blob: 40240b7b744dc62fe594e9b86761759648968efb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2004-2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Nicholas Shanks (
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (c) 2011, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/css/ElementRuleCollector.h"
#include "core/css/CSSRuleList.h"
#include "core/css/CSSSelector.h"
#include "core/css/SelectorCheckerFastPath.h"
#include "core/css/SiblingTraversalStrategies.h"
#include "core/css/StylePropertySet.h"
#include "core/css/resolver/StyleResolver.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderRegion.h"
namespace WebCore {
ElementRuleCollector::ElementRuleCollector(const ElementResolveContext& context,
const SelectorFilter& filter, RenderStyle* style)
: m_context(context)
, m_selectorFilter(filter)
, m_style(style)
, m_regionForStyling(0)
, m_pseudoStyleRequest(NOPSEUDO)
, m_mode(SelectorChecker::ResolvingStyle)
, m_behaviorAtBoundary(SelectorChecker::DoesNotCrossBoundary)
, m_canUseFastReject(m_selectorFilter.parentStackIsConsistent(context.parentNode()))
, m_sameOriginOnly(false)
, m_matchingUARules(false)
{ }
MatchResult& ElementRuleCollector::matchedResult()
return m_result;
PassRefPtr<CSSRuleList> ElementRuleCollector::matchedRuleList()
ASSERT(m_mode == SelectorChecker::CollectingRules);
return m_ruleList.release();
inline void ElementRuleCollector::addMatchedRule(const RuleData* rule, CascadeScope cascadeScope, CascadeOrder cascadeOrder)
if (!m_matchedRules)
m_matchedRules = adoptPtr(new Vector<MatchedRule, 32>);
m_matchedRules->append(MatchedRule(rule, cascadeScope, cascadeOrder));
void ElementRuleCollector::clearMatchedRules()
if (!m_matchedRules)
inline StaticCSSRuleList* ElementRuleCollector::ensureRuleList()
if (!m_ruleList)
m_ruleList = StaticCSSRuleList::create();
return m_ruleList.get();
void ElementRuleCollector::addElementStyleProperties(const StylePropertySet* propertySet, bool isCacheable)
if (!propertySet)
m_result.ranges.lastAuthorRule = m_result.matchedProperties.size();
if (m_result.ranges.firstAuthorRule == -1)
m_result.ranges.firstAuthorRule = m_result.ranges.lastAuthorRule;
if (!isCacheable)
m_result.isCacheable = false;
static bool rulesApplicableInCurrentTreeScope(const Element* element, const ContainerNode* scopingNode, SelectorChecker::BehaviorAtBoundary behaviorAtBoundary, bool elementApplyAuthorStyles)
TreeScope* treeScope = element->treeScope();
// [skipped, because already checked] a) it's a UA rule
// b) element is allowed to apply author rules
if (elementApplyAuthorStyles)
return true;
// c) the rules comes from a scoped style sheet within the same tree scope
if (!scopingNode || treeScope == scopingNode->treeScope())
return true;
// d) the rules comes from a scoped style sheet within an active shadow root whose host is the given element
if (element->isInShadowTree() && (behaviorAtBoundary & SelectorChecker::ScopeIsShadowHost) && scopingNode == element->containingShadowRoot()->host())
return true;
// e) the rules can cross boundaries
if ((behaviorAtBoundary & SelectorChecker::BoundaryBehaviorMask) == SelectorChecker::CrossesBoundary)
return true;
return false;
void ElementRuleCollector::collectMatchingRules(const MatchRequest& matchRequest, RuleRange& ruleRange, CascadeScope cascadeScope, CascadeOrder cascadeOrder)
Element* element = m_context.element();
const AtomicString& pseudoId = element->shadowPseudoId();
if (!pseudoId.isEmpty()) {
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->shadowPseudoElementRules(pseudoId.impl()), ignoreCascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
if (element->isWebVTTElement())
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->cuePseudoRules(), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
// Check whether other types of rules are applicable in the current tree scope. Criteria for this:
// a) it's a UA rule
// b) the tree scope allows author rules
// c) the rules comes from a scoped style sheet within the same tree scope
// d) the rules comes from a scoped style sheet within an active shadow root whose host is the given element
// e) the rules can cross boundaries
// b)-e) is checked in rulesApplicableInCurrentTreeScope.
