Fix the patch file from r233053.

The patch file should be a patch that adds a patch, and that patch should do
the actual patching, except for openssl.config, which should be patched

git-svn-id: 4ff67af0-8c30-449e-8e8b-ad334ec8d88c
diff --git a/patches.chromium/0006-lhashfix b/patches.chromium/0006-lhashfix
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3ac1d..0000000
--- a/patches.chromium/0006-lhashfix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/conf/conf_api.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/conf/conf_api.c
---- android-openssl.orig/crypto/conf/conf_api.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/conf/conf_api.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -225,9 +225,6 @@
- 	{
- 	if (conf == NULL || conf->data == NULL) return;
--	lh_CONF_VALUE_down_load(conf->data)=0; /* evil thing to make
--				  * sure the 'OPENSSL_free()' works as
--				  * expected */
- 	lh_CONF_VALUE_doall_arg(conf->data,
- 				LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(value_free_hash),
- 				LHASH_OF(CONF_VALUE), conf->data);
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.c
---- android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
-  *
-  * 1.0 eay - First version
-  */
-+#include <limits.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-@@ -107,6 +108,113 @@
- #define UP_LOAD		(2*LH_LOAD_MULT) /* load times 256  (default 2) */
- #define DOWN_LOAD	(LH_LOAD_MULT)   /* load times 256  (default 1) */
-+/* Maximum number of nodes to guarantee the load computations don't overflow */
-+/* The field 'iteration_state' is used to hold data to ensure that a hash
-+ * table is not resized during an 'insert' or 'delete' operation performed
-+ * within a lh_doall/lh_doall_arg call.
-+ *
-+ * Conceptually, this records two things:
-+ *
-+ *   - A 'depth' count, which is incremented at the start of lh_doall*,
-+ *     and decremented just before it returns.
-+ *
-+ *   - A 'mutated' boolean flag, which is set in lh_insert() or lh_delete()
-+ *     when the operation is performed with a non-0 depth.
-+ *
-+ * The following are helper macros to handle this state in a more explicit
-+ * way.
-+ */
-+/* Reset the iteration state to its defaults. */
-+#define LH_ITERATION_RESET(lh) do { \
-+	(lh)->iteration_state = 0; \
-+	} while (0)
-+/* Returns 1 if the hash table is currently being iterated on, 0 otherwise. */
-+#define LH_ITERATION_IS_ACTIVE(lh)  ((lh)->iteration_state >= 2)
-+/* Increment iteration depth. This should always be followed by a paired call
-+	(lh)->iteration_state += 2; \
-+	} while (0)
-+/* Decrement iteration depth. This should always be called after a paired call
-+	(lh)->iteration_state -= 2; \
-+	} while (0)
-+/* Return 1 if the iteration 'mutated' flag is set, 0 otherwise. */
-+#define LH_ITERATION_IS_MUTATED(lh) (((lh)->iteration_state & 1) != 0)
-+/* Set the iteration 'mutated' flag to 1. LH_ITERATION_RESET() to reset it. */
-+#define LH_ITERATION_SET_MUTATED(lh) do { \
-+	(lh)->iteration_state |= 1; \
-+	} while (0)
-+/* This macro returns 1 if the hash table should be expanded due to its current
-+ * load, or 0 otherwise. The exact comparison to be performed is expressed by
-+ * the mathematical expression (where '//' denotes division over real numbers):
-+ *
-+ *      (num_items // num_nodes) >= (up_load // LOAD_MULT)    or
-+ *      (num_items * LOAD_MULT // num_nodes) >= up_load.
-+ *
-+ * Given that the C language operator '/' implements integer division, i.e:
-+ *     a // b == (a / b) + epsilon  (with 0 <= epsilon < 1, for positive a & b)
-+ *
-+ * This can be rewritten as:
-+ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) + epsilon >= up_load
-+ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) - up_load >= - epsilon
-+ *
-+ * Let's call 'A' the left-hand side of the equation above, it is an integer
-+ * and:
-+ *     - If A >= 0, the expression is true for any value of epsilon.
-+ *     - If A <= -1, the expression is also true for any value of epsilon.
