Unrevert r166268, reverted in r166272, with a fix for the issue which Nick
found: if an overloaded operator& is present before a template definition,
the expression &T::foo is represented as a CXXOperatorCallExpr, not as a
UnaryOperator, so we didn't notice that it's permitted to reference a non-static
data member of an unrelated class.

While investigating this, I discovered another problem in this area: we are
treating template default arguments as unevaluated contexts during substitution,
resulting in performing incorrect checks for uses of non-static data members in
C++11. That is not fixed by this patch (I'll look into this soon; it's related
to the failure to correctly instantiate constexpr function templates), but was
resulting in this bug not firing in C++11 mode (except with -Wc++98-compat).

Original message:

PR14124: When performing template instantiation of a qualified-id outside of a
class, diagnose if the qualified-id instantiates to a non-static class member.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk@166385 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
6 files changed