if (!m_matchingUARules && !rulesApplicableInCurrentTreeScope(element, matchRequest.scope, m_behaviorAtBoundary, matchRequest.elementApplyAuthorStyles))
// We need to collect the rules for id, class, tag, and everything else into a buffer and
// then sort the buffer.
if (element->hasID())
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->idRules(element->idForStyleResolution().impl()), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
if (element->isStyledElement() && element->hasClass()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < element->classNames().size(); ++i)
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->classRules(element->classNames()[i].impl()), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
if (element->isLink())
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->linkPseudoClassRules(), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
if (SelectorChecker::matchesFocusPseudoClass(element))
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->focusPseudoClassRules(), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->tagRules(element->localName().impl()), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
collectMatchingRulesForList(matchRequest.ruleSet->universalRules(), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
void ElementRuleCollector::collectMatchingRulesForRegion(const MatchRequest& matchRequest, RuleRange& ruleRange, CascadeScope cascadeScope, CascadeOrder cascadeOrder)
if (!m_regionForStyling)
unsigned size = matchRequest.ruleSet->m_regionSelectorsAndRuleSets.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
const CSSSelector* regionSelector = matchRequest.ruleSet->;
if (checkRegionSelector(regionSelector, toElement(m_regionForStyling->node()))) {
RuleSet* regionRules = matchRequest.ruleSet->;
collectMatchingRules(MatchRequest(regionRules, matchRequest.includeEmptyRules, matchRequest.scope), ruleRange, cascadeScope, cascadeOrder);
void ElementRuleCollector::sortAndTransferMatchedRules()
if (!m_matchedRules || m_matchedRules->isEmpty())
Vector<MatchedRule, 32>& matchedRules = *m_matchedRules;
if (m_mode == SelectorChecker::CollectingRules) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < matchedRules.size(); ++i)
// Now transfer the set of matched rules over to our list of declarations.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < matchedRules.size(); i++) {
// FIXME: Matching should not modify the style directly.
const RuleData* ruleData = matchedRules[i].ruleData();
if (m_style && ruleData->containsUncommonAttributeSelector())
m_result.addMatchedProperties(ruleData->rule()->properties(), ruleData->rule(), ruleData->linkMatchType(), ruleData->propertyWhitelistType(m_matchingUARules));
inline bool ElementRuleCollector::ruleMatches(const RuleData& ruleData, const ContainerNode* scope, PseudoId& dynamicPseudo)
if (ruleData.hasFastCheckableSelector()) {
// We know this selector does not include any pseudo elements.
if (m_pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId != NOPSEUDO)
return false;
// We know a sufficiently simple single part selector matches simply because we found it from the rule hash.
// This is limited to HTML only so we don't need to check the namespace.
if (ruleData.hasRightmostSelectorMatchingHTMLBasedOnRuleHash() && m_context.element()->isHTMLElement()) {
if (!ruleData.hasMultipartSelector())
return true;
if (ruleData.selector()->m_match == CSSSelector::Tag && !SelectorChecker::tagMatches(m_context.element(), ruleData.selector()->tagQName()))
return false;
SelectorCheckerFastPath selectorCheckerFastPath(ruleData.selector(), m_context.element());
if (!selectorCheckerFastPath.matchesRightmostAttributeSelector())
return false;
return selectorCheckerFastPath.matches();
// Slow path.
