blob: 6599236e71c251c11f59be0c89cbf316c72a8c95 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -rewrite-objc -fms-extensions %s -o %t-rw.cpp
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Werror -fsyntax-only -Wno-address-of-temporary -Wno-c++11-narrowing -std=c++11 -D"Class=void*" -D"id=void*" -D"SEL=void*" -D"__declspec(X)=" %t-rw.cpp
// FIXME: It is incompatible to mingw due to __declspec.
// XFAIL: mingw32
struct OUTSIDE {
int i_OUTSIDE;
double d_OUTSIDE;
@interface I1 {
struct OUTSIDE ivar_I1;
struct INNER_I1 {
int i_INNER_I1;
double d_INNER_I1;
struct INNER_I1 ivar_I2;
struct OUTSIDE ivar_I3;
struct {
int i_noname;
double d_noname;
struct {
int i_noname;
double d_noname;
@implementation I1
- (void) I1_Meth {
ivar_I1.i_OUTSIDE = 0;
ivar_I2.i_INNER_I1 = 1;
ivar_I3.i_OUTSIDE = 2;
NONAME_I4.i_noname = 3;
NONAME_I5.i_noname = 4;
@interface INTF2 {
struct OUTSIDE ivar_INTF2;
struct {
int i_noname;
double d_noname;
struct OUTSIDE ivar_INTF3;
struct INNER_I1 ivar_INTF4;
struct {
int i_noname;
double d_noname;
struct INNER_INTF2 {
int i_INNER_INTF2;
double d_INNER_INTF2;
struct INNER_INTF2 ivar_INTF6, ivar_INTF7;
struct INNER_INTF3 {
int i;
} X1,X2,X3;
@implementation INTF2
- (void) I2_Meth {
ivar_INTF2.i_OUTSIDE = 0;
ivar_INTF4.i_INNER_I1 = 1;
ivar_INTF3.i_OUTSIDE = 2;
NONAME_INTF4.i_noname = 3;
NONAME_INTF5.i_noname = 4;
ivar_INTF6.i_INNER_INTF2 = 5;
ivar_INTF7.i_INNER_INTF2 = 5;
X1.i = X2.i = X3.i = 1;