Split video_render_module implementation into default and internal implementation.
Targets must now link with implementation of their choice instead of at "gyp"-time.

Targets linking with libjingle_media:
- internal implementation when build_with_chromium=0, default otherwise.

Targets linking with default render implementation:
- video_engine_tests
- video_loopback
- video_replay
- anything dependent on webrtc_test_common

Targets linking with internal render implementation:
- vie_auto_test
- video_render_tests
- libwebrtcdemo-jni
- video_engine_core_unittests

GN changes:
- Not many since there is almost no test definitions.

Work-around for chromium:
- Until chromium has updated libpeerconnection to link with video_capture_impl and video_render_impl, webrtc target automatically depends on it. This should fix the FYI bots and not require a webrtc roll to fix.

Re-enable android tests by reverting 7026 (some tests left disabled).

TESTED: passes all the bots. If this inadvertently breaks a target please fix the linking rules so the target has the desired implementation linked in.
R=kjellander@webrtc.org, pbos@webrtc.org

Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/19359004

git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/webrtc@7217 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
19 files changed