blob: 8e311aa3b6916c0cb7999635e785e0e32b2b44fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This class provides data access interface for dump file profiler.
* @constructor
var Profiler = function(jsonData) {
this.jsonData_ = jsonData;
// Initialize template with templates information.
this.template_ = jsonData.templates['l2'];
// Initialize selected category, and nothing selected at first.
this.selected_ = null;
// Trigger event.
this.callbacks_ = {};
* Mimic Eventemitter in node. Add new listener for event.
* @param {string} event
* @param {Function} callback
Profiler.prototype.addListener = function(event, callback) {
if (!this.callbacks_[event])
this.callbacks_[event] = $.Callbacks();
* This function will emit the event.
* @param {string} event
Profiler.prototype.emit = function(event) {
// Listeners should be able to receive arbitrary number of parameters.
var eventArguments =, 1);
if (this.callbacks_[event])
this.callbacks_[event].fire.apply(this, eventArguments);
* Remove listener from event.
* @param {string} event
* @param {Function} callback
Profiler.prototype.removeListener = function(event, callback) {
if (this.callbacks_[event])
* Calcualte initial models according default template.
Profiler.prototype.reparse = function() {
this.models_ = this.parseTemplate_();
this.emit('changed', this.models_);
* To be called by view when new model being selected.
* And then triggers all relative views to update.
Profiler.prototype.setSelected = function(id) {
this.selected_ = id;
this.emit('changed:selected', id);
* Get all models throughout the whole timeline of given id.
* @param {string} id Model id.
* @return {Array.<Object>} model array of given id.
Profiler.prototype.getModelsbyId = function(id) {
function find(model) {
if ( === id)
return model;
if ('children' in model)
return model.children.reduce(function(previous, current) {
var matched = find(current);
if (matched)
previous = matched;
return previous;
}, null);
return this.models_.reduce(function(previous, current) {
var matched = find(current);
if (matched)
return previous;
}, []);
* Get current sub of given model, return undefined if sub dont exist.
* @param {string} id Model id.
* @return {undefined|string} world-breakdown like 'vm-map'.
Profiler.prototype.getCurSubById = function(id) {
// Root won't has breakdown.
var path = id.split(',').splice(1);
if (!path.length) return null;
var tmpl = this.template_;
var curSub = path.reduce(function(previous, current, index) {
return previous[2][current];
}, tmpl);
// return
return curSub && curSub[0] + ',' + curSub[1];
* Generate and then reparse new template when new sub was selected.
* @param {string|null} sub World-breakdown like 'vm-map'.
Profiler.prototype.setSub = function(sub) {
var selected = this.selected_;
var path = selected.split(',');
var key = path[path.length-1];
// Add sub breakdown to template.
var models = this.getModelsbyId(selected);
var subTmpl = sub.split(',');
models[0].template[2][key] = subTmpl;
// Recalculate new template.
* Calculate the model of certain snapshot.
* @param {string} template Local template.
* @param {Object} snapshot Current snapshot.
* @param {Object} worldUnits Mapping of world units.
* @param {Array.<number>} localUnits Array of local units.
* @param {string} name Local node path.
* @return {Object} Return model, total size and remaining units.
* @private
Profiler.prototype.accumulate_ = function(
template, snapshot, worldUnits, localUnits, name) {
var self = this;
var totalSize = 0;
var worldName = template[0];
var breakdownName = template[1];
var categories = snapshot.worlds[worldName].breakdown[breakdownName];
// Make deep copy of localUnits.
var remainderUnits = localUnits.slice(0);
var model = {
name: name || worldName + '-' + breakdownName,
children: []
Object.keys(categories).forEach(function(categoryName) {
var category = categories[categoryName];
if (category['hidden'] === true)
// Filter units.
var matchedUnits = intersection(category.units, localUnits);
remainderUnits = difference(remainderUnits, matchedUnits);
// Accumulate categories.
var size = matchedUnits.reduce(function(previous, current) {
return previous + worldUnits[worldName][current];
}, 0);
totalSize += size;
// Handle subs options if exists.
var child = null;
if (!(categoryName in template[2])) {
// Calculate child for current category.
child = {
name: categoryName,
size: size
if ('subs' in category && category.subs.length) {
child.subs = category.subs;
child.template = template;
} else {
// Calculate child recursively.
var subTemplate = template[2][categoryName];
var subWorldName = subTemplate[0];
var retVal = null;
if (subWorldName === worldName) {
// If subs is in the same world, units should be filtered.
retVal = self.accumulate_(subTemplate, snapshot, worldUnits,
matchedUnits, categoryName);
if ('subs' in category && category.subs.length) {
retVal.model.subs = category.subs;
retVal.model.template = template;
// Don't output remaining item without any unit.
if (!retVal.remainderUnits.length)
// Sum up remaining units size.
var remainSize =
retVal.remainderUnits.reduce(function(previous, current) {
return previous + worldUnits[subWorldName][current];
}, 0);
name: categoryName + '-remaining',
size: remainSize
} else {
// If subs is in different world, use all units in that world.
var subLocalUnits = Object.keys(worldUnits[subWorldName]);
subLocalUnits = {
return parseInt(unitID, 10);
retVal = self.accumulate_(subTemplate, snapshot, worldUnits,
subLocalUnits, categoryName);
if ('subs' in category && category.subs.length) {
retVal.model.subs = category.subs;
retVal.model.template = template;
if (size > retVal.totalSize) {
name: categoryName + '-remaining',
size: size - retVal.totalSize
} else {
// Output WARNING when sub-breakdown size is larger.
console.log('WARNING: size of sub-breakdown is larger');
return {
model: model,
totalSize: totalSize,
remainderUnits: remainderUnits
* Parse template and calculate models of the whole timeline.
* @return {Array.<Object>} Models of the whole timeline.
* @private
Profiler.prototype.parseTemplate_ = function() {
function calModelId(model, localPath) {
// Create unique id for every model. = localPath.length ?
localPath.join() + ',' + :;
if ('children' in model) {
model.children.forEach(function(child, index) {
var childPath = localPath.slice(0);
calModelId(child, childPath);
var self = this;
return {
var worldUnits = {};
for (var worldName in snapshot.worlds) {
worldUnits[worldName] = {};
var units = snapshot.worlds[worldName].units;
for (var unitID in units)
worldUnits[worldName][unitID] = units[unitID][0];
var localUnits = Object.keys(worldUnits[self.template_[0]]);
localUnits = {
return parseInt(unitID, 10);
var retVal =
self.accumulate_(self.template_, snapshot, worldUnits, localUnits);
calModelId(retVal.model, []);
return retVal.model;