-+ *
-+ * In other words, this is equivalent to 'A >= 0', or:
-+ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) >= up_load
-+ */
-+#define LH_SHOULD_EXPAND(lh) \
-+	((lh)->num_items < MAX_LOAD_ITEMS && \
-+	 (((lh)->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/(lh)->num_nodes) >= (lh)->up_load))
-+/* This macro returns 1 if the hash table should be contracted due to its
-+ * current load, or 0 otherwise. Abbreviated computations are:
-+ *
-+ *    (num_items // num_nodes) <= (down_load // LOAD_MULT)
-+ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT // num_nodes) <= down_load
-+ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) + epsilon <= down_load
-+ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) - down_load <= -epsilon
-+ *
-+ * Let's call 'B' the left-hand side of the equation above:
-+ *    - If B <= -1, the expression is true for any value of epsilon.
-+ *    - If B >= 1, the expression is false for any value of epsilon.
-+ *    - If B == 0, the expression is true for 'epsilon == 0', and false
-+ *      otherwise, which is problematic.
-+ *
-+ * To work around this problem, while keeping the code simple, just change
-+ * the initial expression to use a strict inequality, i.e.:
-+ *
-+ *    (num_items // num_nodes) < (down_load // LOAD_MULT)
-+ *
-+ * Which leads to:
-+ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) - down_load < -epsilon
-+ *
-+ * Then:
-+ *    - If 'B <= -1', the expression is true for any value of epsilon.
-+ *    - If 'B' >= 0, the expression is false for any value of epsilon,
-+ *
-+ * In other words, this is equivalent to 'B < 0', or:
-+ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) < down_load
-+ */
-+#define LH_SHOULD_CONTRACT(lh) \
-+	(((lh)->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) && \
-+	 ((lh)->num_items < MAX_LOAD_ITEMS && \
-+	 ((lh)->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/(lh)->num_nodes) < (lh)->down_load))
- static void expand(_LHASH *lh);
- static void contract(_LHASH *lh);
- static LHASH_NODE **getrn(_LHASH *lh, const void *data, unsigned long *rhash);
-@@ -147,6 +255,7 @@
- 	ret->num_hash_comps=0;
- 	ret->error=0;
- 	return(ret);
- err1:
- 	OPENSSL_free(ret);
-@@ -183,7 +292,10 @@
- 	void *ret;
- 	lh->error=0;
--	if (lh->up_load <= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes))
-+	/* Do not expand the array if the table is being iterated on. */
-+	else if (LH_SHOULD_EXPAND(lh))
- 		expand(lh);
- 	rn=getrn(lh,data,&hash);
-@@ -238,8 +350,10 @@
- 		}
- 	lh->num_items--;
--	if ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) &&
--		(lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes)))
-+	/* Do not contract the array if the table is being iterated on. */
-+	else if (LH_SHOULD_CONTRACT(lh))
- 		contract(lh);
- 	return(ret);
-@@ -276,6 +390,7 @@
- 	if (lh == NULL)
- 		return;
- 	/* reverse the order so we search from 'top to bottom'
- 	 * We were having memory leaks otherwise */
- 	for (i=lh->num_nodes-1; i>=0; i--)
-@@ -283,10 +398,7 @@
- 		a=lh->b[i];
- 		while (a != NULL)
- 			{
--			/* 28/05/91 - eay - n added so items can be deleted
--			 * via lh_doall */
--			/* 22/05/08 - ben - eh? since a is not passed,
--			 * this should not be needed */
-+			/* note that 'a' can be deleted by the callback */
- 			n=a->next;
- 			if(use_arg)
- 				func_arg(a->data,arg);
-@@ -295,6 +407,19 @@
- 			a=n;
- 			}
- 		}
-+		{
-+		/* Resize the buckets array if necessary. Each expand() or
-+		 * contract() call will double/halve the size of the array,
-+		 * respectively, so call them in a loop. */
-+		while (LH_SHOULD_EXPAND(lh))
-+			expand(lh);
-+		while (LH_SHOULD_CONTRACT(lh))
-+			contract(lh);
-+		}
- 	}
- void lh_doall(_LHASH *lh, LHASH_DOALL_FN_TYPE func)
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.h android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.h
---- android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.h	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@
- 	unsigned long num_hash_comps;
- 	int error;
-+	int iteration_state;
- 	} _LHASH;	/* Do not use _LHASH directly, use LHASH_OF
- 			 * and friends */
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/o_names.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/o_names.c
---- android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/o_names.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/o_names.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -350,13 +350,9 @@
- void OBJ_NAME_cleanup(int type)
- 	{
--	unsigned long down_load;
- 	if (names_lh == NULL) return;
- 	free_type=type;
--	down_load=lh_OBJ_NAME_down_load(names_lh);
