blob: 4c2d876d1f87754e2033a8cfe7d09155c8f4a022 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- TemplateDeduction.h - C++ template argument deduction ----*- C++ -*-===/
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file provides types used with Sema's template argument deduction
// routines.
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class TemplateArgumentList;
namespace sema {
/// \brief Provides information about an attempted template argument
/// deduction, whose success or failure was described by a
/// TemplateDeductionResult value.
class TemplateDeductionInfo {
/// \brief The context in which the template arguments are stored.
ASTContext &Context;
/// \brief The deduced template argument list.
TemplateArgumentList *Deduced;
/// \brief The source location at which template argument
/// deduction is occurring.
SourceLocation Loc;
/// \brief Have we suppressed an error during deduction?
bool HasSFINAEDiagnostic;
/// \brief Warnings (and follow-on notes) that were suppressed due to
/// SFINAE while performing template argument deduction.
SmallVector<PartialDiagnosticAt, 4> SuppressedDiagnostics;
// do not implement these
TemplateDeductionInfo(const TemplateDeductionInfo&);
TemplateDeductionInfo &operator=(const TemplateDeductionInfo&);
TemplateDeductionInfo(ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation Loc)
: Context(Context), Deduced(0), Loc(Loc), HasSFINAEDiagnostic(false) { }
~TemplateDeductionInfo() {
// FIXME: if (Deduced) Deduced->Destroy(Context);
/// \brief Returns the location at which template argument is
/// occurring.
SourceLocation getLocation() const {
return Loc;
/// \brief Take ownership of the deduced template argument list.
TemplateArgumentList *take() {
TemplateArgumentList *Result = Deduced;
Deduced = 0;
return Result;
/// \brief Take ownership of the SFINAE diagnostic.
void takeSFINAEDiagnostic(PartialDiagnosticAt &PD) {
PD.first = SuppressedDiagnostics.front().first;
HasSFINAEDiagnostic = false;
/// \brief Provide a new template argument list that contains the
/// results of template argument deduction.
void reset(TemplateArgumentList *NewDeduced) {
// FIXME: if (Deduced) Deduced->Destroy(Context);
Deduced = NewDeduced;
/// \brief Is a SFINAE diagnostic available?
bool hasSFINAEDiagnostic() const {
return HasSFINAEDiagnostic;
/// \brief Set the diagnostic which caused the SFINAE failure.
void addSFINAEDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc, PartialDiagnostic PD) {
// Only collect the first diagnostic.
if (HasSFINAEDiagnostic)
std::make_pair(Loc, PartialDiagnostic::NullDiagnostic()));
HasSFINAEDiagnostic = true;
/// \brief Add a new diagnostic to the set of diagnostics
void addSuppressedDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc,
PartialDiagnostic PD) {
if (HasSFINAEDiagnostic)
std::make_pair(Loc, PartialDiagnostic::NullDiagnostic()));
/// \brief Iterator over the set of suppressed diagnostics.
typedef SmallVectorImpl<PartialDiagnosticAt>::const_iterator
/// \brief Returns an iterator at the beginning of the sequence of suppressed
/// diagnostics.
diag_iterator diag_begin() const { return SuppressedDiagnostics.begin(); }
/// \brief Returns an iterator at the end of the sequence of suppressed
/// diagnostics.
diag_iterator diag_end() const { return SuppressedDiagnostics.end(); }
/// \brief The template parameter to which a template argument
/// deduction failure refers.
/// Depending on the result of template argument deduction, this
/// template parameter may have different meanings:
/// TDK_Incomplete: this is the first template parameter whose
/// corresponding template argument was not deduced.
/// TDK_Inconsistent: this is the template parameter for which
/// two different template argument values were deduced.
TemplateParameter Param;
/// \brief The first template argument to which the template
/// argument deduction failure refers.
/// Depending on the result of the template argument deduction,
/// this template argument may have different meanings:
/// TDK_Inconsistent: this argument is the first value deduced
/// for the corresponding template parameter.
/// TDK_SubstitutionFailure: this argument is the template
/// argument we were instantiating when we encountered an error.
/// TDK_NonDeducedMismatch: this is the template argument
/// provided in the source code.
TemplateArgument FirstArg;
/// \brief The second template argument to which the template
/// argument deduction failure refers.
/// FIXME: Finish documenting this.
TemplateArgument SecondArg;