libvpx: Pull from upstream

Current HEAD: 23c88870ec514b0dd7d22b9db99ae63f46c7d87f

git log from upstream:
f2e6523 Removing iface pointer from vpx_codec_priv.
7025d72 Revert "Removing unnecessary casts to int64_t."
d2274ed Bugfix for vp8 aggressive denoiser mode.
aa88e32 Fixes to adaptive denoiser mode.
5b21708 Fix def pairs in 32x32 2D-DCT sse2
6d6fdd9 VP8 encoder for ARMv8 by using NEON intrinsics 3
8013aaa VP8 encoder for ARMv8 by using NEON intrinsics 2
b1b568e Cleaning up detect_transition_to_still().
c1a769d Using functions from vpx_mem.h inside vpx_image.c.
6acde6b Removing unused tbd struct member.
0bb9dec Fix valgrind error in pickmode.
6c4fecb Adding set_mv_search_params().
87ee096 Adding set_rc_buffer_sizes().
215151b Converting MODE to be just BEST, GOOD, and REALTIME.
f617889 Moving frame_is_boosted() to vp9_speed_features.c.
7ae3269 vpxdec.c : resolve uninitialized member warning
f274ac7 vp9_rdopt.c : signed unsigned mismatch in choose_tx_size
b29d517 vp9_firstpass.c : remove unused parm in get_zero_motion
8f4b357 vp9_pickmode.c: check value that can be null to avoid warning
76e9992 vp9_ratectrl.c : remove dead assignment to clear warning
a8cd30c Removing gold_is_last, alt_is_last, gold_is_alt flags.
b78f8f6 vp9_firstpass.c : clear warning re: use of null lc
ba70f16 Add early termination in transform size search
6a464ec Speed up mode search depending on relative ref frame position
4590c5e Adding gf_group temp variable.
9598aae Add basic tests for the set_maps example.
a885e1c Removing unnecessary casts to int64_t.
17a26eb Replacing SVC oxcf->mode check with oxcf->pass check.
e1b5d24 [spatial svc]Add a few different encode frame tests.
07a4746 Include vpx_config.h in vpx_timer.h
beff5b6 Revert "Removing duplicated code from init_config()."
8609048 vp8: Add check on noise_sensitivity/denoiser on.
bc3a995 test/ Always use --test-decode=FATAL
5805881 vpxenc: fix compile with --disable-libyuv
1e681d9 vpxdec: fix compile with --disable-libyuv
1c31e3e Add support for MIPS64.
a8e674d set_maps: Flush encoder.
1acc96f Removing vp9_rescale().
eca9364 Add a speed feature to give the tighter search range
a04db18 Add 2-pass and lagged encode tests for VP8 and VP9.
5386df4 Remove unused variables in vp9_rd_pick_inter_mode_sb
5d453e3 Remove unused code in vp9_rd_pick_inter_mode_sb
d637c2b frame_size_tests: reduce 'large' size for win32
5509b7f Removing duplicated code from init_config().
7035527 Improved vp9_quantize_fp_neon()
839911f Fix bug 804

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git-svn-id: 4ff67af0-8c30-449e-8e8b-ad334ec8d88c
75 files changed