--	lh_OBJ_NAME_down_load(names_lh)=0;
- 	lh_OBJ_NAME_doall(names_lh,LHASH_DOALL_FN(names_lh_free));
- 	if (type < 0)
-@@ -366,7 +362,5 @@
- 		names_lh=NULL;
- 		name_funcs_stack = NULL;
- 		}
--	else
--		lh_OBJ_NAME_down_load(names_lh)=down_load;
- 	}
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c
---- android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -227,7 +227,6 @@
- 		return ;
- 		}
- 	if (added == NULL) return;
--	lh_ADDED_OBJ_down_load(added) = 0;
- 	lh_ADDED_OBJ_doall(added,LHASH_DOALL_FN(cleanup1)); /* zero counters */
- 	lh_ADDED_OBJ_doall(added,LHASH_DOALL_FN(cleanup2)); /* set counters */
- 	lh_ADDED_OBJ_doall(added,LHASH_DOALL_FN(cleanup3)); /* free objects */
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/lhash.h android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/lhash.h
---- android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/lhash.h	2013-11-05 14:11:20.903223251 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/lhash.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@
- 	unsigned long num_hash_comps;
- 	int error;
-+	int iteration_state;
- 	} _LHASH;	/* Do not use _LHASH directly, use LHASH_OF
- 			 * and friends */
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/ssl.h android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/ssl.h
---- android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:11:21.013222124 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -1681,10 +1681,10 @@
- 	SSL_ctrl(ssl,SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH,0,(char *)ecdh)
- /* SSL_enable_tls_channel_id either configures a TLS server to accept TLS client
-- * IDs from clients, or configure a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
-+ * IDs from clients, or configures a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
-  * Returns 1 on success. */
--#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(s) \
-+#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(ssl) \
- /* SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
-  * compatible servers. private_key must be a P-256 EVP_PKEY*. Returns 1 on
-  * success. */
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/openssl.config android-openssl-lhash/openssl.config
---- android-openssl.orig/openssl.config	2013-11-05 14:11:10.833326408 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/openssl.config	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
-@@ -997,6 +997,7 @@
- fix_clang_build.patch \
- x509_hash_name_algorithm_change.patch \
- reduce_client_hello_size.patch \
-+fix_lhash_iteration.patch \
- "
-@@ -1060,3 +1061,13 @@
- OPENSSL_PATCHES_reduce_client_hello_size_SOURCES="\
- ssl/t1_lib.c \
- "
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl.h android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl.h
---- android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:11:18.363249269 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.510027563 -0500
-@@ -1681,10 +1681,10 @@
- 	SSL_ctrl(ssl,SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH,0,(char *)ecdh)
- /* SSL_enable_tls_channel_id either configures a TLS server to accept TLS client
-- * IDs from clients, or configure a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
-+ * IDs from clients, or configures a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
-  * Returns 1 on success. */
--#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(s) \
-+#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(ssl) \
- /* SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
-  * compatible servers. private_key must be a P-256 EVP_PKEY*. Returns 1 on
-  * success. */
-diff -burN android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl_sess.c android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl_sess.c
---- android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl_sess.c	2013-11-05 14:11:18.363249269 -0500
-+++ android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl_sess.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.510027563 -0500
-@@ -999,11 +999,8 @@
- 	if (tp.cache == NULL) return;
- 	tp.time=t;
--	i=CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load;
--	CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load=0;
- 	lh_SSL_SESSION_doall_arg(tp.cache, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(timeout),
- 				 TIMEOUT_PARAM, &tp);
--	CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load=i;
- 	}
