blob: 0d9835a155650dfd3dded8ca9d8d5cedef992529 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GlobalModuleIndex.h - Global Module Index --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the GlobalModuleIndex class, which manages a global index
// containing all of the identifiers known to the various modules within a given
// subdirectory of the module cache. It is used to improve the performance of
// queries such as "do any modules know about this identifier?"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
class BitstreamCursor;
class MemoryBuffer;
namespace clang {
class DirectoryEntry;
class FileEntry;
class FileManager;
class IdentifierIterator;
namespace serialization {
class ModuleFile;
using llvm::SmallVector;
using llvm::SmallVectorImpl;
using llvm::StringRef;
using serialization::ModuleFile;
/// \brief A global index for a set of module files, providing information about
/// the identifiers within those module files.
/// The global index is an aid for name lookup into modules, offering a central
/// place where one can look for identifiers determine which
/// module files contain any information about that identifier. This
/// allows the client to restrict the search to only those module files known
/// to have a information about that identifier, improving performance. Moreover,
/// the global module index may know about module files that have not been
/// imported, and can be queried to determine which modules the current
/// translation could or should load to fix a problem.
class GlobalModuleIndex {
/// \brief Buffer containing the index file, which is lazily accessed so long
/// as the global module index is live.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer;
/// \brief The hash table.
/// This pointer actually points to a IdentifierIndexTable object,
/// but that type is only accessible within the implementation of
/// GlobalModuleIndex.
void *IdentifierIndex;
/// \brief Information about a given module file.
struct ModuleInfo {
ModuleInfo() : File(), Size(), ModTime() { }
/// \brief The module file, once it has been resolved.
ModuleFile *File;
/// \brief The module file name.
std::string FileName;
/// \brief Size of the module file at the time the global index was built.
off_t Size;
/// \brief Modification time of the module file at the time the global
/// index was built.
time_t ModTime;
/// \brief The module IDs on which this module directly depends.
/// FIXME: We don't really need a vector here.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> Dependencies;
/// \brief A mapping from module IDs to information about each module.
/// This vector may have gaps, if module files have been removed or have
/// been updated since the index was built. A gap is indicated by an empty
/// file name.
llvm::SmallVector<ModuleInfo, 16> Modules;
/// \brief Lazily-populated mapping from module files to their
/// corresponding index into the \c Modules vector.
llvm::DenseMap<ModuleFile *, unsigned> ModulesByFile;
/// \brief The set of modules that have not yet been resolved.
/// The string is just the name of the module itself, which maps to the
/// module ID.
llvm::StringMap<unsigned> UnresolvedModules;
/// \brief The number of identifier lookups we performed.
unsigned NumIdentifierLookups;
/// \brief The number of identifier lookup hits, where we recognize the
/// identifier.
unsigned NumIdentifierLookupHits;
/// \brief Internal constructor. Use \c readIndex() to read an index.
explicit GlobalModuleIndex(llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer,
llvm::BitstreamCursor Cursor);
GlobalModuleIndex(const GlobalModuleIndex &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
GlobalModuleIndex &operator=(const GlobalModuleIndex &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
/// \brief An error code returned when trying to read an index.
enum ErrorCode {
/// \brief No error occurred.
/// \brief No index was found.
/// \brief Some other process is currently building the index; it is not
/// available yet.
/// \brief There was an unspecified I/O error reading or writing the index.
/// \brief Read a global index file for the given directory.
/// \param Path The path to the specific module cache where the module files
/// for the intended configuration reside.
/// \returns A pair containing the global module index (if it exists) and
/// the error code.
static std::pair<GlobalModuleIndex *, ErrorCode>
readIndex(StringRef Path);
/// \brief Returns an iterator for identifiers stored in the index table.
/// The caller accepts ownership of the returned object.
IdentifierIterator *createIdentifierIterator() const;
/// \brief Retrieve the set of modules that have up-to-date indexes.
/// \param ModuleFiles Will be populated with the set of module files that
/// have been indexed.
void getKnownModules(SmallVectorImpl<ModuleFile *> &ModuleFiles);
/// \brief Retrieve the set of module files on which the given module file
/// directly depends.
void getModuleDependencies(ModuleFile *File,
SmallVectorImpl<ModuleFile *> &Dependencies);
/// \brief A set of module files in which we found a result.
typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<ModuleFile *, 4> HitSet;
/// \brief Look for all of the module files with information about the given
/// identifier, e.g., a global function, variable, or type with that name.
/// \param Name The identifier to look for.
/// \param Hits Will be populated with the set of module files that have
/// information about this name.
/// \returns true if the identifier is known to the index, false otherwise.
bool lookupIdentifier(StringRef Name, HitSet &Hits);
/// \brief Note that the given module file has been loaded.
/// \returns false if the global module index has information about this
/// module file, and true otherwise.
bool loadedModuleFile(ModuleFile *File);
/// \brief Print statistics to standard error.
void printStats();
/// \brief Write a global index into the given
/// \param FileMgr The file manager to use to load module files.
/// \param Path The path to the directory containing module files, into
/// which the global index will be written.
static ErrorCode writeIndex(FileManager &FileMgr, StringRef Path);