[libclang] When determining the cursor via a location, ignore synthesized ivars otherwise
if we have something like:

   @synthesize prop = _prop;

and '_prop' is not declared, we will encounter a '_prop' ivar before
encountering the 'prop' synthesize declaration and we will think that
we passed the region-of-interest, missing the cursor for 'prop'.


git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk@162715 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/test/Index/get-cursor.m b/test/Index/get-cursor.m
index d3da9ec..7eaa3a0 100644
--- a/test/Index/get-cursor.m
+++ b/test/Index/get-cursor.m
@@ -91,6 +91,14 @@
+@interface Test6
+@property (assign) id prop1;
+@implementation Test6
+@synthesize prop1 = _prop1;
 // RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:4:28 -cursor-at=%s:5:28 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PROP %s
 // CHECK-PROP: ObjCPropertyDecl=foo1:4:26
 // CHECK-PROP: ObjCPropertyDecl=foo2:5:27
@@ -126,11 +134,14 @@
 // CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 70:22 ObjCClassRef=Forw3:70:22 Extent=[70:22 - 70:27] Spelling=Forw3 ([70:22 - 70:27])
 // RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:83:15 -cursor-at=%s:83:21 \
-// RUN:              -cursor-at=%s:84:12 -cursor-at=%s:84:20 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-MULTISYNTH %s
+// RUN:              -cursor-at=%s:84:12 -cursor-at=%s:84:20 \
+// RUN:              -cursor-at=%s:99:14 -cursor-at=%s:99:23 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-MULTISYNTH %s
 // CHECK-MULTISYNTH: 83:13 ObjCSynthesizeDecl=prop1:76:23 (Definition) Extent=[83:1 - 83:18] Spelling=prop1 ([83:13 - 83:18])
 // CHECK-MULTISYNTH: 83:20 ObjCSynthesizeDecl=prop2:77:23 (Definition) Extent=[83:1 - 83:25] Spelling=prop2 ([83:20 - 83:25])
 // CHECK-MULTISYNTH: 84:10 ObjCDynamicDecl=prop3:78:23 (Definition) Extent=[84:1 - 84:15] Spelling=prop3 ([84:10 - 84:15])
 // CHECK-MULTISYNTH: 84:17 ObjCDynamicDecl=prop4:79:23 (Definition) Extent=[84:1 - 84:22] Spelling=prop4 ([84:17 - 84:22])
+// CHECK-MULTISYNTH: 99:13 ObjCSynthesizeDecl=prop1:95:23 (Definition) Extent=[99:1 - 99:27] Spelling=prop1 ([99:13 - 99:18])
+// CHECK-MULTISYNTH: 99:21 MemberRef=_prop1:99:21 Extent=[99:21 - 99:27] Spelling=_prop1 ([99:21 - 99:27])
 // RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:86:7 -cursor-at=%s:89:7 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-SELECTORLOC %s
 // CHECK-SELECTORLOC: 86:6 ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=meth1:86:6 (Definition) Extent=[86:1 - 88:2] Spelling=meth1 ([86:6 - 86:11]) Selector index=0
diff --git a/test/Index/usrs.m b/test/Index/usrs.m
index 95a5388..be0e323 100644
--- a/test/Index/usrs.m
+++ b/test/Index/usrs.m
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@
 // CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)Foo(im)godzilla@z Extent=[37:3 - 37:15]
 // CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)Foo(cm)kingkong Extent=[40:1 - 43:2]
 // CHECK: usrs.m c:usrs.m@470objc(cs)Foo(cm)kingkong@local_var Extent=[41:3 - 41:16]
-// CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)Foo@d1 Extent=[44:13 - 44:15]
 // CHECK: usrs.m c:objc(cs)Foo(py)d1 Extent=[44:1 - 44:15]
 // CHECK: usrs.m c:@z Extent=[47:1 - 47:6]
 // CHECK: usrs.m c:usrs.m@529@F@local_func Extent=[49:1 - 49:43]
@@ -208,7 +207,6 @@
 // CHECK-source: usrs.m:42:3: ReturnStmt= Extent=[42:3 - 42:11]
 // CHECK-source: usrs.m:42:10: UnexposedExpr= Extent=[42:10 - 42:11]
 // CHECK-source: usrs.m:42:10: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[42:10 - 42:11]
-// CHECK-source: usrs.m:44:13: ObjCIvarDecl=d1:44:13 (Definition) Extent=[44:13 - 44:15]
 // CHECK-source: usrs.m:44:13: ObjCSynthesizeDecl=d1:31:15 (Definition) Extent=[44:1 - 44:15]
 // CHECK-source: usrs.m:47:5: VarDecl=z:47:5 Extent=[47:1 - 47:6]
 // CHECK-source: usrs.m:49:12: FunctionDecl=local_func:49:12 (Definition) Extent=[49:1 - 49:43]
diff --git a/tools/libclang/CIndex.cpp b/tools/libclang/CIndex.cpp
index c6daaf8..9e261de 100644
--- a/tools/libclang/CIndex.cpp
+++ b/tools/libclang/CIndex.cpp
@@ -566,6 +566,16 @@
     CXCursor Cursor = MakeCXCursor(D, TU, RegionOfInterest);
+    // Ignore synthesized ivars here, otherwise if we have something like:
+    //   @synthesize prop = _prop;
+    // and '_prop' is not declared, we will encounter a '_prop' ivar before
+    // encountering the 'prop' synthesize declaration and we will think that
+    // we passed the region-of-interest.
+    if (ObjCIvarDecl *ivarD = dyn_cast<ObjCIvarDecl>(D)) {
+      if (ivarD->getSynthesize())
+        continue;
+    }
     // FIXME: ObjCClassRef/ObjCProtocolRef for forward class/protocol
     // declarations is a mismatch with the compiler semantics.
     if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_ObjCInterfaceDecl) {