diff --git a/patches.chromium/0006-lhashfix.patch b/patches.chromium/0006-lhashfix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e6119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches.chromium/0006-lhashfix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+diff -burN android-openssl.orig/openssl.config android-openssl-lhash2/openssl.config
+--- android-openssl.orig/openssl.config	2013-11-05 14:11:10.833326408 -0500
++++ android-openssl-lhash2/openssl.config	2013-11-05 14:38:31.187575574 -0500
+@@ -997,6 +997,7 @@
+ fix_clang_build.patch \
+ x509_hash_name_algorithm_change.patch \
+ reduce_client_hello_size.patch \
++fix_lhash_iteration.patch \
+ "
+@@ -1060,3 +1061,13 @@
+ OPENSSL_PATCHES_reduce_client_hello_size_SOURCES="\
+ ssl/t1_lib.c \
+ "
+diff -burN android-openssl.orig/patches/fix_lhash_iteration.patch android-openssl-lhash2/patches/fix_lhash_iteration.patch
+--- android-openssl.orig/patches/fix_lhash_iteration.patch	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
++++ android-openssl-lhash2/patches/fix_lhash_iteration.patch	2013-11-05 14:38:15.067738011 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/conf/conf_api.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/conf/conf_api.c
++--- android-openssl.orig/crypto/conf/conf_api.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/conf/conf_api.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -225,9 +225,6 @@
++ 	{
++ 	if (conf == NULL || conf->data == NULL) return;
++-	lh_CONF_VALUE_down_load(conf->data)=0; /* evil thing to make
++-				  * sure the 'OPENSSL_free()' works as
++-				  * expected */
++ 	lh_CONF_VALUE_doall_arg(conf->data,
++ 				LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(value_free_hash),
++ 				LHASH_OF(CONF_VALUE), conf->data);
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.c
++--- android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
++  *
++  * 1.0 eay - First version
++  */
+++#include <limits.h>
++ #include <stdio.h>
++ #include <string.h>
++ #include <stdlib.h>
++@@ -107,6 +108,113 @@
++ #define UP_LOAD		(2*LH_LOAD_MULT) /* load times 256  (default 2) */
++ #define DOWN_LOAD	(LH_LOAD_MULT)   /* load times 256  (default 1) */
+++/* Maximum number of nodes to guarantee the load computations don't overflow */
+++/* The field 'iteration_state' is used to hold data to ensure that a hash
+++ * table is not resized during an 'insert' or 'delete' operation performed
+++ * within a lh_doall/lh_doall_arg call.
+++ *
+++ * Conceptually, this records two things:
+++ *
+++ *   - A 'depth' count, which is incremented at the start of lh_doall*,
+++ *     and decremented just before it returns.
+++ *
+++ *   - A 'mutated' boolean flag, which is set in lh_insert() or lh_delete()
+++ *     when the operation is performed with a non-0 depth.
+++ *
+++ * The following are helper macros to handle this state in a more explicit
+++ * way.
+++ */
+++/* Reset the iteration state to its defaults. */
+++#define LH_ITERATION_RESET(lh) do { \
+++	(lh)->iteration_state = 0; \
+++	} while (0)
+++/* Returns 1 if the hash table is currently being iterated on, 0 otherwise. */
+++#define LH_ITERATION_IS_ACTIVE(lh)  ((lh)->iteration_state >= 2)
+++/* Increment iteration depth. This should always be followed by a paired call
+++#define LH_ITERATION_INCREMENT_DEPTH(lh) do { \
+++	(lh)->iteration_state += 2; \
+++	} while (0)
+++/* Decrement iteration depth. This should always be called after a paired call
+++#define LH_ITERATION_DECREMENT_DEPTH(lh) do { \
+++	(lh)->iteration_state -= 2; \
+++	} while (0)
+++/* Return 1 if the iteration 'mutated' flag is set, 0 otherwise. */
+++#define LH_ITERATION_IS_MUTATED(lh) (((lh)->iteration_state & 1) != 0)
+++/* Set the iteration 'mutated' flag to 1. LH_ITERATION_RESET() to reset it. */
+++#define LH_ITERATION_SET_MUTATED(lh) do { \
+++	(lh)->iteration_state |= 1; \
+++	} while (0)
+++/* This macro returns 1 if the hash table should be expanded due to its current
+++ * load, or 0 otherwise. The exact comparison to be performed is expressed by
+++ * the mathematical expression (where '//' denotes division over real numbers):
+++ *
+++ *      (num_items // num_nodes) >= (up_load // LOAD_MULT)    or
+++ *      (num_items * LOAD_MULT // num_nodes) >= up_load.
+++ *
+++ * Given that the C language operator '/' implements integer division, i.e:
+++ *     a // b == (a / b) + epsilon  (with 0 <= epsilon < 1, for positive a & b)
+++ *
+++ * This can be rewritten as:
+++ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) + epsilon >= up_load
+++ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) - up_load >= - epsilon
+++ *
+++ * Let's call 'A' the left-hand side of the equation above, it is an integer
+++ * and:
+++ *     - If A >= 0, the expression is true for any value of epsilon.
