blob: 5ee073ed4f1c173d3d28d4f800a713da8e009be1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Update proto_value_conversions{.h,.cc,} if you change
// any fields in this file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option retain_unknown_fields = true;
package sync_pb;
// Data that is used directly by endpoints to render notifications in the case
// where no "native" app can handle the notification.
message SyncedNotificationRenderInfo {
// Render information for the collapsed (summary) view of a notification.
optional CollapsedInfo collapsed_info = 1;
// Render information for the expanded view of a notification.
optional ExpandedInfo expanded_info = 2;
// Render information for the collapsed (summary) view of a coalesced
// notification.
message CollapsedInfo {
optional SimpleCollapsedLayout simple_collapsed_layout = 1;
// The creation time of the notification in microseconds since the UNIX
// epoch.
optional uint64 creation_timestamp_usec = 2;
// The default destination target.
optional SyncedNotificationDestination default_destination = 3;
repeated Target target = 4;
// Defines a repeated list of meta tags that provide some context on what
// this collapsed info is describing. Nothing about the display of this
// collapsed info is defined by the meta tags.
repeated string meta_tag = 5;
// Render information for the expanded (detail) view of a coalesced
// notification.
message ExpandedInfo {
optional SimpleExpandedLayout simple_expanded_layout = 1;
// Collapsed information for each notification in the coalesced group.
repeated CollapsedInfo collapsed_info = 2;
// A set of targets for actions the user can take, or destinations the
// viewer can be taken to. These relate to the coalesced notification.
repeated Target target = 3;
// Enhanced context for the expanded view.
repeated string meta_tag = 4;
message SimpleCollapsedLayout {
// Application icon.
optional SyncedNotificationImage app_icon = 1;
// Profile image(s) of the notification creator(s) to show in the
// collapsed UI.
repeated SyncedNotificationProfileImage profile_image = 2;
// Heading - often the name(s) of the notification creator(s).
optional string heading = 3;
// Description - often the action that generated the notification.
optional string description = 4;
// Media - one or more shared media items.
repeated Media media = 5;
// Annotation - often the annotation of the entity generating the
// notification.
optional string annotation = 6;
message SimpleExpandedLayout {
// Title - often the title of the underlying entity referred to by the
// notification(s).
optional string title = 1;
// Text content - often a snippet of text from the underlying entity
// reference or the notification.
optional string text = 2;
repeated Media media = 3;
// Profile image, usually this is the creator of the referenced entity.
optional SyncedNotificationProfileImage profile_image = 4;
// A set of targets for actions the user can take, or destinations the
// viewer can be taken to. Usually these relate to the referenced entity.
repeated Target target = 5;
// Media.
message Media {
// TOOD(jro): Do we need other media types?
optional SyncedNotificationImage image = 1;
// Secondary destinations and actions grouped into a message to account for
// ordering.
message Target {
// URL that the user will be taken to by clicking on the notification.
optional SyncedNotificationDestination destination = 1;
// URI to POST if the user clicks on a button.
optional SyncedNotificationAction action = 2;
// A key to identify this target within a group of targets.
optional string target_key = 3;
// A Destination is a target URL that the user can be taken to by clicking on or
// selecting the notification or part thereof.
message SyncedNotificationDestination {
// The description for the link to the destination.
optional string text = 1;
// The icon to use for the link to the destination.
optional SyncedNotificationImage icon = 2;
// The destination URL.
optional string url = 3;
// Optional label to aid accessibility.
optional string accessibility_label = 4;
// An Action encapsulates an UI component that trigger certain programmable
// actions. Depending on the endpoint, this may show up as a HTML button, an
// action button associated with the notification on native mobile, a link, or
// even the notification card itself.
message SyncedNotificationAction {
// The description for the Action.
optional string text = 1;
// The icon to use for the Action.
optional SyncedNotificationImage icon = 2;
// The URL that performs the action.
optional string url = 3;
// Additional request data.
optional string request_data = 4;
// Optional label to aid accessibility.
optional string accessibility_label= 5;
// Defines a repeated list of meta tags that provide some context on this
// action. Nothing about the display of this action is defined by the tags.
repeated string meta_tag = 6;
message SyncedNotificationImage {
// Note that the image may be from any source. Clients wishing to resize the
// image should ensure the image is proxied appropriately.
optional string url = 1;
optional string alt_text = 2;
optional int32 preferred_width = 3;
optional int32 preferred_height = 4;
message SyncedNotificationProfileImage {
// Url for the image.
optional string image_url = 1;
// Object id for the image.
optional string oid = 2;
// Name to display for this image.
optional string display_name = 3;