Add lookup table in PreloadSupplier for natural and Latin script names.

Normally the address metadata server takes care of mapping from natural
language names to metadata IDs (eg. "São Paulo" -> "SP") and from Latin
script names to local script names (eg. "Tokushima" -> "徳島県").

As the PreloadSupplier doesn't contact the metadata server upon each
Supply() request, it does instead need to have an internal lookup table
that contains such mappings in order to be possible to use to validate
addresses that use natural language names or Latin script names.

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3 files changed
tree: c06fc17b2d26d5c0b96d3618b5cf353c000204cd
  1. cpp/
  2. externals/
  3. java/
  4. testdata/
  5. .gitmodules
  6. codereview.settings