blob: a9802a68198969db0c48f12e977a4a81f5b9241d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/browser_input_event.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/input_queue.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/input_queue_client.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/input_router.h"
namespace IPC {
class Sender;
namespace content {
class InputAckHandler;
class RenderProcessHost;
class RenderWidgetHostImpl;
// Batches input events into EventPackets using a general input queue. Packets
// are sent the renderer on |Flush()|, called in response to flush requests.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BufferedInputRouter
: public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(BrowserInputEventClient),
public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(InputQueueClient),
public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(InputRouter) {
// |sender|, |client| and |ack_handler| must outlive the BufferedInputRouter.
BufferedInputRouter(IPC::Sender* sender,
InputRouterClient* client,
InputAckHandler* ack_handler,
int routing_id);
virtual ~BufferedInputRouter();
// InputRouter
virtual void Flush() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SendInput(scoped_ptr<IPC::Message> message) OVERRIDE;
// Certain unhandled input event acks may create follow-up events, e.g.,
// TouchEvent -> GestureEvent. If these follow-up events are sent to the
// router synchronously from the original event's |OnDispatched()| ack, they
// will be inserted into the current input flush stream.
virtual void SendMouseEvent(
const MouseEventWithLatencyInfo& mouse_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendWheelEvent(
const MouseWheelEventWithLatencyInfo& wheel_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& key_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendGestureEvent(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendTouchEvent(
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendMouseEventImmediately(
const MouseEventWithLatencyInfo& mouse_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendTouchEventImmediately(
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendGestureEventImmediately(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual const NativeWebKeyboardEvent* GetLastKeyboardEvent() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldForwardTouchEvent() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldForwardGestureEvent(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) const OVERRIDE;
// InputQueueClient
virtual void Deliver(const EventPacket& packet) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFinishFlush() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetNeedsFlush() OVERRIDE;
// BrowserInputEventClient
virtual void OnDispatched(const BrowserInputEvent& event,
InputEventDisposition disposition) OVERRIDE;
// Events delivered to the router within the scope of
// |OnDispatched()| will be added to |followup|.
virtual void OnDispatched(const BrowserInputEvent& event,
InputEventDisposition disposition,
ScopedVector<BrowserInputEvent>* followup) OVERRIDE;
// IPC::Receiver
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
void OnWebInputEventAck(int64 event_id,
const WebKit::WebInputEvent& web_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info,
InputEventAckState acked_result,
bool ack_from_input_queue);
void OnEventPacketAck(int64 packet_id,
const InputEventDispositions& dispositions);
void OnHasTouchEventHandlers(bool has_handlers);
// Returns the non-zero ID associated with the |InputEvent| added to the
// |input_queue_|. If the event was dropped or filtered, returns 0.
int64 QueueWebEvent(const WebKit::WebInputEvent& web_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info,
bool is_key_shortcut);
// Used by |QueueWebEvent()|; returns true if an event was filtered and should
// not be added to the |input_queue_|.
bool FilterWebEvent(const WebKit::WebInputEvent& web_event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info);
// Generates a monotonically increasing sequences of id's, starting with 1.
int64 NextInputID();
const InputQueue* input_queue() const { return input_queue_.get(); }
InputRouterClient* client_;
InputAckHandler* ack_handler_;
IPC::Sender* sender_;
int routing_id_;
scoped_ptr<InputQueue> input_queue_;
// TODO(jdduke): Remove when we can properly serialize NativeWebKeyboardEvent.
// Alternatively, attach WebInputEvents to InputEvents but don't serialize.
typedef std::map<int64, NativeWebKeyboardEvent> KeyMap;
KeyMap queued_key_map_;
// Necessary for |ShouldForwardTouchEvent()|.
bool has_touch_handler_;
int queued_touch_count_;
// This is non-NULL ONLY in the scope of OnInputEventAck(event, injector).
ScopedVector<BrowserInputEvent>* input_queue_override_;
// Used to assign unique ID's to each InputEvent that is generated.
int64 next_input_id_;
// 0 if there no in-flight EventPacket.
int64 in_flight_packet_id_;
} // namespace content