Image decoder fixes (mostly) around A8.

When decoding Gray to A8 in libpng, set reallyHasAlpha to true
and add a comment why we do not check for the real answer.

Add comments in jpeg decoder explaining why A8 is not opaque.

Fix a bug where an A8 subset is considered to be opaque.

Other fixes:
In SkJPEGImageDecoder, only allocate as much memory as
needed for each source row, based on the input config.
Also pull out common code into a static function.

When performing the check for requiring unpremultiplied colors,
allow A8 to succeed, since that setting should have no effect on

Add the check for requiring unpremultiplied colors to subset

Fix a bug where attempting to sample gray to A8 does not sample.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
3 files changed