blob: dc7a0bd1753286ba8eea3dd9430d25dd21b4cdc3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CommentCommandTraits.cpp - Comment command properties --*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/AST/CommentCommandTraits.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
namespace clang {
namespace comments {
// TODO: tablegen
bool CommandTraits::isVerbatimBlockCommand(StringRef StartName,
StringRef &EndName) const {
const char *Result = llvm::StringSwitch<const char *>(StartName)
.Case("code", "endcode")
.Case("verbatim", "endverbatim")
.Case("htmlonly", "endhtmlonly")
.Case("latexonly", "endlatexonly")
.Case("xmlonly", "endxmlonly")
.Case("manonly", "endmanonly")
.Case("rtfonly", "endrtfonly")
.Case("dot", "enddot")
.Case("msc", "endmsc")
.Case("f$", "f$") // Inline LaTeX formula
.Case("f[", "f]") // Displayed LaTeX formula
.Case("f{", "f}") // LaTeX environment
if (Result) {
EndName = Result;
return true;
for (VerbatimBlockCommandVector::const_iterator
I = VerbatimBlockCommands.begin(),
E = VerbatimBlockCommands.end();
I != E; ++I)
if (I->StartName == StartName) {
EndName = I->EndName;
return true;
return false;
bool CommandTraits::isVerbatimLineCommand(StringRef Name) const {
bool Result = isDeclarationCommand(Name) || llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(Name)
.Case("defgroup", true)
.Case("ingroup", true)
.Case("addtogroup", true)
.Case("weakgroup", true)
.Case("name", true)
.Case("section", true)
.Case("subsection", true)
.Case("subsubsection", true)
.Case("paragraph", true)
.Case("mainpage", true)
.Case("subpage", true)
.Case("ref", true)
if (Result)
return true;
for (VerbatimLineCommandVector::const_iterator
I = VerbatimLineCommands.begin(),
E = VerbatimLineCommands.end();
I != E; ++I)
if (I->Name == Name)
return true;
return false;
bool CommandTraits::isDeclarationCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(Name)
// Doxygen commands.
.Case("fn", true)
.Case("var", true)
.Case("property", true)
.Case("typedef", true)
.Case("overload", true)
// HeaderDoc commands.
.Case("class", true)
.Case("interface", true)
.Case("protocol", true)
.Case("category", true)
.Case("template", true)
.Case("function", true)
.Case("method", true)
.Case("callback", true)
.Case("var", true)
.Case("const", true)
.Case("constant", true)
.Case("property", true)
.Case("struct", true)
.Case("union", true)
.Case("typedef", true)
.Case("enum", true)
void CommandTraits::addVerbatimBlockCommand(StringRef StartName,
StringRef EndName) {
VerbatimBlockCommand VBC;
VBC.StartName = StartName;
VBC.EndName = EndName;
void CommandTraits::addVerbatimLineCommand(StringRef Name) {
VerbatimLineCommand VLC;
VLC.Name = Name;
} // end namespace comments
} // end namespace clang