Better block comment formatting.

1. When splitting one-line block comment, use indentation and *s.
2. Remove trailing whitespace from all lines of a comment, not only the ones being splitted.
3. Add backslashes for all lines if a comment is used insed a preprocessor directive.

Reviewers: djasper

Reviewed By: djasper

CC: cfe-commits, klimek

Differential Revision:

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/lib/Format/Format.cpp b/lib/Format/Format.cpp
index b4cbfec..040fb39 100644
--- a/lib/Format/Format.cpp
+++ b/lib/Format/Format.cpp
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
     if (Tok.Type == TT_BlockComment)
-      indentBlockComment(Tok, Spaces, false);
+      indentBlockComment(Tok, Spaces, WhitespaceStartColumn, NewLines, false);
     storeReplacement(Tok.FormatTok, getNewLineText(NewLines, Spaces));
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
   void replacePPWhitespace(const AnnotatedToken &Tok, unsigned NewLines,
                            unsigned Spaces, unsigned WhitespaceStartColumn) {
     if (Tok.Type == TT_BlockComment)
-      indentBlockComment(Tok, Spaces, true);
+      indentBlockComment(Tok, Spaces, WhitespaceStartColumn, NewLines, true);
                      getNewLineText(NewLines, Spaces, WhitespaceStartColumn));
@@ -203,13 +203,11 @@
   /// \brief Finds a common prefix of lines of a block comment to properly
   /// indent (and possibly decorate with '*'s) added lines.
-  /// The first line is ignored (it's special and starts with /*).
-  /// When there are less than three lines, we don't have enough information, so
-  /// better use no prefix.
+  /// The first line is ignored (it's special and starts with /*). The number of
+  /// lines should be more than one.
   static StringRef findCommentLinesPrefix(ArrayRef<StringRef> Lines,
                                           const char *PrefixChars = " *") {
-    if (Lines.size() < 3)
-      return "";
+    assert(Lines.size() > 1);
     StringRef Prefix(Lines[1].data(), Lines[1].find_first_not_of(PrefixChars));
     for (size_t i = 2; i < Lines.size(); ++i) {
       for (size_t j = 0; j < Prefix.size() && j < Lines[i].size(); ++j) {
@@ -226,16 +224,12 @@
                           size_t StartColumn, StringRef LinePrefix,
                           bool InPPDirective, bool CommentHasMoreLines,
                           const char *WhiteSpaceChars = " ") {
-    size_t ColumnLimit =
-        Style.ColumnLimit - LinePrefix.size() - (InPPDirective ? 2 : 0);
-    if (Line.size() <= ColumnLimit)
-      return;
+    size_t ColumnLimit = Style.ColumnLimit - (InPPDirective ? 2 : 0);
     const char *TokenStart = SourceMgr.getCharacterData(Tok.Tok.getLocation());
-    while (Line.rtrim().size() > ColumnLimit) {
+    while (Line.rtrim().size() + StartColumn > ColumnLimit) {
       // Try to break at the last whitespace before the column limit.
-      size_t SpacePos = Line.find_last_of(WhiteSpaceChars, ColumnLimit + 1);
+      size_t SpacePos =
+          Line.find_last_of(WhiteSpaceChars, ColumnLimit - StartColumn + 1);
       if (SpacePos == StringRef::npos) {
         // Try to find any whitespace in the line.
         SpacePos = Line.find_first_of(WhiteSpaceChars);
@@ -247,13 +241,17 @@
       StringRef RemainingLine = Line.substr(SpacePos).ltrim();
       if (RemainingLine.empty())
+      if (RemainingLine == "*/" && LinePrefix.endswith("* "))
+        LinePrefix = LinePrefix.substr(0, LinePrefix.size() - 2);
       Line = RemainingLine;
       size_t ReplaceChars = Line.begin() - NextCut.end();
       breakToken(Tok, NextCut.end() - TokenStart, ReplaceChars, "", LinePrefix,
                  InPPDirective, 0,
-                 NextCut.size() + LinePrefix.size() + StartColumn);
-      StartColumn = 0;
+                 NextCut.size() + StartColumn);
+      StartColumn = LinePrefix.size();
     StringRef TrimmedLine = Line.rtrim();
@@ -261,12 +259,14 @@
       // Remove trailing whitespace/insert backslash.
       breakToken(Tok, TrimmedLine.end() - TokenStart,
                  Line.size() - TrimmedLine.size() + 1, "", "", InPPDirective, 0,
-                 TrimmedLine.size() + LinePrefix.size());
+                 TrimmedLine.size() + StartColumn);
   void indentBlockComment(const AnnotatedToken &Tok, int Indent,
+                          int WhitespaceStartColumn, int NewLines,
                           bool InPPDirective) {
+    int StartColumn = NewLines > 0 ? Indent : WhitespaceStartColumn + Indent;
     const SourceLocation TokenLoc = Tok.FormatTok.Tok.getLocation();
     const int CurrentIndent = SourceMgr.getSpellingColumnNumber(TokenLoc) - 1;
     const int IndentDelta = Indent - CurrentIndent;
@@ -299,22 +299,28 @@
     // Split long lines in comments.
-    const StringRef CurrentPrefix = findCommentLinesPrefix(Lines);
-    size_t PrefixSize = CurrentPrefix.size();
-    std::string NewPrefix =
-        (IndentDelta < 0) ? CurrentPrefix.substr(-IndentDelta).str()
-                          : std::string(IndentDelta, ' ') + CurrentPrefix.str();
-    if (CurrentPrefix.endswith("*")) {
-      NewPrefix += " ";
-      ++PrefixSize;
+    size_t PrefixSize = 0;