+++ *     - If A <= -1, the expression is also true for any value of epsilon.
+++ *
+++ * In other words, this is equivalent to 'A >= 0', or:
+++ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) >= up_load
+++ */
+++#define LH_SHOULD_EXPAND(lh) \
+++	((lh)->num_items < MAX_LOAD_ITEMS && \
+++	 (((lh)->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/(lh)->num_nodes) >= (lh)->up_load))
+++/* This macro returns 1 if the hash table should be contracted due to its
+++ * current load, or 0 otherwise. Abbreviated computations are:
+++ *
+++ *    (num_items // num_nodes) <= (down_load // LOAD_MULT)
+++ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT // num_nodes) <= down_load
+++ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) + epsilon <= down_load
+++ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) - down_load <= -epsilon
+++ *
+++ * Let's call 'B' the left-hand side of the equation above:
+++ *    - If B <= -1, the expression is true for any value of epsilon.
+++ *    - If B >= 1, the expression is false for any value of epsilon.
+++ *    - If B == 0, the expression is true for 'epsilon == 0', and false
+++ *      otherwise, which is problematic.
+++ *
+++ * To work around this problem, while keeping the code simple, just change
+++ * the initial expression to use a strict inequality, i.e.:
+++ *
+++ *    (num_items // num_nodes) < (down_load // LOAD_MULT)
+++ *
+++ * Which leads to:
+++ *    (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) - down_load < -epsilon
+++ *
+++ * Then:
+++ *    - If 'B <= -1', the expression is true for any value of epsilon.
+++ *    - If 'B' >= 0, the expression is false for any value of epsilon,
+++ *
+++ * In other words, this is equivalent to 'B < 0', or:
+++ *     (num_items * LOAD_MULT / num_nodes) < down_load
+++ */
+++#define LH_SHOULD_CONTRACT(lh) \
+++	(((lh)->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) && \
+++	 ((lh)->num_items < MAX_LOAD_ITEMS && \
+++	 ((lh)->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/(lh)->num_nodes) < (lh)->down_load))
++ static void expand(_LHASH *lh);
++ static void contract(_LHASH *lh);
++ static LHASH_NODE **getrn(_LHASH *lh, const void *data, unsigned long *rhash);
++@@ -147,6 +255,7 @@
++ 	ret->num_hash_comps=0;
++ 	ret->error=0;
++ 	return(ret);
++ err1:
++ 	OPENSSL_free(ret);
++@@ -183,7 +292,10 @@
++ 	void *ret;
++ 	lh->error=0;
++-	if (lh->up_load <= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes))
+++	/* Do not expand the array if the table is being iterated on. */
+++	else if (LH_SHOULD_EXPAND(lh))
++ 		expand(lh);
++ 	rn=getrn(lh,data,&hash);
++@@ -238,8 +350,10 @@
++ 		}
++ 	lh->num_items--;
++-	if ((lh->num_nodes > MIN_NODES) &&
++-		(lh->down_load >= (lh->num_items*LH_LOAD_MULT/lh->num_nodes)))
+++	/* Do not contract the array if the table is being iterated on. */
+++	else if (LH_SHOULD_CONTRACT(lh))
++ 		contract(lh);
++ 	return(ret);
++@@ -276,6 +390,7 @@
++ 	if (lh == NULL)
++ 		return;
++ 	/* reverse the order so we search from 'top to bottom'
++ 	 * We were having memory leaks otherwise */
++ 	for (i=lh->num_nodes-1; i>=0; i--)
++@@ -283,10 +398,7 @@
++ 		a=lh->b[i];
++ 		while (a != NULL)
++ 			{
++-			/* 28/05/91 - eay - n added so items can be deleted
++-			 * via lh_doall */
++-			/* 22/05/08 - ben - eh? since a is not passed,
++-			 * this should not be needed */
+++			/* note that 'a' can be deleted by the callback */
++ 			n=a->next;
++ 			if(use_arg)
++ 				func_arg(a->data,arg);
++@@ -295,6 +407,19 @@
++ 			a=n;
++ 			}
++ 		}
+++		{
+++		/* Resize the buckets array if necessary. Each expand() or
+++		 * contract() call will double/halve the size of the array,
+++		 * respectively, so call them in a loop. */
+++		while (LH_SHOULD_EXPAND(lh))
+++			expand(lh);
+++		while (LH_SHOULD_CONTRACT(lh))
+++			contract(lh);
+++		}
++ 	}
++ void lh_doall(_LHASH *lh, LHASH_DOALL_FN_TYPE func)
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.h android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.h
++--- android-openssl.orig/crypto/lhash/lhash.h	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/lhash/lhash.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@
++ 	unsigned long num_hash_comps;
++ 	int error;
+++	int iteration_state;
++ 	} _LHASH;	/* Do not use _LHASH directly, use LHASH_OF
++ 			 * and friends */
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/o_names.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/o_names.c
