Implement the missing pieces needed to support libstdc++4.7's <atomic>:
__atomic_test_and_set, __atomic_clear, plus a pile of undocumented __GCC_*
predefined macros.

Implement library fallback for __atomic_is_lock_free and
__c11_atomic_is_lock_free, and implement __atomic_always_lock_free.

Contrary to their documentation, GCC's __atomic_fetch_add family don't
multiply the operand by sizeof(T) when operating on a pointer type.
libstdc++ relies on this quirk. Remove this handling for all but the
__c11_atomic_fetch_add and __c11_atomic_fetch_sub builtins.

Contrary to their documentation, __atomic_test_and_set and __atomic_clear
take a first argument of type 'volatile void *', not 'void *' or 'bool *',
and __atomic_is_lock_free and __atomic_always_lock_free have an argument
of type 'const volatile void *', not 'void *'.

With this change, libstdc++4.7's <atomic> passes libc++'s atomic test suite,
except for a couple of libstdc++ bugs and some cases where libc++'s test
suite tests for properties which implementations have latitude to vary.

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
7 files changed