+    std::string NewPrefix;
+    if (Lines.size() > 1) {
+      StringRef CurrentPrefix = findCommentLinesPrefix(Lines);
+      PrefixSize = CurrentPrefix.size();
+      NewPrefix = (IndentDelta < 0)
+                  ? CurrentPrefix.substr(-IndentDelta).str()
+                  : std::string(IndentDelta, ' ') + CurrentPrefix.str();
+      if (CurrentPrefix.endswith("*")) {
+        NewPrefix += " ";
+        ++PrefixSize;
+      }
+    } else if (Tok.Parent == 0) {
+      NewPrefix = std::string(StartColumn, ' ') + " * ";
+    StartColumn += 2;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < Lines.size(); ++i) {
-      StringRef Line = (i == 0) ? Lines[i] : Lines[i].substr(PrefixSize);
-      size_t StartColumn = (i == 0) ? CurrentIndent : 0;
+      StringRef Line = Lines[i].substr(i == 0 ? 2 : PrefixSize);
       splitLineInComment(Tok.FormatTok, Line, StartColumn, NewPrefix,
                          InPPDirective, i != Lines.size() - 1);
+      StartColumn = NewPrefix.size();
diff --git a/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp b/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
index 4caffd9..29988d3 100644
--- a/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ b/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -667,11 +667,14 @@
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsLongLinesInComments) {
   EXPECT_EQ("/* This is a long\n"
-            "comment that doesn't\n"
-            "fit on one line.  */",
+            " * comment that\n"
+            " * doesn't\n"
+            " * fit on one line.\n"
+            " */",
             format("/* "
                    "This is a long                                         "
-                   "comment that doesn't                                    "
+                   "comment that "
+                   "doesn't                                    "
                    "fit on one line.  */",
@@ -690,7 +693,7 @@
             " * doesn't fit on\n"
             " * one line.\n"
             " */",
-            format("/*\n"
+            format("/*      \n"
                    " * This is a long "
                    "   comment that     "
                    "   doesn't fit on   "
@@ -757,12 +760,22 @@
             format("   /*\n"
                    "    * This is a long comment that doesn't fit on one line\n"
                    "    */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
+            "  if (something) /* This is a\n"
+            "long comment */\n"
+            "    ;\n"
+            "}",
+            format("{\n"
+                   "  if (something) /* This is a long comment */\n"
+                   "    ;\n"
+                   "}",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(30)));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SplitsLongLinesInCommentsInPreprocessor) {
   EXPECT_EQ("#define X          \\\n"
-            // FIXME: Backslash should be added here.
-            "  /*\n"
+            "  /*               \\\n"
+            "   Test            \\\n"
             "   Macro comment   \\\n"
             "   with a long     \\\n"
             "   line            \\\n"
@@ -773,19 +786,31 @@
             "  A + B",
             format("#define X \\\n"
                    "  /*\n"
+                   "   Test\n"
                    "   Macro comment with a long  line\n"
                    "   */ \\\n"
                    "  A + B",
   EXPECT_EQ("#define X          \\\n"
             "  /* Macro comment \\\n"
-            // FIXME: Indent comment continuations when the comment is a first
-            // token in a line.
-            "with a long  line  \\\n"
+            "     with a long   \\\n"
             // FIXME: We should look at the length of the last line of the token
             // instead of the full token's length.
-            //"*/                 \\\n"
-            "*/\\\n"
+            //"   line */         \\\n"
+            "     line */\\\n"
+            "  A + B",
+            format("#define X \\\n"
+                   "  /* Macro comment with a long\n"
+                   "     line */ \\\n"
+                   "  A + B",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("#define X          \\\n"
+            "  /* Macro comment \\\n"
+            "   * with a long   \\\n"
+            // FIXME: We should look at the length of the last line of the token
+            // instead of the full token's length.
+            //"   * line */       \\\n"
+            "   * line */\\\n"
             "  A + B",
             format("#define X \\\n"
                    "  /* Macro comment with a long  line */ \\\n"
@@ -2627,12 +2652,12 @@
   EXPECT_EQ("/* */ /* */ /* */\n/* */ /* */ /* */",
             format("/* *//* */  /* */\n/* *//* */  /* */"));
   EXPECT_EQ("/* */ a /* */ b;", format("  /* */  a/* */  b;"));
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A /*   */\\\n"
+  EXPECT_EQ("#define A /*123*/\\\n"
             "  b\n"
             "/* */\n"
             "    parameter);",
-            format("#define A /*   */ b\n"
+            format("#define A /*123*/ b\n"
                    "/* */\n"