blob: 8ac6e86883b892f11b9feee724b0546ff87f49fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Converts a number in bytes to a string in megabytes split by comma into
* three digit block.
* @param {number} bytes The number in bytes.
* @return {string} Formatted string in megabytes.
function ToMegaByteString(bytes) {
var mb = Math.floor(bytes / (1 << 20));
return mb.toString().replace(
/\d+?(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, // Digit sequence (\d+) followed (?=) by 3n digits.
function(three_digit_block) { return three_digit_block + ','; }
* Updates the Drive related Flags section.
* @param {Array} flags List of dictionaries describing flags.
function updateDriveRelatedFlags(flags) {
var ul = $('drive-related-flags');
updateKeyValueList(ul, flags);
* Updates the Drive related Preferences section.
* @param {Array} preferences List of dictionaries describing preferences.
function updateDriveRelatedPreferences(preferences) {
var ul = $('drive-related-preferences');
updateKeyValueList(ul, preferences);
* Updates the Authentication Status section.
* @param {Object} authStatus Dictionary containing auth status.
function updateAuthStatus(authStatus) {
$('has-refresh-token').textContent = authStatus['has-refresh-token'];
$('has-access-token').textContent = authStatus['has-access-token'];
* Updates the GCache Contents section.
* @param {Array} gcacheContents List of dictionaries describing metadata
* of files and directories under the GCache directory.
* @param {Object} gcacheSummary Dictionary of summary of GCache.
function updateGCacheContents(gcacheContents, gcacheSummary) {
var tbody = $('gcache-contents');
for (var i = 0; i < gcacheContents.length; i++) {
var entry = gcacheContents[i];
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
// Add some suffix based on the type.
var path = entry.path;
if (entry.is_directory)
path += '/';
else if (entry.is_symbolic_link)
path += '@';
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', path));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', entry.size));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', entry.last_modified));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', entry.permission));
$('gcache-summary-total-size').textContent =
* Updates the File System Contents section. The function is called from the
* C++ side repeatedly with contents of a directory.
* @param {string} directoryContentsAsText Pre-formatted string representation
* of contents a directory in the file system.
function updateFileSystemContents(directoryContentsAsText) {
var div = $('file-system-contents');
div.appendChild(createElementFromText('pre', directoryContentsAsText));
* Updates the Cache Contents section.
* @param {Object} cacheEntry Dictionary describing a cache entry.
* The function is called from the C++ side repeatedly.
function updateCacheContents(cacheEntry) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', cacheEntry.local_id));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', cacheEntry.md5));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', cacheEntry.is_present));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', cacheEntry.is_pinned));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', cacheEntry.is_dirty));
* Updates the Local Storage summary.
* @param {Object} localStorageSummary Dictionary describing the status of local
* stogage.
function updateLocalStorageUsage(localStorageSummary) {
var freeSpaceInMB = ToMegaByteString(localStorageSummary.free_space);
$('local-storage-freespace').innerText = freeSpaceInMB;
* Updates the summary about in-flight operations.
* @param {Array} inFlightOperations List of dictionaries describing the status
* of in-flight operations.
function updateInFlightOperations(inFlightOperations) {
var container = $('in-flight-operations-contents');
// Reset the table. Remove children in reverse order. Otherwides each
// existingNodes[i] changes as a side effect of removeChild.
var existingNodes = container.childNodes;
for (var i = existingNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var node = existingNodes[i];
if (node.className == 'in-flight-operation')
// Add in-flight operations.
for (var i = 0; i < inFlightOperations.length; i++) {
var operation = inFlightOperations[i];
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.className = 'in-flight-operation';
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', operation.type));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', operation.file_path));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', operation.state));
var progress = operation.progress_current + '/' + operation.progress_total;
if (operation.progress_total > 0) {
var percent = operation.progress_current / operation.progress_total * 100;
progress += ' (' + Math.round(percent) + '%)';
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', progress));
* Updates the summary about about resource.
* @param {Object} aboutResource Dictionary describing about resource.
function updateAboutResource(aboutResource) {
var quotaTotalInMb = ToMegaByteString(aboutResource['account-quota-total']);
var quotaUsedInMb = ToMegaByteString(aboutResource['account-quota-used']);
$('account-quota-info').textContent =
quotaUsedInMb + ' / ' + quotaTotalInMb + ' (MB)';
$('account-largest-changestamp-remote').textContent =
$('root-resource-id').textContent = aboutResource['root-resource-id'];
* Updates the summary about app list.
* @param {Object} appList Dictionary describing app list.
function updateAppList(appList) {
$('app-list-etag').textContent = appList['etag'];
var itemContainer = $('app-list-items');
for (var i = 0; i < appList['items'].length; i++) {
var app = appList['items'][i];
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.className = 'installed-app';
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', app.application_id));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', app.object_type));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', app.supports_create));
* Updates the local cache information about account metadata.
* @param {Object} localMetadata Dictionary describing account metadata.
function updateLocalMetadata(localMetadata) {
var changestamp = localMetadata['account-largest-changestamp-local'];
$('account-largest-changestamp-local').textContent =
changestamp.toString() +
(changestamp > 0 ? ' (loaded)' : ' (not loaded)') +
(localMetadata['account-metadata-refreshing'] ? ' (refreshing)' : '');
* Updates the summary about delta update status.
* @param {Object} deltaUpdateStatus Dictionary describing delta update status.
function updateDeltaUpdateStatus(deltaUpdateStatus) {
$('push-notification-enabled').textContent =
$('last-update-check-time').textContent =
$('last-update-check-error').textContent =
* Updates the event log section.
* @param {Array} log Array of events.
function updateEventLog(log) {
var ul = $('event-log');
updateKeyValueList(ul, log);
* Creates an element named |elementName| containing the content |text|.
* @param {string} elementName Name of the new element to be created.
* @param {string} text Text to be contained in the new element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The newly created HTML element.
function createElementFromText(elementName, text) {
var element = document.createElement(elementName);
return element;
* Updates <ul> element with the given key-value list.
* @param {HTMLElement} ul <ul> element to be modified.
* @param {Array} list List of dictionaries containing 'key', 'value' (optional)
* and 'class' (optional). For each element <li> element with specified class is
* created.
function updateKeyValueList(ul, list) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i];
var text = item.key;
if (item.value != '')
text += ': ' + item.value;
var li = createElementFromText('li', text);
if (item.class)
* Updates the text next to the 'reload' button to update the status.
* @param {boolean} success whether or not reloading has succeeded.
function updateReloadStatus(success) {
$('reload-status-text').textContent = (success ? 'success' : 'failed');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// Update the table of contents.
var toc = $('toc');
var sections = document.getElementsByTagName('h2');
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
var section = sections[i];
var a = createElementFromText('a', section.textContent);
a.href = '#' +;
var li = document.createElement('li');
$('button-clear-access-token').addEventListener('click', function() {
$('button-clear-refresh-token').addEventListener('click', function() {
$('button-reload-drive-filesystem').addEventListener('click', function() {
$('reload-status-text').textContent = 'reloading...';
$('button-show-file-entries').addEventListener('click', function() {
var button = $('button-show-file-entries');
window.setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);