blob: 309ffd33b278fb882e7d4aad678cae68f6fa2c0d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++ -emit-llvm -fshort-wchar %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// Runs in c++ mode so that wchar_t is available.
int main() {
// This should convert to utf8.
// CHECK: private unnamed_addr constant [10 x i8] c"\E1\84\A0\C8\A0\F4\82\80\B0\00", align 1
char b[10] = "\u1120\u0220\U00102030";
// CHECK: private unnamed_addr constant [3 x i16] [i16 65, i16 66, i16 0]
const wchar_t *foo = L"AB";
// This should convert to utf16.
// CHECK: private unnamed_addr constant [5 x i16] [i16 4384, i16 544, i16 -9272, i16 -9168, i16 0]
const wchar_t *bar = L"\u1120\u0220\U00102030";
// Should pick second character.
// CHECK: store i8 98
char c = 'ab';
// CHECK: store i16 97
wchar_t wa = L'a';
// Should pick second character.
// CHECK: store i16 98
wchar_t wb = L'ab';
// -4085 == 0xf00b
// CHECK: store i16 -4085
wchar_t wc = L'\uF00B';
// Should take lower word of the 4byte UNC sequence. This does not match
// gcc. I don't understand what gcc does (it looks like it converts to utf16,
// then takes the second (!) utf16 word, swaps the lower two nibbles, and
// stores that?).
// CHECK: store i16 -4085
wchar_t wd = L'\U0010F00B'; // has utf16 encoding dbc8 dcb0
// Should pick second character. (gcc: -9205)
// CHECK: store i16 -4085
wchar_t we = L'\u1234\U0010F00B';