fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Attr.h - Classes for representing attributes ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the Attr interface and subclasses.
#include "clang/AST/AttrIterator.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Basic/AttrKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/VersionTuple.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class IdentifierInfo;
class ObjCInterfaceDecl;
class Expr;
class QualType;
class FunctionDecl;
class TypeSourceInfo;
/// Attr - This represents one attribute.
class Attr {
SourceRange Range;
unsigned AttrKind : 16;
/// An index into the spelling list of an
/// attribute defined in file.
unsigned SpellingListIndex : 4;
bool Inherited : 1;
bool IsPackExpansion : 1;
bool Implicit : 1;
virtual ~Attr();
void* operator new(size_t bytes) throw() {
llvm_unreachable("Attrs cannot be allocated with regular 'new'.");
void operator delete(void* data) throw() {
llvm_unreachable("Attrs cannot be released with regular 'delete'.");
// Forward so that the regular new and delete do not hide global ones.
void* operator new(size_t Bytes, ASTContext &C,
size_t Alignment = 16) throw() {
return ::operator new(Bytes, C, Alignment);
void operator delete(void *Ptr, ASTContext &C,
size_t Alignment) throw() {
return ::operator delete(Ptr, C, Alignment);
Attr(attr::Kind AK, SourceRange R, unsigned SpellingListIndex = 0)
: Range(R), AttrKind(AK), SpellingListIndex(SpellingListIndex),
Inherited(false), IsPackExpansion(false), Implicit(false) {}
attr::Kind getKind() const {
return static_cast<attr::Kind>(AttrKind);
unsigned getSpellingListIndex() const { return SpellingListIndex; }
virtual const char *getSpelling() const = 0;
SourceLocation getLocation() const { return Range.getBegin(); }
SourceRange getRange() const { return Range; }
void setRange(SourceRange R) { Range = R; }
bool isInherited() const { return Inherited; }
/// \brief Returns true if the attribute has been implicitly created instead
/// of explicitly written by the user.
bool isImplicit() const { return Implicit; }
void setImplicit(bool I) { Implicit = I; }
void setPackExpansion(bool PE) { IsPackExpansion = PE; }
bool isPackExpansion() const { return IsPackExpansion; }
// Clone this attribute.
virtual Attr *clone(ASTContext &C) const = 0;
virtual bool isLateParsed() const { return false; }
// Pretty print this attribute.
virtual void printPretty(raw_ostream &OS,
const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const = 0;
/// \brief By default, attributes cannot be duplicated when being merged;
/// however, an attribute can override this. Returns true if the attribute
/// can be duplicated when merging.
virtual bool duplicatesAllowed() const { return false; }
class InheritableAttr : public Attr {
virtual void anchor();
InheritableAttr(attr::Kind AK, SourceRange R, unsigned SpellingListIndex = 0)
: Attr(AK, R, SpellingListIndex) {}
void setInherited(bool I) { Inherited = I; }
// Implement isa/cast/dyncast/etc.
static bool classof(const Attr *A) {
return A->getKind() <= attr::LAST_INHERITABLE;
class InheritableParamAttr : public InheritableAttr {
void anchor() override;
InheritableParamAttr(attr::Kind AK, SourceRange R,
unsigned SpellingListIndex = 0)
: InheritableAttr(AK, R, SpellingListIndex) {}
// Implement isa/cast/dyncast/etc.
static bool classof(const Attr *A) {
// Relies on relative order of enum emission with respect to MS inheritance
// attrs.
return A->getKind() <= attr::LAST_INHERITABLE_PARAM;
#include "clang/AST/"
inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB,
const Attr *At) {
return DB;
inline const PartialDiagnostic &operator<<(const PartialDiagnostic &PD,
const Attr *At) {
return PD;
} // end namespace clang