SelectorChecker selectorChecker(document(), m_mode);
SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext context(ruleData.selector(), m_context.element(), SelectorChecker::VisitedMatchEnabled);
context.elementStyle = m_style.get();
context.scope = scope;
context.pseudoId = m_pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId;
context.scrollbar = m_pseudoStyleRequest.scrollbar;
context.scrollbarPart = m_pseudoStyleRequest.scrollbarPart;
context.behaviorAtBoundary = m_behaviorAtBoundary;
SelectorChecker::Match match = selectorChecker.match(context, dynamicPseudo, DOMSiblingTraversalStrategy());
if (match != SelectorChecker::SelectorMatches)
return false;
if (m_pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId != NOPSEUDO && m_pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId != dynamicPseudo)
return false;
return true;
void ElementRuleCollector::collectRuleIfMatches(const RuleData& ruleData, CascadeScope cascadeScope, CascadeOrder cascadeOrder, const MatchRequest& matchRequest, RuleRange& ruleRange)
if (m_canUseFastReject && m_selectorFilter.fastRejectSelector<RuleData::maximumIdentifierCount>(ruleData.descendantSelectorIdentifierHashes()))
StyleRule* rule = ruleData.rule();
PseudoId dynamicPseudo = NOPSEUDO;
if (ruleMatches(ruleData, matchRequest.scope, dynamicPseudo)) {
// If the rule has no properties to apply, then ignore it in the non-debug mode.
const StylePropertySet* properties = rule->properties();
if (!properties || (properties->isEmpty() && !matchRequest.includeEmptyRules))
// FIXME: Exposing the non-standard getMatchedCSSRules API to web is the only reason this is needed.
if (m_sameOriginOnly && !ruleData.hasDocumentSecurityOrigin())
// If we're matching normal rules, set a pseudo bit if
// we really just matched a pseudo-element.
if (dynamicPseudo != NOPSEUDO && m_pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId == NOPSEUDO) {
if (m_mode == SelectorChecker::CollectingRules)
// FIXME: Matching should not modify the style directly.
if (dynamicPseudo < FIRST_INTERNAL_PSEUDOID)
} else {
// Update our first/last rule indices in the matched rules array.
if (ruleRange.firstRuleIndex == -1)
ruleRange.firstRuleIndex = ruleRange.lastRuleIndex;
// Add this rule to our list of matched rules.
addMatchedRule(&ruleData, cascadeScope, cascadeOrder);
void ElementRuleCollector::collectMatchingRulesForList(const RuleData* rules, CascadeScope cascadeScope, CascadeOrder cascadeOrder, const MatchRequest& matchRequest, RuleRange& ruleRange)
if (!rules)
while (!rules->isLastInArray())
collectRuleIfMatches(*rules++, cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
collectRuleIfMatches(*rules, cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
void ElementRuleCollector::collectMatchingRulesForList(const Vector<RuleData>* rules, CascadeScope cascadeScope, CascadeOrder cascadeOrder, const MatchRequest& matchRequest, RuleRange& ruleRange)
if (!rules)
unsigned size = rules->size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
collectRuleIfMatches(rules->at(i), cascadeScope, cascadeOrder, matchRequest, ruleRange);
static inline bool compareRules(const MatchedRule& matchedRule1, const MatchedRule& matchedRule2)
unsigned specificity1 = matchedRule1.ruleData()->specificity();
unsigned specificity2 = matchedRule2.ruleData()->specificity();
return matchedRule1.cascadeScope() == matchedRule2.cascadeScope() ?
((specificity1 == specificity2) ? matchedRule1.position() < matchedRule2.position() : specificity1 < specificity2) :
matchedRule1.cascadeScope() > matchedRule2.cascadeScope();
void ElementRuleCollector::sortMatchedRules()
std::sort(m_matchedRules->begin(), m_matchedRules->end(), compareRules);
bool ElementRuleCollector::hasAnyMatchingRules(RuleSet* ruleSet)
m_mode = SelectorChecker::SharingRules;
// To check whether a given RuleSet has any rule matching a given element,
// should not see the element's treescope. Because RuleSet has no
// information about "scope".
m_behaviorAtBoundary = SelectorChecker::StaysWithinTreeScope;
int firstRuleIndex = -1, lastRuleIndex = -1;
RuleRange ruleRange(firstRuleIndex, lastRuleIndex);
// FIXME: Verify whether it's ok to ignore CascadeScope here.
collectMatchingRules(MatchRequest(ruleSet), ruleRange);
return m_matchedRules && !m_matchedRules->isEmpty();
} // namespace WebCore