++--- android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/o_names.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/o_names.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -350,13 +350,9 @@
++ void OBJ_NAME_cleanup(int type)
++ 	{
++-	unsigned long down_load;
++ 	if (names_lh == NULL) return;
++ 	free_type=type;
++-	down_load=lh_OBJ_NAME_down_load(names_lh);
++-	lh_OBJ_NAME_down_load(names_lh)=0;
++ 	lh_OBJ_NAME_doall(names_lh,LHASH_DOALL_FN(names_lh_free));
++ 	if (type < 0)
++@@ -366,7 +362,5 @@
++ 		names_lh=NULL;
++ 		name_funcs_stack = NULL;
++ 		}
++-	else
++-		lh_OBJ_NAME_down_load(names_lh)=down_load;
++ 	}
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c
++--- android-openssl.orig/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c	2013-02-11 10:26:04.000000000 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -227,7 +227,6 @@
++ 		return ;
++ 		}
++ 	if (added == NULL) return;
++-	lh_ADDED_OBJ_down_load(added) = 0;
++ 	lh_ADDED_OBJ_doall(added,LHASH_DOALL_FN(cleanup1)); /* zero counters */
++ 	lh_ADDED_OBJ_doall(added,LHASH_DOALL_FN(cleanup2)); /* set counters */
++ 	lh_ADDED_OBJ_doall(added,LHASH_DOALL_FN(cleanup3)); /* free objects */
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/lhash.h android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/lhash.h
++--- android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/lhash.h	2013-11-05 14:11:20.903223251 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/lhash.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@
++ 	unsigned long num_hash_comps;
++ 	int error;
+++	int iteration_state;
++ 	} _LHASH;	/* Do not use _LHASH directly, use LHASH_OF
++ 			 * and friends */
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/ssl.h android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/ssl.h
++--- android-openssl.orig/include/openssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:11:21.013222124 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/include/openssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.500027656 -0500
++@@ -1681,10 +1681,10 @@
++ 	SSL_ctrl(ssl,SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH,0,(char *)ecdh)
++ /* SSL_enable_tls_channel_id either configures a TLS server to accept TLS client
++- * IDs from clients, or configure a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
+++ * IDs from clients, or configures a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
++  * Returns 1 on success. */
++-#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(s) \
+++#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(ssl) \
++ /* SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
++  * compatible servers. private_key must be a P-256 EVP_PKEY*. Returns 1 on
++  * success. */
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl.h android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl.h
++--- android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:11:18.363249269 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl.h	2013-11-05 14:16:49.510027563 -0500
++@@ -1681,10 +1681,10 @@
++ 	SSL_ctrl(ssl,SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH,0,(char *)ecdh)
++ /* SSL_enable_tls_channel_id either configures a TLS server to accept TLS client
++- * IDs from clients, or configure a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
+++ * IDs from clients, or configures a client to send TLS client IDs to server.
++  * Returns 1 on success. */
++-#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(s) \
+++#define SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(ssl) \
++ /* SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
++  * compatible servers. private_key must be a P-256 EVP_PKEY*. Returns 1 on
++  * success. */
++diff -burN android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl_sess.c android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl_sess.c
++--- android-openssl.orig/ssl/ssl_sess.c	2013-11-05 14:11:18.363249269 -0500
+++++ android-openssl-lhash/ssl/ssl_sess.c	2013-11-05 14:16:49.510027563 -0500
++@@ -999,11 +999,8 @@
++ 	if (tp.cache == NULL) return;
++ 	tp.time=t;
++-	i=CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load;
++-	CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load=0;
++ 	lh_SSL_SESSION_doall_arg(tp.cache, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(timeout),
++ 				 TIMEOUT_PARAM, &tp);
++-	CHECKED_LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION, tp.cache)->down_load=i;
++ 	}