Let SkTaskGroup work synchronously if no one created an SkTaskGroup::Enabler.

Tested by running DM with its SkTaskGroup::Enabler commented out.  Slow, but completed correctly.

R=reed@google.com, mtklein@google.com

Author: mtklein@chromium.org

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/556223003
diff --git a/src/utils/SkTaskGroup.cpp b/src/utils/SkTaskGroup.cpp
index e7de6be..7449eb6 100644
--- a/src/utils/SkTaskGroup.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/SkTaskGroup.cpp
@@ -23,12 +23,17 @@
 class ThreadPool : SkNoncopyable {
     static void Add(SkRunnable* task, int32_t* pending) {
-        SkASSERT(gGlobal);  // If this fails, see SkTaskGroup::Enabler.
+        if (!gGlobal) {  // If we have no threads, run synchronously.
+            return task->run();
+        }
         gGlobal->add(task, pending);
     static void Wait(int32_t* pending) {
-        SkASSERT(gGlobal);  // If this fails, see SkTaskGroup::Enabler.
+        if (!gGlobal) {  // If we have no threads, the work must already be done.
+            SkASSERT(*pending == 0);
+            return;
+        }
         while (sk_acquire_load(pending) > 0) {  // Pairs with sk_atomic_dec here or in Loop.
             // Lend a hand until our SkTaskGroup of interest is done.
             Work work;